Members or stockholder classes and rights Part VI line 6 |
The Organization is comprised of Volunteers who discuss and vote on significant decisions and topics for the League. |
Member election for additional members Part VI line 7a |
An open public meeting is held annually to elect a new Board of Directors. The election may include past, present and new Corporation Members. |
Governing body decisions Part VI line 7b |
Decisions of the Governing body are approved by the Board of Directors. |
Governing body meeting documentation Part VI line 8a |
Minutes are documented and distributed to the Board of Directors by the Secretary. |
Committee meeting documentation Part VI line 8b |
Minutes are documented and distributed to the Board of Directors by the Secretary. |
Form 990 governing body review Part VI line 11 |
Financial Statements are distributed to Board Members for each meeting for review and approval. The Board is notified of the Annual Report upon completion. |
Governing documents etc available to public Part VI line 19 |
Copies of the documents are available by written request submitted to the Board of Directors. |
List of other expenses Part IX line 24e |
All other expenses - Total $9,713 consists of:$3,073 Field Day Expenses$2,768 Baseballs for all leagues and games.$2,120 Replacement equipment provided to team coaches.$822 Home Run Derby Expenses.$390 Expenses for Winter Training Program ages 4-8$334 Expenses for Winter Training Knock the Rust Off program ages 8-18$206 Evaluation Day expenses. |
Part III response or note to any other line in Part III |
Part III, 4d - Other Program Services of $28,312$5,559 Summer and skill program expenses.$3,073 Field Day conducted to celebrate Challenger, Lil Sluggers, Tee Ball and Instructional player accomplishments and participation in the program with games, activities and food.$2,768 Baseballs for all leagues used in games.$2,120 Equipment provided to the coaches for their teams.$1,028 Home Run Derby & Evaluation Day expenses$724 Expenses for Winter Training ages 4-8$3,000 Three $1,000 Scholarships issued to three Bellingham High School Seniors.$2,719 Signs purchased by sponsors to advertise at the fields.$2,125 Payments to Affiliates to participate in thier Baseball Programs.$5,196 Insurance coverage for the League for 2023. |