(Form 990)

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
New Hampshire Historical Society
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 6 Membership Categories: the Society shall consist of individual, couple, family, life, business, and institutional members in good standings by virtue of their having paid their dues and such other categories of membership as may from time to time be established by the Board of Trustees, including complimentary members who are not required to pay any dues. Qualifications: membership shall be open to all of the above who are interested in furthering the purposes and work of the Society, to be effective upon payment of designated dues, and shall be valid for one year from the date of payment. Rights and Privileges of Membership: only those members of all categories that have paid their dues and are in good standing shall be entitled to vote, one vote per member, at all meetings of the members, and to the full privileges of membership in the Society, as determined from time to time by, and subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by, the Board of Trustees. Voting is limited to persons eighteen (18) years of age or older. Voting may be exercised in person or by proxy as determined by the Trustees, in which event proxies shall be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. Dues: the Board of Trustees shall from time to time determine the amount of annual dues payable by members of each category. When any member shall become delinquent in the payment of dues, his or her membership shall terminate and he or she shall no longer be a member in good standing.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, line 7a The Members vote to elect members of the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting. Members do not vote to elect Officers of the Board; Officers are elected by the Board itself. Additionally, it is the Organization's Board of Trustees, as elected by the Members, that shall establish all Society policies, plans, programs, budgets, and expenses; the Members themselves do not engage in these governance decisions.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b The Organization engages an independent public accounting firm to prepare its Form 990 on its behalf. The completed Form 990 is presented by the engaged accountants to the applicable officers and to the full Board of Trustees prior to filing.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c Trustees having a real or apparent conflict of interest in any matter before the Board must disclose the possible conflict and exclude themselves from the discussion and/or the vote on the matter in question. Trustees having an interest in a proposed pecuniary benefit transaction with the Society that is brought before the Board shall have an affirmative obligation to disclose such interest and shall be prohibited from being present during or participating in the discussion on the subject or voting thereon. The Board shall authorize the Society to enter into such transactions only in accordance with the applicable provisions of RSA 7:19-A.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15 The Executive and Compensation Committees of the Society strive to ensure that the process for determining the compensation and benefits offered to the top officials and executives of the New Hampshire Historical Society is efficient, effective, and ultimately serves the public and furthers the Society's mission. The Institution adheres to good governance practices in establishing executive compensation. The Executive Committee serves as the Compensation Committee of the Society and makes recommendations to the full Board of Trustees in matters of the President's terms of employment, including compensation and benefits. The compensation and benefits of the President are set forth in either a written compensation and benefits term sheet, or in a formal written employment agreement executed between the Society and the President. The Executive Committee will submit the recommended compensation term sheet or formal employment agreement with the President to the Board of Trustees for discussion and action. The Board and Executive Committee discuss the matter during a portion of the board meeting when the President is excused from the meeting and not present. The term sheet or formal agreement with the President must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees present at a duly called and held Board of Trustees meeting where the required quorum of Directors is present to conduct a meeting. Comparisons of public data on compensation are used and documented in determining the President's compensation, as well as facts and circumstances relating to the past performance of the President. The President's compensation package is reviewed regularly by the Board of Trustees. The President of the Society is responsible for all administrative details and for the implementation of policies, programs, and long range objectives approved by the Board of Trustees, including compensation and benefits offered to officers and senior managers. The President exercises full supervision and management of all personnel, assigns duties, and so forth within the policies approved by the Board. Compensation for senior managers is determined through a due diligence process that the President employs based upon the comparisons of public data, particularly the published wage scales of the New England Museum Association, past performance, and the ambitious goals stated in senior managers' annual work plan objectives. Overall compensation is reviewed by the Finance Committee and a recommendation is made to the Board of Trustees for their approval as part of the annual budget process.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 The Society's audited financial statements are available on the Society's website, or by appointment at the library. The governing documents and conflict of interest policy are available by appointment at the Society's library in Concord, NH.
Form 990, Part IX, line 11g Maintenance service contracts: Program service expenses 44,342. Management and general expenses 10,606. Fundraising expenses 2,816. Total expenses 57,764. Admin and Comm. Support: Program service expenses 148,138. Management and general expenses 14,974. Fundraising expenses 9,408. Total expenses 172,520. Facilities contract services: Program service expenses 48,958. Management and general expenses 11,710. Fundraising expenses 3,109. Total expenses 63,777. Library catalog contract: Program service expenses 3,915. Management and general expenses 936. Fundraising expenses 249. Total expenses 5,100.
Form 990, Part XI, line 9: Change in present value of charitable remainder unitrust -5,031. Change in value of beneficial interest in a trust -387,865.
Form 990, Part XII, Line 2c: The audit process has not changed from the prior year.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990) 2021

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