(Form 990)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Out My Closet Inc
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Schedule O: PART 1, LINE 16: Out My Closet conducts its services as a mobile organization serving the areas of metropolitan New York City and South Florida, delivering its services and resources to homeless and indigent LGBTQ+ youth, transgender women (specifically women of color) and women surviving domestic violence residing in shelters. Additionally, educating and empowering under-resourced LGBTQ+/POC youth with intensive direct educational internship. In this last year, OMC has increased services to HIV+ vulnerable community members, primarily POC marginalized communities. Merchandise/Overhead (Operational resources) $17,886 Travel Expenses (Airfare) $1,917 Volunteer Associated Costs: $13,839 Food/Beverage and Travel Reimbursement Automotive Procurement and Automotive Cost (Mechanical and Maintenance): $21,488 Part 2, LINE 26: LIABILITIES $4,295 applied to outstanding balance (start-up loan). 2022 New Balance: $5,631 at 0% interest documented with Board Approval. Part 3, LINE 28: OMC creates large scale POP-UP SHOPS offering high quality clothing, shoes, accessories, toiletries, cosmetics, PPE, and hygiene resources, that are all constructed in a boutique-like environment for clients to sample resources in a dignified environment. OMC conducted 22 POP-UP SHOPS in 2022 OMC conducted 17 HIV outreach events engaging the community with service providers OMC distributed over 30K safe sex baggies to patrons of gay bars and gay populous neighborhoods OMC Campus Connect: Comprehensive clinical training in social services for under-resourced LGBTQ youth. 30-week direct involvement in teaching Public Health Administration, Clinical Counseling (individual & group), grant researching and writing and direct client service and care coordination, Mental Health, HIV and Substance Abuse Counseling. Funding heavily supported OMCs South Florida operations, by fueling programs that supported high-risk (trans, sex workers, DV survivors) at Chapman Partnership, McKenzie Project, Survivors Pathway, and Trans Social for multi-day events.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990) 2022

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