SCHEDULE F(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Statement of Activities Outside the United States
Right pointing arrow large image Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b, 15, or 16.Right pointing arrow large image Attach to Form 990.Right pointing arrow large image Go to for instructions and the latest information.
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public Inspection
Name of the organization
Christian Aid Ministries
Employer identification number

Part I
General Information on Activities Outside the United States. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 14b.
For grantmakers. Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of its grants and
other assistance, the grantees’ eligibility for the grants or assistance, and the selection criteria used
to award the grants or assistance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For grantmakers. Describe in Part V the organization’s procedures for monitoring the use of its grants and other assistance outside the United States.
Activites per Region. (The following Part I, line 3 table can be duplicated if additional space is needed.)
(a) Region (b) Number of offices in the region (c) Number of employees, agents, and independent contractors in the region (d) Activities conducted in region (by type) (such as, fundraising, program services, investments, grants to recipients located in the region) (e) If activity listed in (d) is a program service, describe specific type of
service(s) in the region
(f) Total expenditures
for and investments
in the region
Central America and the Caribbean 2 92 Grant making   35,960,436
Central America and the Caribbean 2 75 Program services Clinics dev prj 6,612,267
Europe including Iceland and Greenland 2 28 Grant making   20,197,587
Europe including Iceland and Greenland 1 9 Program services Sustainability prg 863,119
East Asia and the Pacific     Grant making   3,981,903
East Asia and the Pacific     Program services Charitable services 15,000
Middle East and North Africa 2 20 Grant making   19,001,502
Middle East and North Africa 3 16 Program services Microloan 48,763
Russia and Neighboring States 2 56 Grant making   8,576,031
Russia and Neighboring States   8 Program services Microloan 239,298
South Asia   2 Grant making   16,689,253
Sub-Saharan Africa 2 161 Grant making   11,061,569
Sub-Saharan Africa 1 2 Program services Microloan 141,575
North America Not the United States     Grant making   128,637
South America   1 Grant making   898,449
3a Sub-total .... 17 470 124,415,389
b Total from continuation sheets to Part I ...      
c Totals (add lines 3a and 3b) 17 470 124,415,389
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.Cat. No. 50082W Schedule F (Form 990) 2021
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Schedule F (Form 990) 2021
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Part II
Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 15, for any recipient who received more than $5,000. Part II can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
1 (a) Name of organization (b) IRS code section
and EIN (if applicable)
(c) Region (d) Purpose of
(e) Amount of
cash grant
(f) Manner of
(g) Amount
of noncash
(h) Description
of noncash
(i) Method of
(book, FMV,
appraisal, other)
South Asia Aid to poor 12,950,000 EFT check      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 2,035,345 Bank transfer 1,591,403 Food literature kits clothes Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 3,148,180 EFT check      
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 2,700,000 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 2,644,689 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     2,152,949 Bedding food kits medical supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 1,965,000 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 1,254,954 EFT 236,121 Clothes food other supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,407,581 Clothes comforters kits medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,375,405 Clothes kits literature medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,335,730 Medicine food parcels Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,128,573 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,118,599 Mecial supplies personal care items Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,068,179 Clothes comforters kits medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,023,242 Clothes comforters kits medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     1,016,248 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid for poor 980,026 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     976,977 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 835,763 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 746,312 EFT 75,897 Medical and other supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 770,250 EFT 26,312 Various supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     775,268 Medicine and other supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     771,339 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     746,788 Medicine food parcels other supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     713,789 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     708,373 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     707,983 Medicine and other supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     698,720 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     679,060 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     675,113 Clothers comforters kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 674,342 Check      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     666,031 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 660,000 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     658,470 Medicine food and other supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     622,041 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
South America Aid to poor 600,000 EFT check      
South Asia Aid to poor 592,106 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     576,928 Medicine food other supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor     567,315 Kits bedding clothes supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     541,705 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor     534,664 Bedding clothes Estimated value
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 534,041 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     530,937 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     530,537 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 530,493 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 530,175 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     522,270 Medicine food parcels other supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 517,338 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 500,000 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 483,899 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     471,302 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 465,300 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     461,484 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     460,525 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     460,013 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor     418,536 Kits bedding clothes Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 392,470 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 391,898 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     391,286 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     390,673 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     379,668 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 344,600 Bank transfer      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 318,377 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     309,526 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     286,132 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     285,429 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 142,340 EFT 142,460 Food Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 284,500 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 268,319 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     266,312 Clothes bedding food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     260,653 Medical and other supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     259,420 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     251,710 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 251,368 EFT      
South Asia Aid to poor 250,000 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     240,046 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 240,000 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 16,005 EFT 222,277 Literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 233,434 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor     229,460 Kits bedding Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 228,710 Check      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 228,008 EFT      
South Asia Aid to poor 225,000 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     223,158 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor     222,309 Kits other supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     218,446 Clothes beddings kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 211,416 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     210,502 Clothes bedding kits food Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     209,631 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     207,610 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 204,264 EFT      
South Asia Aid to poor 201,750 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     191,512 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     191,300 Medicine other supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 189,179 EFT      
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 182,630 Check      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     179,153 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 18,038 EFT 160,572 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     176,990 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     165,090 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
South America Aid to poor 150,000 EFT check      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     146,576 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 145,120 EFT      
South Asia Aid to poor 142,984        
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     141,887 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 133,183 EFT      
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 134,400 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     129,986 Kits comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 128,400 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     128,357 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     124,123 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     123,593 Medicine Estimated value
North America Not the United States Aid to poor     122,723 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     121,651 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     120,463 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     119,980 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     118,922 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 118,255 Check      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     115,343 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     112,572 Medicine medical supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 112,500 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 111,600 Bank transfer      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     110,008 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     109,696 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     109,653 Clothes bedding Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     107,855 Comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     107,600 Supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     105,908 Sewing literature seeds Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 75,454 EFT 29,456 Literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     104,575 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     103,989 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 66,448 EFT 36,141 Food Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 102,019 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 36,529 Cash payment EFT 64,816 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     100,843 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 99,726 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     98,573 Bedding clothes food supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     97,041 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     95,383 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 93,748 EFT      
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 93,677 Check      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     93,406 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     93,381 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     93,303 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     93,162 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     91,835 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     91,103 Kits bedding literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     90,036 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     88,725 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     86,512 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     84,976 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     84,448 Medicine Estimated value
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 83,351 Check      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     83,208 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     83,208 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 83,067 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     82,963 Bedding Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 28,666 Cash payments EFT 53,468 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     81,162 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 70,258 Check EFT 10,803 Food diapers medical supplies Estimated value
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 36,000 Check EFT 44,385 Literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     78,559 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     77,977 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     75,200 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     73,387 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     73,385 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     73,385 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 73,300 EFT      
South America Aid to poor 5,229 Check 68,040 Literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     72,615 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 25,702 Cash payments 46,810 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     72,174 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 72,000 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 25,177 Cash payments 46,115 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 22,782 Cash payments 47,785 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     70,471 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     70,350 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 70,000 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     68,990 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     68,496 Medicines supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     68,333 Comforters medicine Estimated value
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 68,200 EFT      
South America Aid to poor 68,000 Check      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 67,550 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     67,550 Medicine medical supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     66,564 Medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 66,000 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     65,606 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     65,339 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     64,413 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     64,113 Clothes kits bedding Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     60,679 Comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     59,990 Comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     59,808 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     59,736 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 53,845 EFT 5,575 Food firewood Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     59,188 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     58,822 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 12,035 Cash payments 46,598 Literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     58,439 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     58,327 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     58,130 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     57,843 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     57,695 Literature food medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     57,611 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     57,414 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 56,880 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     56,735 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     56,493 Comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     56,245 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     55,481 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     55,234 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     54,919 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     54,404 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 54,060 Check      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     54,015 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     53,828 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 53,776 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     53,529 Comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 53,349 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     53,274 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     53,228 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     53,032 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     52,924 Medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 31,424 Check 21,446 Supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 18,103 Cash payments 34,196 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     51,686 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 51,500 Check      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     51,167 Medicicne Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 16,782 Cash payments 33,876 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     50,596 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     50,279 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     50,032 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 50,000 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 50,000 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     49,594 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     48,827 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 48,200 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     48,163 Suuplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     47,537 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     47,419 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     47,161 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     47,067 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     45,129 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     45,102 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 45,000 Check      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 13,636 Cash payments 31,171 Clothes bedding kits aupplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     44,147 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     43,816 Kits comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     43,593 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     43,073 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     42,590 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     41,792 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     41,620 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     41,118 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     41,031 Comforters clothing medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 40,500 Check      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 12,654 Cash payment 27,837 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 12,966 Cash payment 27,296 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 18,514 EFT 21,372 Medicine and supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     39,800 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     39,649 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 39,500 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     39,169 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 13,651 Cash payment 25,222 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     38,701 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     38,621 Comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     38,205 Comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 12,256 Cash payments 25,908 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 37,900 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     37,840 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     37,390 Cloths bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 37,000 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     36,811 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 11,423 Cash payments check 25,179 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     36,264 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor 25,200 Check 10,767 Literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     35,414 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     35,334 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     35,193 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     35,134 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     35,002 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 35,000 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     34,432 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     34,309 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     34,167 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     33,448 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     33,318 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 19,621 EFT 13,391 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     32,846 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     32,786 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 7,074 Cash payments 25,509 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     32,523 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,541 Cash payments 25,754 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     32,142 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 31,418 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     31,358 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     31,355 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 7,360 Cash payments 23,916 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     30,961 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 20,381 EFT 10,365 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     30,551 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     30,372 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     30,012 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     29,968 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     29,369 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 11,905 Cash payments 17,221 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     29,081 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,609 Cash payments 22,394 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 16,132 EFT 12,491 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     28,574 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 28,495 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     28,316 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 20,872 EFT 7,377 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     28,238 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     27,802 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     27,307 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     27,243 Literature Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 27,200 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,895 Cash payments 20,209 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 14,736 EFT 12,328 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 27,000 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     26,946 Comforters clothing Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     26,885 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     26,625 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     26,592 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     26,508 Sewing supplies literature seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     26,461 Comforters clothing medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,677 Cash payments 19,602 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 16,970 EFT 9,253 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     26,146 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 9,834 Cash payment 16,265 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 16,126 EFT 9,922 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     25,959 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 7,010 Cash payments 18,941 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 25,000 Check 948 Literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,557 Cash payments 19,383 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,579 Cash payments 19,156 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 5,903 Cash payments 19,514 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     25,378 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     25,253 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 25,050 Check      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     24,994 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 13,093 EFT 11,812 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,844 Cash payments 18,032 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 24,800 Check      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,013 Cash payments 18,706 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     24,637 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     24,624 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     24,540 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     24,513 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     24,097 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,304 Cash payments 17,765 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     24,041 Food parcels clothes firewood Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,937 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,783 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,654 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,639 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     23,628 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,562 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,505 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,407 Cash payments 17,057 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,302 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,299 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,232 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 23,213 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     23,128 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 4,164 Cash payments 18,873 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 10,801 EFT 12,223 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     23,000 Literature food clothes seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,964 Kits comforters clothes medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,925 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,916 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,911 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,862 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 5,455 Cash payments 17,338 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 5,602 Cash payments 16,957 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 13,901 EFT 8,621 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 16,150 EFT 6,251 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,286 Cash payments 16,111 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 22,323 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,306 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     22,256 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,194 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,171 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,144 Medical supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     22,111 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 22,000 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     21,828 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     21,704 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     21,611 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 18,986 EFT 2,622 Seeds medical suppliesq Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     21,587 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,691 Cash payments 14,849 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     21,494 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     21,448 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 14,133 EFT 6,899 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 14,535 EFT 6,433 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     20,865 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 13,093 EFT 7,734 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,938 Cash payments 16,856 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     20,766 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 20,643 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,030 Cash payments 14,598 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 14,243 EFT 6,270 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     20,509 Food parcels seeds supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     20,483 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     20,428 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 13,066 EFT 7,216 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     20,265 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     20,120 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 13,133 EFT 6,974 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     20,054 Clothes comforters kits food Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 20,000 EFT      
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 20,000 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 20,000 Check      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     19,880 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     19,785 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 5,205 Cash payments 14,526 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     19,599 Clothes comforters kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     19,590 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,924 EFT 7,622 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     19,522 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 5,700 Cash payments 13,765 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     19,406 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     19,341 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 13,112 EFT 6,105 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     19,069 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     19,033 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 12,509 EFT 6,497 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 5,122 Cash payments 13,823 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     18,899 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 9,509 EFT 9,342 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     18,826 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     18,762 Comforters clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     18,757 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 12,210 EFT 6,517 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     18,596 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 12,432 EFT 6,034 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,102 EFT 7,225 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     18,278 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     18,239 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,840 EFT 6,285 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     17,922 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     17,893 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     17,859 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 5,878 Cash payments 11,972 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     17,831 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 4,992 Cash payments 12,714 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     17,585 Literature soap seeds clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     17,504 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     17,462 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 4,516 Cash payments 12,864 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     17,274 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     17,230 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,175 EFT 6,016 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid for poor     17,183 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,980 EFT 5,106 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     17,020 Medicines Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,780 EFT 5,174 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     16,763 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     16,695 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     16,667 Food parcels Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,414 EFT 5,198 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,051 EFT 5,546 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     16,520 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     16,497 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 10,384 EFT 6,063 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 4,427 Cash payments 12,007 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,183 Cash payments 13,140 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     16,295 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     16,177 Medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 16,161 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,513 EFT 4,595 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     16,050 Food parcels firewood potatoes Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,968 EFT 4,038 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,943 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,820 Cash payments 12,119 Clothes kits literature orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,935 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid for poor     15,889 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,864 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,832 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     15,795 Clothes kits medicine orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,728 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,724 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,685 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,602 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     15,590 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,524 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,445 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 9,515 EFT 5,832 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,550 EFT 3,791 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,268 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     15,213 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     15,114 Food parcels literature seeds Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 15,100 EFT      
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,026 EFT 4,043 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 15,000 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     14,904 Soap clothes comforters Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     14,878 Soap sewing supplies clothes Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 4,209 Cash payments 10,669 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 10,969 EFT 3,899 Medicine food parcels supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,818 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     14,808 Food parcels firewood seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,710 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,676 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,556 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,488 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,454 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,387 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,267 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,267 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,787 Cash payments 10,444 Clothes bedding kits literature Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     14,216 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,147 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     14,126 Food parcels Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     14,109 Food parcels firewood Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     14,099 Food parcels firewood Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,085 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,073 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 7,625 EFT 6,446 Food sewing supplies potatoes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     14,038 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     14,000 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,989 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     13,967 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 2,644 Cash payments 11,314 Clothes kits orphan aid Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 10,324 EFT 3,615 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     13,937 Clothes comforters kits literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     13,799 Clothes food Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     13,742 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,673 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 13,655 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     13,624 Clothes kits medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     13,603 Clothes bedding kit medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,536 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,519 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,461 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,426 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     13,406 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,340 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     13,274 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,102 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,076 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     13,051 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,965 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 2,859 Cash payments 10,093 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,933 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,930 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,915 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     12,879 Soap medicine kits clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,808 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,772 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,756 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,616 Cash payments 9,091 Clothes bedding orphan aid Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,637 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,605 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,571 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,498 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,461 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     12,418 Food seeds Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 4,283 EFT 8,106 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     12,354 Food parcels literature seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     12,291 Medidine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,249 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,249 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,249 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     12,231 Food parcels literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     12,193 Food parcels Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,177 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     12,170 Clothes comforters kits medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 12,165 Check      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,141 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,823 Cash payments 8,281 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     12,062 Clothes medical supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     12,032 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     12,005 Food parcels firewood supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,996 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,994 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,911 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 11,852 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     11,817 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,761 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,701 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,676 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,628 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,546 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,529 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,522 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,507 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,313 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     11,293 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,276 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     11,230 Food sewing medical supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     11,219 Clothes comforters kits medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     11,202 Firewood potatoes Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,450 Cash payments 7,723 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,160 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     11,114 Food parcels seeds supplies Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,421 Cash payments 7,670 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,091 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,077 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,056 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     11,040 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     11,021 Food parcels Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     10,990 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,973 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,791 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,554 Cash payments 7,188 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     10,709 Clothes kits comforters literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,591 Food firewood potatoes seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,545 Medicine Estimated value
South Asia Aid to poor 10,500 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,456 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     10,421 Literature medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,318 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 3,788 Cash payment 6,528 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,316 Food sewing supplies medical supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,305 Food parcels firewood potatoes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,301 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 10,092 EFT 201 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,247 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,187 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,171 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,076 Food parcels Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,058 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     10,034 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,027 Food parcels seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     10,025 Food soap medicine clothes Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 9,991 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,959 Food clothes seeds Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 9,651 EFT 201 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,848 Seeds supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,847 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,767 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 3,962 EFT 5,770 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 9,678 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,614 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,610 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 9,317 EFT 201 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,494 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,475 Literature clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,461 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor     9,453 Food Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,434 Literature clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,369 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,329 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,234 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,229 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,212 Soap clothes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor 9,200 Check EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,200 Comforters clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,126 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 8,744 EFT 354 Medicine supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     9,038 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,031 Food parcels seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     9,018 Food parcels firewood Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,972 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Education     8,968 Sewing supplies firewood seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,933 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,919 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,904 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,892 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,879 Clothes comforters Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,818 Food parcels literature potatoes seed Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,796 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,642 Food parcels supplies Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 8,640 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,621 Literature medicine clothes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,590 Food parcels clothes kits Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,586 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,522 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,520 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,519 Food parcels literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,500 Clothes firewood potatoes Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     8,495 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,454 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     8,441 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     8,423 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,311 Food parcels firewood Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,278 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,177 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     8,175 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,154 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     8,141 Orphan aid supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,127 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,127 Food parcels Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,118 Food parcels potatoes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,091 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     8,081 Literature supplies firewood seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     8,010 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,963 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 7,721 Cash payments 202 Clothes bedding kits Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,906 Comforters medicines Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,855 Food soap kits clothes Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 7,793 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,789 Seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,775 Food parcels firewood potatoes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,762 Food parcels clothes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,635 Firewood potatoes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,631 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,581 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,556 Food firewood seeds supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,545 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,508 Medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 5,010 Check 2,487 Various supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,485 Food soap clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,443 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,428 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,420 Food parcels Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     7,393 Various supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,372 Comforters medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,354 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,324 Literature food clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,285 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     7,278 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,205 Food parcels Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,127 Soap clothes Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     7,126 Clothes comforters kits food Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,077 Food parcels literature Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 7,060 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     7,005 Literature kits clothes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,991 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,880 Medicine Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 6,812 EFT      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,806 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,723 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,718 Firewood potatoes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,701 Clothes comforters Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,692 Clothes comforters Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     6,619 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     6,605 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,562 Literature soap clothes seeds Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     6,506 Clothes comforters kits food Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,488 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,444 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,437 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,415 Medicine Estimated value
East Asia and the Pacific Aid to poor 6,400 EFT      
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,346 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     6,335 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,284 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,271 Firewood food parcels sewing supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,231 Kits clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,193 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,175 Food parcels seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,146 Food parcels Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,079 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     3,040 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     6,040 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     6,016 Soap clothes Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor 6,000 Check      
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,979 Firewood seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,937 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,926 Seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,912 Food clothes Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,909 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     5,878 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,850 Food soap clothes Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor 4,718 EFT 1,077 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     5,766 Clothes comforters kits Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,728 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,532 Medicine Estimated value
Middle East and North Africa Aid to poor 5,500 EFT      
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     5,497 Orphan aid supplies Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,477 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     5,464 Clothes bedding kits orphan aid Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,449 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,418 Seeds Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     5,391 Medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     5,385 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,381 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,333 Food parcels Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     5,305 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,284 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,258 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,253 Firewood seeds Estimated value
Central America and the Caribbean Aid to poor     5,252 Medicine food supplies Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,249 Seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,230 Soap clothes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,199 Food parcels literature Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,192 Sewing supplies clothes Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,175 Food parcels firewood seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,143 Medicine Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,142 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,139 Firewood seeds Estimated value
Europe including Iceland and Greenland Aid to poor     5,108 Medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,104 Literature medicine clothes seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,102 Literature food soap medicine Estimated value
Sub-Saharan Africa Aid to poor     5,089 Clothes bedding kits medicine Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,054 Food parcels seeds Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,009 Food parcels Estimated value
Russia and Neighboring States Aid to poor     5,009 Firewood seeds Estimated value
2 Enter total number of recipient organizations listed above that are recognized as charities by the foreign country, recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS, or for which the grantee or counsel has provided a section 501(c)(3) equivalency letter .......MediumBullet
3 Enter total number of other organizations or entities .......................MediumBullet
Schedule F (Form 990) 2021
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Schedule F (Form 990) 2021Page 3
Part III
Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Outside the United States. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 16.
Part III can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
(a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Region (c) Number of recipients (d) Amount of
cash grant
(e) Manner of cash
(f) Amount of
(g) Description
of noncash
(h) Method of
(book, FMV,
appraisal, other)
Aid to poor Central America and the Caribbean 98,925 251,516 Cash payments EFT 1,356,559 Food medicine clothes kits supplies Estimated value
Aid to poor Europe including Iceland and Greenland 30,360 174,466 Cash payments 645,889 Food literature kits comforters Estimated value
Aid to poor Middle East and North Africa 363     54,973 Medical supplies food diapers Estimated value
Aid to poor Middle East and North Africa 13,874 917 Cash payments 167,763 Kits food bedding supplies Estimated value
Aid to poor Russia and Neighboring States 72,385 538,740 Cash payments EFT 988,127 Literature food soap medicine Estimated value
Aid to poor Sub-Saharan Africa 17,809 179,852 Cash payments EFT 391,078 Clothes bedding kits food parcels Estimated value
Schedule F (Form 990) 2021
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Schedule F (Form 990) 2021
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Part IV
Foreign Forms
1 Was the organization a U.S. transferor of property to a foreign corporation during the tax year? If "Yes," the organization may be required to file Form 926, Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation (see Instructions for Form 926). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Did the organization have an interest in a foreign trust during the tax year? If "Yes," the organization may be required to separately file Form 3520, Annual Return to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts, and/or Form 3520-A, Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. Owner (see Instructions for Forms 3520 and 3520-A; don't file with Form 990). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Did the organization have an ownership interest in a foreign corporation during the tax year? If "Yes," the organization may be required to file Form 5471, Information Return of U.S. Persons with Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations. (see Instructions for Form 5471). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Was the organization a direct or indirect shareholder of a passive foreign investment company or a qualified electing fund during the tax year? If “Yes,” the organization may be required to file Form 8621, Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund. (see Instructions for Form 8621) .
5 Did the organization have an ownership interest in a foreign partnership during the tax year? If "Yes," the organization may be required to file Form 8865, Return of U.S. Persons with Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships (see Instructions for Form 8865). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Did the organization have any operations in or related to any boycotting countries during the tax year? If "Yes," the organization may be required to separately file Form 5713, International Boycott Report (see Instructions for Form 5713; don't file with Form 990).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Schedule F (Form 990) 2021
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Part V
Supplemental Information
Provide the information required by Part I, line 2 (monitoring of funds); Part I, line 3, column (f) (accounting method; amounts of investments vs. expenditures per region); Part II, line 1 (accounting method); Part III (accounting method); and Part III, column (c) (estimated number of recipients), as applicable. Also complete this part to provide any additional information. See instructions.
ReturnReference Explanation
Use of grant monitoring procedures (Part I, line 2) Grants of funds made available by CAM to other organizations and individuals outside of the United States are provided for specific projects which have been researched and approved by CAM. Periodic meetings are held, monitoring mechanisms are put in place, and correspondence is conducted to ensure proper accountability, in order to maintain CAMs comfort level with the programs and projects being funded, and to minimize risk of fund deviation. In some cases, visits to the actual recipients or project sites by CAM staff or more lengthy on-site staff placements are conducted for additional monitoring and accountability of projects. Reports are also compiled detailing the products and services supplied with the funding provided.
Method of accounting for expenditures (Part I, line 3, col f) Total expenses listed in column F are reported on the accrual basis of accounting.
Number of recipients estimation explanation (Part III, col c) The number of recipients reported in column C was estimated based upon information kept at the various field offices.
Schedule F (Form 990) 2021
Additional Data

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