Return Reference | Explanation |
Pt VI, Line 2 | Larry Conn & Gary Conn-Family relationship |
Pt VI, Line 6 | Members |
Pt VI, Line 7a | All members are the same class and are invited to the annual membership meeting where directors are elected. |
Pt VI, Line 11b | The Form 990 is reviewed by the president prior to filing. |
Other | Pt VI, Line 15: No officers or directors receive any compensation; therefore, no compensation review is needed. |
Pt VI, Line 19 | The organization makes its Form 990 and any other required information available to the public upon specifice request only. |
Other | Pt XII, Line 2a&b: While the financial statements are not compiled by an "independent" accountant, they are compiled by a separate entity who compiles its financial statements and prepares and files all of its state and federal tax returns/reports. This entity also reconciles the organization's bank statements. The organization pays a fee for these services. |
Other | Pt III, Line 4d-Other Program Services: AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION (AFBF) ANNUAL MEETING- Volunteer director(s) attended (or will attend) the annual AFBF meeting with local Farm Bureau members from across the nation to participate in discussions and hear presentations on various agricultural issues affecting farmers and ranchers nationwide. Also, various delegates at the meeting make decisions on various AFBF policies. NATIONAL AFFAIRS MEETINGS- County Farm Bureau Directors attended meetings with national legislators as well as state legislators to explain how laws and regulations impact agriculture and rural areas. ADDITIONAL- Members of the County Farm Bureau are also members of Texas Farm Bureau, a statewide agricultural organization (exempt under 501 (c)(5)) that works for the betterment of agriculture and coordinates programs on a statewide basis. Members of the County Farm Bureau are also members of the American Farm Bureau, a national agricultural organization that also works for the betterment of agriculture. County Farm Bureau volunteers also help organize their members into separate agricultural commodity interests and participate in matters dealing with legislation that affects agriculture. |
Software ID: | 22015534 |
Software Version: |