Form 990, Part III, Line 4d |
OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 4: Carbon Mappers data and analysis will further the public interest by:* Raising awareness in the general public of methane emissions;* Filling critical gaps in societal situation awareness;* Improving the quality and furthering future scientific discoveries related to emissions reductions;* Enabling facility operators to see their methane leaks and encouraging voluntary repair;* Supporting regulatory and enforcement action by public agencies;* Encouraging other incentives to reduce pollution through cap-and-trade and other compliance programs; and* Supporting environmental justice programs.2) Filling data gaps and Public EducationCarbon Mapper will make the methane and other data and analysis available to the public through a global open data portal, including a data trust and a website offering rapid visualization and interpretation for both expert and non-expert audiences. Carbon Mapper will provide a user support service to help train people to understand the data and to answer questions about it, and a public outreach program through the website and social media. Carbon Mapper will also convene conferences, workshops, and webinars with companies, trade groups, policy makers, regulators, community groups, and other stakeholders to encourage use of the methane data and adoption of open standards for reducing leakage.3) Funding Research ProgramsCarbon Mapper will also fund methane science at academic institutions through research grants to institutions and/or graduate and post-doctoral fellowships. This program will help advance satellite measurement technology and data analysis to improve methane science and mitigation in years to come. It will also help expand the use of and build public confidence in the Carbon Mapper data through increased transparency in the scientific literature, including research journal publications. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 11b |
Form 990 is prepared by an outside tax professional. The form is then reviewed by the organization's management. After a full review, the final version of the tax return is provided to all members of the organization's voting body. A representative of management authorizes the final form 990 which is then e-filed with the internal revenue service. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 12c |
Members of the Board of Directors review all potential conflicts of interest periodically. Top management and all Board members are required to disclose potential conflicts and any related party affiliations. The organization seeks full transparency on all relationships. Any potential conflicts (in fact or appearance) are discussed openly and resolved in accordance with the organization's policies and procedures. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 15a |
Members of the board of directors review the compensation of all high-level personnel periodically in accordance with IRS rules and regulations. Efforts are made to secure compensation data from industry sources in order to determine competitiveness and appropriateness of salaries. Every effort is made to ensure that the process is thorough and transparent in accordance with IRS guidelines and the organization's policies and procedures. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 15b |
Compensation of other personnel and highly compensated employees is reviewed periodically by members of management. Efforts are made to secure compensation data from industry sources in order to determine competitiveness and appropriateness of salaries and all related benefits. All decisions are then documented in personnel files. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 19 |
All of the organization's governing documents, financial statements, and other legal filings are maintained in a secure environment and held available for inspection by tax authorities and the general public. Tax returns are posted annually to our website and to (where they are available for viewing as electronic copies) and are also available by request from the organization's office. |
Form 990, Part XII, Line 2c |
Under the California Nonprofit Integrity Act, an exempt organization with annual revenue of $2 million or more is required to have an Audit Committee to select an audit Firm, review the audit, and approve the audit of its annual financial statements. The audited financial statements are prepared by a qualified and licensed independent audit firm. The audit report is reviewed and approved by the organization's management and the Board of Directors. |
Organization's Mission |
(continued from Form 990 Page 1 Part 1 Line 1)airborne measurements to fill data gaps by detecting, pinpointing, and quantifying, high emission methane and carbon dioxide sources. Carbon Mapper is committed to increasing global accessibility, transparency, and understanding of methane and co2 emissions through a free and open data portal for the global public good. |