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Schedule I
(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations,
Governments and Individuals in the United States
Complete if the organization answered "Yes," on Form 990, Part IV, line 21 or 22.
lBullet Attach to Form 990.
lBullet Go to for the latest information.
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Compassionate Touch Inc
Employer identification number
Part I
General Information on Grants and Assistance
Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and
the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance? ........................
Describe in Part IV the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds in the United States.
Part II
Grants and Other Assistance to Domestic Organizations and Domestic Governments. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 21, for any recipient
that received more than $5,000. Part II can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
(a) Name and address of organization
or government
(b) EIN (c) IRC section
(if applicable)
(d) Amount of cash grant (e) Amount of non-cash
(f) Method of valuation
(book, FMV, appraisal,
(g) Description of
noncash assistance
(h) Purpose of grant
or assistance
Enter total number of section 501(c)(3) and government organizations listed in the line 1 table ................. Bullet Image
Enter total number of other organizations listed in the line 1 table ........................ . Bullet Image
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.
Cat. No. 50055P
Schedule I (Form 990) 2022
Page 2

Schedule I (Form 990) 2022
Page 2
Part III
Grants and Other Assistance to Domestic Individuals. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 22.
Part III can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
(a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Number of
(c) Amount of
cash grant
(d) Amount of
noncash assistance
(e) Method of valuation (book,
FMV, appraisal, other)
(f) Description of noncash assistance
(1) General patient funding-see Suppl Info 1401 273 273 average of actual cost patient gift cards hotel stays etc.
(2) Transplant patient funding-see Suppl Info 395 578 578 average of actual cost patient gift cards hotel stays etc.
(3)     0 0    
(4)     0 0    
(5)     0 0    
(6)     0 0    
(7)     0 0    
Part IV
Supplemental Information. Provide the information required in Part I, line 2; Part III, column (b); and any other additional information.
Return Reference Explanation
Part I Line 2 Patients receive grants in order to assist with a specifically identified need related to a hospital stay or illness such as hospital parking meals transportation housing etc. Funds are of a short-term nature and are granted to patients in Texas hospitals who will spend the funds most frequently in the Texas metropolitan area where their hospital is located. Some funding is provided directly to local vendors such as payments fora patient to a hotel or utilities company all of whom are in the United States.
Part III Line 1 Column (b) This is an exact count of patient applications. Before funding is distributed, a patient must have an application that is properly approved. Also, regarding the amounts and types of funding, our organization's mission is to aid seriously ill patients and their famililes with non-medical expenses related to a hospitalization stay, such as meals, parking, housing, etc. We work with social workers from various hospitals in the major Texas metropolitan areas to identify patients with such needs and provide funds ranging from $50-$600 per patient, depending on needs. Funding is given to patients in various forms, such as cash, Visa or AMEX gift cards, hotel payments, and public transportation gift cards, so not all awards are given out in cash but all are directly valued at their cost; no discretion must be used in valuation. An application is submitted to the organization for each patient desiring funds, and the application goes through an approval process. Each approved application is logged and funding is recorded, so we are able to track the number of patients assisted. In 2022, we provided assistance to 1796 recipients with a total of $610,274 in funding at an average of $273 for general (non-transplant) patients and $578 for transplant patients; however, as stated previously, each patient may receive a different amount generally limited to $600 maximum per patient depending on need assessed in conjunction with hospital social workers.
Part III Line 2 Column (b) This is an exact count of patient applications. See further information which is consistent with Schedule L Part III Line 1b.
Schedule I (Form 990) 2022

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