Form 990, Part VI, Section A, Line 1a |
In accordance with common practice in the nonprofit community, the Board delegates certain matters to The Executive Committee, which is empowered to act between board meetings if necessary, and sometimes with specifically delegated authority to act in particular areas on behalf of the full board. The composition of executive committee includes the organization's board officers. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 11b |
Form 990 is prepared by an outside tax professional. The form is then reviewed by the organization's management. After a full review, the final version of the tax return is provided to all members of the organization's voting body. A representative of management authorizes the final form 990 which is then e-filed with the internal revenue service. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 12c |
Members of the Board of Directors review all potential conflicts of interest periodically. Top management and all Board members are required to disclose potential conflicts and any related party affiliations. The organization seeks full transparency on all relationships. Any potential conflicts (in fact or appearance) are discussed openly and resolved in accordance with the organization's policies and procedures. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 15a |
Members of the board of directors review the compensation of all high-level personnel periodically in accordance with IRS rules and regulations. Efforts are made to secure compensation data from industry sources in order to determine competitiveness and appropriateness of salaries. Every effort is made to ensure that the process is thorough and transparent in accordance with IRS guidelines and the organization's policies and procedures. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 15b |
Compensation of other personnel and highly compensated employees is reviewed periodically by members of management. Efforts are made to secure compensation data from industry sources in order to determine competitiveness and appropriateness of salaries and all related benefits. All decisions are then documented in personnel files. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 18 |
Tax returns are available for download from several websites and by request from the organization's office in Orinda, California. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 19 |
All of the organization's governing documents, financial statements, and other legal filings are maintained in a secure environment and held available for inspection by tax authorities and the general public. Tax returns are posted annually to our website and to (where they are available for viewing as electronic copies) and are also available by request from the organization's office. |
Amended Explanation |
Subsequent to filing the original tax return, California Shakespeare underwent an audit of its December 31, 2022 financial statements. Upon conclusion of the examination, the independent accounting firm posted entries and made certain other adjustments which impacted previously reported revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and net assets. Accordingly, management determined it was necessary to prepare and file an amended tax return. |