Return Reference | Explanation |
Pt VI, Line 11b | Copies of Form 990 were distributed to Board Members for review and approval via email prior to filing. |
Pt VI, Line 12c | Prospective Board Members are screened for potential conflicts of interest prior to appointment. Board Members are required to disclose conflicts of interest during Board meetings. Annual Conflict of Interest Statements are completed and reviewed by the Board and any discrepancies are reported to the Board President for resolution. |
Pt VI, Line 15a | Compensation for officers and key employees was determined by the Board of Directors using comparative data and documented in the meeting minutes of the executive session. |
Pt VI, Line 15b | Compensation for officers and key employees was determined by the Board of Directors using comparative data and documented in the meeting minutes of the executive session. |
Pt VI, Line 19 | The organization makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available to the public via its website and upon request. |
Pt XI | Line 9. Changes during the year to Deferred Outflows of Resources, Liabilities, and Deferred Inflows of Resources related to pensions and post-employment benefits other than pensions (OPEB) resulted in an increase in Net Position. The changes decreased Net Position by $533,877. |
Software ID: | 22015534 |
Software Version: |