(Form 990)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Acadia Healthcare Inc
Northern Light Acadia Healthcare
Employer identification number

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Form 990, Part III, Line 4d: Other Program Services Description OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 4: Northern Light Acadia Healthcare was incorporated on June 3, 1992. The primary mission of Northern Light Acadia Healthcare is the provision of mental health and substance abuse treatment services to the people of Maine. Reflecting the caring nature of its mission, Northern Light Acadia Healthcare is committed to providing quality services which foster dignity and a positive environment for children, adolescents, and adults with mental health and chemical dependency problems and to advocate for their mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Northern Light Acadia Healthcare is a non-profit corporation; its sole member is Acadia Hospital Corporation d/b/a Northern Light Acadia Hospital, also a Maine non-profit corporation. Fee schedules are posted and distributed to all patients. No patient is denied emergency care for lack of funds. In 2022 total services provided to those who could not pay amounted to $505,896 of which charity care amounted to $520,470 and other uncompensated care amounted to ($14,574).
Form 990, Part VI, Line 2: Description of Business or Family Relationship of Officers, Directors, Et Scott Oxley, director/officer and George Eaton, officer are board members of Bangor Savings Bank.Scott Oxley, director/officer and George Eaton, officer are board members of Galen Cole Family Foundation.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 6: Explanation of Classes of Members or Shareholder Acadia Healthcare, Inc. d/b/a Northern Light Acadia Healthcare (the "Corporation") is a Maine nonprofit corporation. Acadia Hospital Corp d/b/a Northern Light Acadia Hospital (the "Member"), also a Maine nonprofit corporation, is the sole corporate member of the Corporation.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 7a: How Members or Shareholders Elect Governing Body The Member has authority to elect directors of the Corporation.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 7b: Describe Decisions of Governing Body Approval by Members or Shareholders The Member has authority to approve amendments to the Corporation's articles of incorporation and to its bylaws.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 11b: Form 990 Review Process Form 990 is reviewed by the VP of Finance of Northern Light Acadia Healthcare. It is also provided to each board member either electronically or in hard copy with an opportunity to ask questions prior to filing with the IRS.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 12c: Explanation of Monitoring and Enforcement of Conflicts The organization requests updates of potential conflicts and relationships from the officers and Board members on an annual basis. The request requires disclosure of all business relationships, board memberships, and family relationships. A database is maintained that is compared to payroll records and the accounts payable vendor list to identify any potential conflicts of interest. Transactions are reviewed for reasonableness as an arm's length transaction. The first agenda item for board meetings and board committee meetings is for members to declare any conflict of interest with upcoming agenda items or deliberations. At any point when consideration is being given to purchase/contract with a party in interest, the member with the conflict is either excused from the discussion and consideration process or abstains from voting on the matter. All transactions identified with parties in interest are disclosed within the Form 990. All are deemed to be arm's length transactions.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15a: Compensation Review & Approval Process - CEO, Top Management The SVP, President of Northern Light Acadia Healthcare is employed by the system parent, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems d/b/a Northern Light Health (NLH). The NLH Executive Performance Management Committee (the Committee) is responsible to monitor and evaluate the performance of the NLH Chief Executive Officer (CEO). It shall have authority to set the compensation of the NLH CEO, and to review the recommendations of the NLH CEO with respect to the compensation of the Presidents of the Member Organizations and other key management personnel. The Committee is comprised entirely of independent Directors per NLH bylaws.Process:The Committee meets regularly throughout the fiscal year at the discretion of the Committee chair as well as on call of the Chair of the NLH board. In carrying out its duties pursuant to the Bylaws, the Committee:-Assures that the executive compensation program is administered in a manner consistent with the NLH executive compensation philosophy.-Reviews and updates the NLH executive compensation philosophy which serves as the foundation on which all current and future executive compensation decisions are made.-Assures that value of compensation provided by NLH does not exceed the value of services provided by the executive.-Reviews annual incentive compensation criteria for eligible executives, as defined by the NLH CEO.-Reviews periodic compensation survey information and provides expert input to proposed changes to the executive compensation program.-Assures that a formal and timely performance management system is in place for executives.-Reviews incentive compensation criteria scoring and associated pay schedules for officers and key employees.-Provides any public statements regarding executive compensation practices at NLH deemed appropriate.-Maintains minutes of the meetings and communicates actions to the NLH Board of Directors.To accomplish this, the committee uses an external consultant with access to comparative data from independent sources and include national as well as regional data points. The NLH CEO reviews all direct report compensation actions with the committee. In addition, the NLH CEO ensures that any subsidiary policies and practices governing executive compensation are consistent with the committee's philosophy and practices statement.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 15b: Compensation Review and Approval Process for Officers and Key Employees Compensation of other officers and key employees of the organization is established by the Human Resources department who utilize external market research to establish compensation ranges for specific positions. The compensation of officers and key employees are reviewed by the Northern Light Acadia Hospital SVP, President and Northern Light Acadia Hospital Executive Committee.On an annual basis, the compensation ranges are compared to the updated survey information. The Human Resources department will determine where the employee will fall within the ranges established by the Human Resources department based on experience and credentials.
Form 990, Part VI, Line 19: Other Organization Documents Publicly Available Northern Light Acadia Healthcare makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy and financial statements available to the public upon request.
Other Changes In Net Assets Or Fund Balances - Other Increases Post Retirement Health Benefit FAS158 = $270432
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990) 2021

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Software Version: 2021v4.1