Form 990, Part III, Line 4a |
The Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County (ECPAC) is cultivating an early childhood ecosystem, where every child and family in Adams County has equitable access to the high quality and affordable services and supports they need to thrive. The following program service accomplishments are highlighted in three core areas. Early Learning / Early Care & Education (ECE): During the 2021-2022 fiscal year, ECPAC started an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) program with the support of three funders who supported 11 ECE programs, 15 classrooms, and 40 children and families, and made over 90 referrals for community services. Six of these programs and nine of these classrooms were supported in partnership with ECPAC's coaching team. Sixty individual ECE providers received individualized career navigation support. In partnership with Denver's Early Childhood Council and Joint Initiatives for Youth & Families, an ECE career navigation model was developed and 237 early childhood educators were supported in meeting their career goals. Of the 82 ECE programs engaged in quality improvement efforts, 5.2% more programs reached a Level 3-5. ECPAC hired a Family Child Care Home Navigator specifically dedicated to this group of providers. ECPAC launched a new website to support all programs in marketing their business while simultaneously providing families with information on program availability and offerings in searching for early care and education. Child & Family Health & Wellbeing: ECPAC opened its Family Resource and Support Center which offers care navigation, classes and groups for families, access to emergency basic needs, and co-located services with community partners. ECPAC provided care navigation to 185 families and a total of 368 supportive referrals to community-based services. 83 families received more intensive care navigation, which may have included home visits, accompanying families to appointments, and/or multiple meetings. ECPAC provided classes and groups to 68 (unduplicated) families, including the implementation of a new 10-week series focused on supporting language development in young children. ECPAC continued providing care packages to families, including those quarantining due to COVID-19. 424 care packages were provided along with resource navigation support. Additional Systems & Core Business: ECPAC supported nine legislative bills this year, all of which passed. ECPAC will support implementation. ECPAC hired our first Family Engagement & Leadership Coordinator who worked with family partners to develop a Family and Caregiver Advisory Council. ECPAC also hired two additional family partners for a total of three staff being previous family partners. ECPAC continued to work with Growing Home and Maiker Housing Partners in the final development of an institute to support community and family members in their advocacy skills and knowledge. Partners rated ECPAC's ability to move work according to the legislation that established councils through our Action Team structure for ECPAC's ability to increase capacity (92%), increase quality (100%), and increase access and affordability (100%). |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 11b |
ECPAC's treasurer and executive director are responsible for the timely preparation of the Form 990. The treasurer and the executive director may utilize the professional assistance of accountants and/or legal counsel in preparation of the Form 990. Copies of the completed Form 990, including required schedules, will be reviewed by the finance committee of the ECPAC governing Board of Directors. Any questions or concerns will be noted and addressed. The treasurer and the executive director shall ensure that any appropriate changes are incorporated in the Form 990, which then shall be signed by the chair or other authorized officer of the organization. The Form 990 shall be filed with the IRS on a timely basis. Copies of the filed Form 990 shall be made available to all other ECPAC board members, partner organizations or other interested parties that request a copy. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 12c |
The financial policies of ECPAC state: "No ECPAC governing board member or officer, staff person, immediate family member of a board member or officer or staff person, or firm owned by the same may sell goods or services of any kind value to ECPAC without the formal consent of the governing board." |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, line 15a |
The annual process for determining compensation is as follows: the executive committee shall annually evaluate the executive director on his/her performance, and ask for his/her input on matters of performance and compensation. Board Approval: the executive committee will make a recommendation to the full Board for the compensation (salary and benefits) of the executive director based on a review of performance. Compensation Survey: every three (3) years the executive committee will review the executive director's compensation to ensure competitiveness within the nonprofit market. For example, the executive committee will secure data that documents compensation levels and benefits for similarly qualified individuals in comparable positions at similar organizations. This data may include the following: 1. Salary and benefit compensation studies by independent sources; 2. Written job offers for positions at similar organizations; 3. Documented telephone calls about similar positions at both nonprofit and for profit organizations; and 4. Information obtained from the IRS form 990 filings of similar organizations. The executive committee will consider this information as part of their executive director compensation recommendation to the Board every three (3) years. Concurrent Documentation: to approve the compensation for the executive director, the Board must document how it reached its decisions, including the data on which it relied, in minutes of the meeting during which the compensation was approved. Documentation will include: a) a description of the compensation and benefits and the date it was approved; b) the members of the Board who were present during the discussion about compensation and benefits, and the results of the vote; c) a description of the comparability data relied upon and how the data was obtained; and d) any actions taken (such as abstaining from discussion and vote) with respect to consideration of the compensation by anyone who is otherwise a member of the Board but who had a conflict of interest with respect to the decision on the compensation and benefits. Independence in setting compensation: the chair of the Board of Directors, who is a volunteer and not compensated by the nonprofit, will operate independently without undue influence from the executive director. No member of the executive committee will be a staff member, the relative of a staff member, or have any relationship with staff that could present a conflict of interest. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, line 19 |
ECPAC will make available information about its operations, including governance, programs/activities and finances (including information contained in its annual Form 990) to affiliated organizations, the governing Board of Directors and other constituents requesting such information. |
Form 990, Part XII, Line 2c |
The organization has not changed its oversight or selection process during the year. |