(a) Name and address of organization or government |
(b) EIN |
(c) IRC section (if applicable) |
(d) Amount of cash grant |
(e) Amount of non-cash assistance |
(f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) |
(g) Description of noncash assistance |
(h) Purpose of grant or assistance |
Americans for Tax Reform Foundation 722 12th Street NW Fourth Floor Washington,DC20005
52-1400492 |
501(c)(3) |
25,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Americans of Faith 4880 Santa Rosa Road Camarillo,CA93012
20-0742507 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Clause 40 Foundation 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE Suite 560 Washington,DC20003
82-4127219 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Community Legal Services Inc 1424 Chestnut Street Philadelphia,PA19102
23-1671562 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Dream Corps 436 14th Street Suite 920 Oakland,CA94612
26-1140201 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Due Process Institute 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE Suite 560 Washington,DC20003
82-4145852 |
501(c)(4) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Families Against Mandatory Minimums Foundation 1100 H Street NW Suite 1000 Washington,DC20005
52-1750246 |
501(c)(3) |
150,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Human Rights for Kids PO Box 5960 Washington,DC20016
82-2971359 |
501(c)(3) |
75,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Libertas Institute 2183 W Main Street Suite A102 Lehi,UT84043
45-5254794 |
501(c)(3) |
15,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
National District Attorneys Association 1400 Crystal Drive Suite 330 Arlington,VA22202
36-6144537 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Northern Kentucky Children's Advocacy Center 4890 Houston Road Florence,KY41042
26-3272297 |
501(c)(3) |
10,000 |
0 |
Sponsorship of NKYCAC |
Pegasus Institute Inc 235 S 5th Street Louisville,KY40202
81-3358989 |
25,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Pelican Institute for Public Policy 2620 State Street New Orleans,LA70118
26-1704791 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Prison Fellowship Ministries 44180 Riverside Parkway Lansdowne,VA20176
62-0988294 |
501(c)(3) |
150,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
R Street Institute 1212 New York Ave NW Suite 900 Washington,DC20005
26-3477125 |
501(c)(3) |
25,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
The Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions 88 East Broad Street Suite 1300 Columbus,OH432153506
31-1278593 |
501(c)(3) |
50,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform work |
Justice Action Network Foundation 444 N Capitol Street NW Washington,DC20001
88-2772471 |
501(c)(3) |
700,000 |
0 |
Support of criminal justice reform workSupport of criminal justice reform workSupport of criminal justice reform workSupport of criminal justice reform workSupport of criminal justice reform work |