(Form 990)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Rockingham Visiting Nurse Association
and Hospice
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 6 Exeter Health Resources, Inc., a charitable organization acting through its Board of Trustees, is the sole member of the organization.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7a Exeter Health Resources, Inc. as sole member elects five (5) persons to the Board of Trustees of Rockingham VNA & Hospice, which also includes two (2) of its officers who serve as ex-officio Trustees (with vote).
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7b As sole member, Exeter Health Resources, Inc. has certain reserved rights as reflected in the bylaws of the organization, including: the Member shall have the power to change the Organization's name; cause the Organization to merge, consolidate, and/or dissolve; to amend the Organization's governing documents; and/or any other powers and rights as reserved by law.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b The Form 990 is prepared by an outside tax accountant with information provided by the organization. The Form 990 is reviewed by the organization's Treasurer and then presented to the Board of Trustees before it is filed with the IRS.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c The Board of Trustees has adopted a Conflict of Interest Policy that requires the disclosure of conflicts of interest either when the interest becomes a matter of possible action by the Board or during an annual disclosure process. Trustees, officers, and key employees, as well as all members of senior management, are part of the annual disclosure process, which is initiated by the issuance of a memorandum and accompanying questionnaire by the President of the Member (i.e., Exeter Health Resources, Inc.). All disclosures are reviewed. Any trustee with a conflict of interest is required to abstain from voting and is not included in a quorum determination on the matter and any officer, key employee, or member of senior management with a conflict does not take part in making and is not present for any decision regarding the matter. The policy is monitored and enforced by both the President and the full Board. A separate organizational policy requires all employees to disclose any conflict of interest in writing upon hire. Thereafter, on an annual basis, all employees and contracted staff must make a full and complete disclosure in writing of any conflict of interest, conflict of commitment, and/or personal interest. Employees are otherwise required to make any further written disclosure at the time such conflict arises. This policy is monitored and enforced by the Department of Human Resources, as well as the agency's Executive Director and Compliance Officer. Any conflict of interest is managed under this policy by disclosure, recusal, or divestiture of the interest.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 The organization's parent (Exeter Health Resources, Inc.) has a formal process for determining total compensation for the Chairman of Rockingham Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice (RVNA&H) and other listed officers that is intended to provide reasonable compensation for achieving the organization's mission, to recognize individual and team performance and to comply with the organization's obligations as a tax-exempt charitable organization. The Executive Committee of the Exeter Health Resources, Inc.'s Board of Trustees conducts an annual review of the compensation of the Chairman of RVNA&H and other listed officers. In doing so, the committee retains a qualified independent compensation consultant to conduct competitive market analysis of the market ranges of base, incentive, and total cash compensation, and to provide advice concerning the reasonableness of the compensation of the Chairman and other listed officers. The Committee utilizes that analysis and other appropriate information in connection with its annual review and makes recommendations to the full Board of Exeter Health Resources, Inc. for adjustment of the Chairman's compensation and the compensation for other listed officers. Information which the Committee may consider can include but is not limited to the performance of an individual and/or that individual's contributions to a team, the performance of the organization in whole and in part, the elements of total compensation and salary history, the organization's compensation targets and comparability data, including the data prepared by the independent consultant and reviewed with the Committee. The Committee incorporates a performance appraisal process in the Chairman's and the other listed officers' compensation review. The Chairman and other listed officers are not present when the committee discusses their respective compensation. In addition, the Committee determines if the threshold requirements for incentive awards are met, consisting of the organization's performance results for quality, operating system excellence and financial performance. The results of the committee's deliberations are presented to the Exeter Health Resources, Inc. Board and include recommendations concerning salary range adjustments and incentive awards and the basis for the committee's decisions/ recommendations. The deliberations of the Exeter Health Resources, Inc. Board are conducted in executive session with the independent members of the Board but do include the Chairman only for that period of time in which the Exeter Health Resources, Inc. Board has questions concerning the performance of any listed officer other than the Chairman. The Exeter Health Resources, Inc. Board reviews the Chairman's performance and determines if the adjustments and awards recommended by the committee for the Chairman are in the organization's best interest and for the benefit of the organization and the parent organization. For the other listed officer positions, adjustments and incentive awards are approved upon recommendation of the Chairman by the Executive Committee within the Exeter Health Resources, Inc. Board approved parameters and ratified by the Exeter Health Resources, Inc. Board of Trustees. For the Executive Director of Rockingham Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice, compensation is determined by consulting with the organization's parent Human Resources department. Comparison compensation surveys and external benchmarks are used in the process.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 The documents are available upon request.
Part VII, Section A, Line 1: Kevin J. Callahan, Kevin J. O'Leary, and Allison J. Casassa, who served as officers of Rockingham Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice during this tax year, are compensated by a related organization, Exeter Health Resources, Inc. Their compensation is based on their roles as CEO and CFO, respectively (during this tax year, Kevin J. O'Leary retired from his position within the Exeter Health System and Allison J. Casassa became the acting CFO and Treasurer effective January 1, 2022). Debra Cresta, Neil Meehan, and Darren Guy, who each served on the VNA's Board, received compensation from Exeter Health Resources which is a related organization. Donna McKinney, who served on the VNA's Board, received compensation from Exeter Hospital, which is also a related organization.
Form 990, Part IX, line 11g Intercompany payroll : Program service expenses 523,130. Management and general expenses 130,783. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 653,913. Contracted services : Program service expenses 924,014. Management and general expenses 230,154. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 1,154,168. Physician fees : Program service expenses 379,249. Management and general expenses 94,812. Fundraising expenses 0. Total expenses 474,061.
Form 990, Part XI, line 9: Change in beneficial interest in perpetual trusts -56,780. Net transfers from affiliates 3,347,766.
Form 990, Part XII, Line 2c: The audit process has not changed since the prior year.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990) 2021

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