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Oklahoma Dental Association

Group Return

Organization summary

Type of Nonprofit

Designated as a Business leagues, chambers of commerce, real estate boards, etc, created for the improvement of business conditions.

Donations to this organization are not tax deductible.

Summary charts: organization finances over time

$124k (2023)

$186k (2023)

Total Assets
$293k (2023)

Total Liabilities
$0 (2023)

Years with missing data
Source: Form 990 tax filings from 2011 to 2023

Tax Filings by Year

Form 990 is an information return that most organizations claiming federal tax-exempt status must file yearly with the IRS. Nonprofit Explorer has IRS digitized Form 990 data for filings processed in 2012 and later. If this organization filed an amended return, it may not be reflected below. Duplicate download links may indicate a resubmission or amendment to this organization's original return. Form 990 data is from the IRS.

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $122,923
Investment Income $984
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $500
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $51,472
Total Assets $293,151
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $293,151
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Sara Spurlock (President/Ce) $0 $0 $0
Jennifer Jenkins (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Twana Duncan (President/Ea) $0 $0 $0
Brant Rouse (Pres Elect/E) $0 $0 $0
Tara Denton (Vice Pres/Ea) $0 $0 $0
Kendra Yandell (Sec &Treas/E) $0 $0 $0
Jandra Korb (President/No) $0 $0 $0
Stephen Mayer (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Sydney Rogers (President/No) $0 $0 $0
Dault Roberts (Vice Pres/No) $0 $0 $0
Erin Roberts Svob (Sec & Trea/N) $0 $0 $0
Colin Eliot (Past Pres/No) $0 $0 $0
Tabitha Arias (President/Ok) $0 $0 $0
Steffan Sigler (Pres Elect/O) $0 $0 $0
Troy Schmitz (Vice Pres/Ok) $0 $0 $0
Brandon Schultz (Sec & Trea/O) $0 $0 $0
Matthew Bridges (Presdient/So) $0 $0 $0
Kyle Serfoss (Sec & Trea/S) $0 $0 $0
Sam Owens (Past Pres/Tu) $0 $0 $0
Lauren Nichols (President/Tu) $0 $0 $0
Kenner Misner (Pres Elect/T) $0 $0 $0
Addie Allen Steed (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Lynn Means (Executive Di) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $116,529
Investment Income $426
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $43,803
Total Assets $354,391
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $354,391
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Sara Spurlock (President/Ce) $0 $0 $0
Jennifer Jenkins (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Janna Mcintosh (President/Ea) $0 $0 $0
Twana Duncan (Pres Elect/E) $0 $0 $0
Brant Rouse (Vice Pres/Ea) $0 $0 $0
Kendra Yandell (Sec &Treas/E) $0 $0 $0
Jandra Korb (President/No) $0 $0 $0
Stephen Mayer (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Colin Eliot (President/No) $0 $0 $0
Sydney Rogers (Vice Pres/No) $0 $0 $0
Erin Roberts Svob (Sec & Trea/N) $0 $0 $0
Dault Roberts (Past Pres/No) $0 $0 $0
Drew Wendelken (Past Pres/Ok) $0 $0 $0
Troy Schmitz (Vice Pres/Ok) $0 $0 $0
Bryan Sorgen (President/Ok) $0 $0 $0
Tabitha Arias (Pres Elect/O) $0 $0 $0
Terry Cotterell (Sec & Trea/O) $0 $0 $0
Matthew Bridges (Presdient/So) $0 $0 $0
Kyle Serfoss (Sec & Trea/S) $0 $0 $0
Nicole Nellis (Past Pres/Tu) $0 $0 $0
Sam Owens (President/Tu) $0 $0 $0
Lauren Nichols (Pres Elect/T) $0 $0 $0
Kenner Misner (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Lynn Means (Executive Di) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $3,500
Program Services $105,827
Investment Income $214
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $400
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $49,000
Total Assets $374,429
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $374,429
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Sara Spurlock (President/Ce) $0 $0 $0
Jennifer Jenkins (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Janna Mcintosh (President/Ea) $0 $0 $0
Twana Duncan (Pres Elect/E) $0 $0 $0
Brant Rouse (Vice Pres/Ea) $0 $0 $0
Kendra Yandell (Sec &Treas/E) $0 $0 $0
Jandra Korb (President/No) $0 $0 $0
Stephen Mayer (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Colin Eliot (President/No) $0 $0 $0
Sydney Rogers (Vice Pres/No) $0 $0 $0
Erin Roberts Svob (Sec & Trea/N) $0 $0 $0
Dault Roberts (Past Pres/No) $0 $0 $0
Drew Wendelken (President/Ok) $0 $0 $0
David Bird (Past Pres/Ok) $0 $0 $0
Bryan Sorgen (Pres Elect/O) $0 $0 $0
Tabitha Arias (Vice Pres/Ok) $0 $0 $0
Terry Cotterell (Sec & Trea/O) $0 $0 $0
Matthew Bridges (Presdient/So) $0 $0 $0
Kyle Serfoss (Sec & Trea/S) $0 $0 $0
Heath Evans (Past Pres/Tu) $0 $0 $0
Nicole Nellis (President/Tu) $0 $0 $0
Sam Owens (Pres Elect/T) $0 $0 $0
Lauren Nichols (Sec & Treas/) $0 $0 $0
Lynn Means (Executive Di) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $909,870
Investment Income $26,441
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $31,720
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $154,557
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $421,396
Total Assets $2,442,579
Total Liabilities $344,397
Net Assets $2,098,182
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Lynn Means (Executive Director) $125,000 $0 $12,500
Douglas Auld (Ada Delegate & Speaker) $0 $0 $0
Edmund Braly (C Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Susan Davis (Nw Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Paul Wood (Sw Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Krista Jones (Ada Delegate) $0 $0 $0
Jandra Korb (N Trustee) $0 $0 $0
James Nicholson (E Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Stephen Young (Ada Delegate) $0 $0 $0
Tabitha Arias (New Dentist Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Edward Harroz (Oc Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Lindsay Smith (Tc Trustee) $0 $0 $0
C Rieger Wood (Ada Delegate) $0 $0 $0
Daniel Wilguess (President) $0 $0 $0
Robert Herman (Secretary/Treasurer) $0 $0 $0
Shannon Griffin (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Chris Fagan (Vice President) $0 $0 $0
Paul Mullasseril (President Elect) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $186,164
Investment Income $1,394
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $18,255
Total Assets $350,120
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $350,120
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Lynn Means (Executive Director) $117,648 $0 $17,648
Douglas Auld (Ada Delegate & Speaker) $0 $0 $0
Edmund Braly (C Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Susan Davis (Nw Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Stephen Glenn (Ada Delegate) $0 $0 $0
Michael Gliddon (Sw Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Krista Jones (Ada Delegate) $0 $0 $0
Jandra Korb (N Trustee) $0 $0 $0
James Nicholson (E Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Stephen Young (Ada Delegate) $0 $0 $0
Tabitha Arias (Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Edward Harroz (Oc Trustee) $0 $0 $0
Shannon Griffin (President) $0 $0 $0
Robert Herman (Secretary/Treasurer, Tc T) $0 $0 $0
Juan Lopez (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Paul Mullasseril (Vice President) $0 $0 $0
Daniel Wilguess (President Elect) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $186,656
Investment Income $1,090
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $16,505
Total Assets $369,118
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $369,118
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Dr Mark J Revels (President/Central) $0 $0 $0
Dr Michael J Saumur (Sec. & Treas./Central) $0 $0 $0
Dr Sid Nicholson (Pres. Elect/Eastern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kendra Yandell (Sec. & Treas./Eastern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Janna Mcintosh (President/Eastern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jeremy Johnson (Past President/Eastern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jandra Mayer Ward (President/Northern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Stephen Mayer (Sec. & Treas./Northern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jeff Pierce (President/Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Christopher Fagan (Vice President/Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Erin K Roberts Svob (Sec. & Treas./Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Scott T Hubbard (Past President/Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Justin Beasley (Past President/Oklahoma County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Terry L Cotterell (Sec. & Treas./Oklahoma Cou) $0 $0 $0
Dr Philip Kierl (President/Oklahoma County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Blaire Bowers (Pres. Elect/Oklahoma Co) $0 $0 $0
Dr David Bird (Vice President/Oklahoma Co) $0 $0 $0
Dr Michael Gliddon (President/Southwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kara C Tims (Vice President/Southwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kyle L Serfoss (Sec. & Treas./Southwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Matthew Gray (Past President/Tulsa County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Heath Evans (Sec. & Treas./Tulsa County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Eugenia Johnson (President/Tulsa Count) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $234,520
Investment Income $1,022
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $38,620
Total Assets $386,281
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $386,281
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Dr Mark J Revels (President/Central) $0 $0 $0
Dr Michael J Saumur (Sec. & Treas./Central) $0 $0 $0
Dr Sid Nicholson (President/Eastern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kendra Yandell (Sec. & Treas./Eastern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Janna Mcintosh (Past President/Eastern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jandra Mayer Ward (President/Northern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Stephen Mayer (Sec. & Treas./Northern) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jeff Pierce (President/Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Christopher Fagan (Vice President/Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Erin K Roberts Svob (Sec. & Treas./Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Scott T Hubbard (Past President/Northwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Justin Beasley (President/Oklahoma County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Terry L Cotterell (Sec. & Treas./Oklahoma County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Philip Kierl (Pres Elect/Oklahoma County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Matt Heim (Past President/Oklahoma Co) $0 $0 $0
Dr Edward Harroz Iii (Past President/Oklahoma County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Michael Gliddon (President/Southwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kara C Tims (Pres Elect/Southwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kyle L Serfoss (Sec. & Treas./Southwest) $0 $0 $0
Dr Matthew Gray (President/Tulsa County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Eugenia Johnson (Sec. & Treas./Tulsa County) $0 $0 $0
Dr Gregory D Segraves (Past President/Tulsa County) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $203,777
Investment Income $316
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $50,053
Total Assets $377,726
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $377,726

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $199,322
Investment Income $1,080
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $14,992
Total Assets $384,796
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $384,796
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Dr William E Beeson (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jeffrey G Broermann (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Terry L Cotterell (Secretary) $0 $0 $0
Dr Susan R Davis (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Dr John M Folks (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Matthew Gray (Secretary) $0 $0 $0
Dr Edward Harroz Iii (Pres Elect) $0 $0 $0
Dr V Matthew Heim (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Robert J Herman (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Scott T Hubbard (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Michael D Jackson (Secretary) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jeremy S Johnson (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Stephen Mayer (Secretary) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jandra Mayer Ward (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr James S Nicholson Jr (Pres Elect) $0 $0 $0
Dr Karen A Reed (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Mark J Revels (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Erin K Roberts Svob (Secretary) $0 $0 $0
Dr Michael J Saumur (Secretary) $0 $0 $0
Dr Gregory D Segraves (Pres Elect) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kyle L Serfoss (Secretary) $0 $0 $0
Dr Nathaniel W Talley (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Kara C Tims (President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jonathan R White (Past President) $0 $0 $0
Dr Jerod D Yaerger (Past President) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $222,496
Investment Income $1,430
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $14,832
Total Assets $375,559
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $375,559
Key Employees and Officers Compensation Related Other
Mark Revels (C President) $0 $0 $0
Michael Saumur (C Sec/Treasu) $0 $0 $0
Randy White (C Past Presi) $0 $0 $0
Jeremy Johnson (E President) $0 $0 $0
Sid Nicholson (E President) $0 $0 $0
Kendra Yandell (E Sec/Treasu) $0 $0 $0
Jerod Yaerger (E Past Presi) $0 $0 $0
Jandra Mayer Ward (N President) $0 $0 $0
Steve Mayer (N Sec/Treasu) $0 $0 $0
Mark Folks (N Past Presi) $0 $0 $0
Scott Hubbard (Nw President) $0 $0 $0
Erin Roberts Svob (Nw Sec/Treas) $0 $0 $0
Susan Davis (Nw Past Pres) $0 $0 $0
Karen Gallagher Reed (Ok President) $0 $0 $0
Matt Heim (Ok President) $0 $0 $0
Terry Cotterell (Ok Sec/Treas) $0 $0 $0
Daniel Wilguess (Ok Past Pres) $0 $0 $0
William Beeson (S President) $0 $0 $0
Michael Jackson (S Sec/Treasu) $0 $0 $0
Todd Bridges (S Past Presi) $0 $0 $0
Kara Tims (Sw President) $0 $0 $0
Kyle Serfoss (Sw Sec/Treas) $0 $0 $0
Nathan Talley (Sw Past Pres) $0 $0 $0
Robert Herman (T President) $0 $0 $0
Jeff Broermann (T President ) $0 $0 $0

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $201,432
Investment Income $573
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $14,817
Total Assets $361,245
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $361,245

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

Extracted Financial Data

Extracted Financial Data from Form 990
Net Income
Net Assets
Notable Sources of Revenue Percent of Total Revenue
Contributions $0
Program Services $210,674
Investment Income $753
Bond Proceeds $0
Royalties $0
Rental Property Income $0
Net Fundraising $0
Sales of Assets $0
Net Inventory Sales $0
Other Revenue $0
Notable Expenses Percent of Total Expenses
Executive Compensation $0
Professional Fundraising Fees $0
Other Salaries and Wages $15,781
Total Assets $334,713
Total Liabilities $0
Net Assets $334,713

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

No Extracted Financial Data

Extracted financial data is not available for the forms filed in this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

No Extracted Financial Data

Extracted financial data is not available for the forms filed in this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

No Extracted Financial Data

Extracted financial data is not available for the forms filed in this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

No Extracted Financial Data

Extracted financial data is not available for the forms filed in this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

No Extracted Financial Data

Extracted financial data is not available for the forms filed in this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

No Extracted Financial Data

Extracted financial data is not available for the forms filed in this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Document Links

Fiscal Year Ending Dec.

No Extracted Financial Data

Extracted financial data is not available for the forms filed in this tax period, but Form 990 documents are available for download.

Document Links

About This Data

Nonprofit Explorer includes summary data for nonprofit tax returns and full Form 990 documents, in both PDF and digital formats.

The summary data contains information processed by the IRS during the 2012-2019 calendar years; this generally consists of filings for the 2011-2018 fiscal years, but may include older records. This data release includes only a subset of what can be found in the full Form 990s.

In addition to the raw summary data, we link to PDFs and digital copies of full Form 990 documents wherever possible. This consists of separate releases by the IRS of Form 990 documents processed by the agency, which we update regularly.

We also link to copies of audits nonprofit organizations that spent $750,000 or more in Federal grant money in a single fiscal year since 2016. These audits are copied from the Federal Audit Clearinghouse.

Which Organizations Are Here?

Every organization that has been recognized as tax exempt by the IRS has to file Form 990 every year, unless they make less than $200,000 in revenue and have less than $500,000 in assets, in which case they have to file form 990-EZ. Organizations making less than $50,000 don’t have to file either form but do have to let the IRS they’re still in business via a Form 990N "e-Postcard."

Nonprofit Explorer has organizations claiming tax exemption in each of the 27 subsections of the 501(c) section of the tax code, and which have filed a Form 990, Form 990EZ or Form 990PF. Taxable trusts and private foundations that are required to file a form 990PF are also included. Small organizations filing a Form 990N "e-Postcard" are not included in this data.

Types of Nonprofits

There are 27 nonprofit designations based on the numbered subsections of section 501(c) of the tax code. See the list »

Get the Data

For those interested in acquiring the original data from the source, here’s where our data comes from:

  • Raw filing data. Includes EINs and summary financials as structured data.
  • Exempt Organization profiles. Includes organization names, addresses, etc. You can merge this with the raw filing data using EIN numbers.
  • Form 990 documents. Prior to 2017, these documents were obtained and processed by and ProPublica. Bulk PDF downloads since 2017 are available from the IRS.
  • Form 990 documents as XML files. Includes complete filing data (financial details, names of officers, tax schedules, etc.) in machine-readable format. Only available for electronically filed documents. Electronic data released prior to October 2021 is also available through Amazon Web Services.
  • Audits. PDFs of single or program-specific audits for nonprofit organizations that spent $750,000 or more in Federal grant money in a single fiscal year. Available for fiscal year 2015 and later.


The data powering this website is available programmatically, via an API. Read the API documentation »