(Form 990)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Employer identification number

Return Reference Explanation
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, Line 2 Trustees Rebekah Bucci, David Bucci, and Colleen Bucci Liddy have a family relationship.
Form 990, Part VI, Section A, Line 8b There are no committees with the authority to act on behalf of the governing body.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 11b Prior to filing, the chief finance and administrative officer (CFAO) reviews the 990 in detail, comparing it to the foundation's financial statements and other records for accuracy, and comparing it to the prior year filing to make sure any large variances or changes to responses are accurate. Any questions or concerns are resolved with the independent CPA firm who reviewed the return. The CFAO provides a copy of the final draft to the board chair, highlighting any unusual items or changes from prior years. The board chair reviews the final draft just prior to filing to ensure responses are consistent with financial reporting, governance practices and activities of the foundation, resolving any questions with the CFAO. Additionally, the return is provided to the entire board prior to filing.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 12c Possible conflicts of interest are discussed by the trustees and staff at each regularly scheduled meeting. Where a potential conflict does exist, the trustees will disclose to the board and the disclosure will be noted in the minutes. If a real conflict exists, the trustee will abstain from voting and this action will be disclosed in the minutes.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 19 The organization makes its governing documents and conflict of interest policy available to the public upon request. The Organization publishes its financial statements in its annual report which is available to the public on its website.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990) 2022

Additional Data

Software ID: 22015720
Software Version: v1.00