Return Reference | Explanation |
Pt VI, Line 11b | The 990 and all schedules are made available electronically to all Board Members prior to the meeting where it is reviewed and approved by the Board |
Pt VI, Line 12c | Officer, Board members and employees are annually required to disclose any potential conflict of interest and sign a statement to that effect. The Treasurer reviews accounting entries and Board approval is required where conflicts could exist. Board members must recuse themselves from voting on possible conflict of interest involvement. |
Pt VI, Line 15a | The compensation for the Executive Director was established as a result of periodic reviews of performance utilizing long range strategic planning goals, monthly budget analyses as well as reactions to immediate issues that impact the EDs ability to fulfill the organizations mission. The performance appraisal was based on a 360 review with feedback from peers, staff, and funders. Salary actions were the result of reviews and approvals with Executive Committee officers. Related nonprofit leadership salary comparisons were utilized in guidance and eventual establishment of the ED's salary. |
Pt VI, Line 19 | Governing documents, financial statements and policies are available upon request at our administrative offices. Documents are provided to funders as requested. |
Form 990, Part III, Line 4d | RSVP's PA MEDI program matches community members with counselors (RSVP volunteers) who offer free, easy-to- 112522. 0. 0. |
Form 990, Part III, Line 4d | RSVP's Family Literacy Program is a multifaceted approach to early literacy. 105746. 0. 0. |
Form 990, Part III, Line 4d | Volunteer Executive Consultant program provides highly skilled volunteers 77906. 0. 0. |
Form 990, Part III, Line 4d | Help On Call provides volunteers to assist low-income elderly clients with 59844. 0. 0. |
Software ID: | 22015534 |
Software Version: |