Form 990, Part VI, Section A, Line 1a |
N/A |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 11b |
Presented to the Executive Board at Monthly meeting and signed by both Treasurer and Chief Executive Officer. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 12c |
The organization abides by all Dignity Health policies and guidelines as so written. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 15a |
Compensation is determined by the human resources department of Mark Twain Medical Center in accordance with comparability data and Dignity Health policies. Please note that all staff services received by the Foundation are donated, as Mark Twain Medical Center staff members donate a portion of their time to the Foundation. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 15b |
Compensation is determined by the human resources department of Mark Twain Medical Center in accordance with comparability data and Dignity Health policies. Please note that all staff services received by the Foundation are donated, as Mark Twain Medical Center staff members donate a portion of their time to the Foundation. |
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 19 |
The documents are provided upon request. |
Form 990, Part XI, Line 9 |
Unrealized Gain/Loss = $58297 |
Form 990, Part IX, Column D |
The Foundation has reported fundraising expenses in column D of Part IX. Expenses related to special event activities are reported on Schedule G (during years when special events are held and they meet the threshold to require Schedule G), and are accounted for in the Schedule D reconciliation on page 4. |
Form 990, Part V, Lines 1a & 2a |
Compensation of officers/employees is not paid by the Foundation, as the value of these services is donated by the Mark Twain Medical Center. The Mark Twain Medical Center also pays the Foundation's other expenses, aside from grants and donations. The Foundation and the Mark Twain Medical Center are related organizations, as they have common agents. |
Form 990, Part VI, Line 1b |
An interested person of the organization was a substantial contributor during the fiscal year (contributor whose contributions both exceed $5000 and is required to be reported on Schedule B). This transaction both impairs the Director's voting independence on the Foundation's Board of Directors and is reportable on the Form 990, Schedule L as a business transaction. |
Form 990: Part IX Lines 5 & 6; Part VII col. B, E, & F;Part V Ln 1&2a |
Compensation of Officers and other employees is not paid by the Foundation, as the value of these services (See Schedule R) is donated by Mark Twain Medical Center. |