(Form 990)

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ

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OMB No. 1545-0047
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Form 990, Part III, Line 4d OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES 4: Advocacy: Throughout the 2022/2023 season, TBTB continued to represent the disabledcommunity by participating in both online and in person symposia with various city, community, and arts organizations. As the call for equity, diversity and inclusion has amplified, TBTB continues to lead by example, demonstrating that integrating disabled and non-disabled artists from all parts of our community leads to a more level playing field, collective unity, and richer, more impactful art for artists and audiences alike. The success of TBTBs work in this area was recognized as the Off Broadway Alliance, an organization of Off-Broadway producers, general managers, venue owners, press agents and marketing personnel dedicated to promoting and supporting Off-Broadway theater, named TBTBs Artistic Director, Nicholas Viselli a Legend of Off-Broadway and elected him to the Off-Broadway Alliance Hall of Fame!
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 11b The Form 990 is prepared by TBTBs external Auditors and initially reviewed by the Board Chair, the Board Treasurer and the CEO. An updated draft Form 990 is submitted to the full Board for their review and comments. Upon completion of that review, all questions are answered, and a revised final draft of F990 is prepared and submitted to the full Board for approval.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 12c TBTB has a written Conflict of Interest Policy. It is referenced in the Bylaws and included as an Exhibit thereto. Each Board member is required annually to submit to the Secretary the completed disclosure form indicating that they have read the policy, that they are in compliance with the Policy's provisions and that they have completed the disclosure form as required. The Secretary, being a board Member, submits her form to the Executive Director. Any real or potential conflicts are then reported to and discussed at the next scheduled or special board meeting, including any conflicts that had been previously addressed by and with the appropriate parties. In addition, key employees are covered under the policy and its disclosure requirements. Additionally, the Board Chair also monitors all contracts with third parties that involve or have a connection with any Board Member or key employees and if there is an unresolved question of a potential conflict of interests, reports such to the full Board.
Form 990, Part VI, Section B, Line 15a The Board, annually in executive session, without the Artistic Director, reviews, discusses and takes any appropriate action regarding his salary adjustment and bonus. The Board then discusses such actions with the Artistic Director. Generally, at the same meeting, the Board in full session, the Artistic Director discusses and reviews and seeks the board's agreement with any proposed salary action and bonus for each employee. In its deliberations the Board considers various factors such as performance, budgetary constraints, regulatory issues, such as the potential impact on disability benefits, and competitive and appropriate compensation levels.
Form 990, Part VI, Section C, Line 19 Our Form 990 is currently available through The IRS and NY State Charity Bureaus respective websites and upon request. TBTB is currently rebuilding its website and intends to include access to the annual independent audit report and the Form 990.
Form 990, Part XII, Line 2c Oversight of the audit is the responsibility of the Board Treasurer with the assistance of the Artistic Director and Company Manager. The Audit and the Form 990 are submitted to the full board by the Treasurer for their review, approval and authorization to take any necessary steps with regards to posting, reporting to funders and filling with any regulatory authority.Regarding selection of the Auditor, the board has delegated to the Treasurer and Artistic Director, the review of and recommendation to engage the independent auditor. The Treasurer then presents their findings and recommendation to the Board for their consideration and approval.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Cat. No. 51056K
Schedule O (Form 990) 2022

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Software ID: 22015553
Software Version: 2022v5.0