Nhc Healthcare Clinton
For profit - Limited Liability company · 304 Jacobs Highway, Clinton, SC 29325 · See home’s Medicare page
Affiliated With National Healthcare Corporation
People or companies with an ownership interest in or managerial control of this home, according to CMS data.
Nurse hours/resident/day
Reported total nurse staffing hours per resident per day.
State Average: 3.9
Nurse turnover
The percentage of nursing staff who stopped working at the home over a 12-month period.
State Average: 49.4%
Certified beds
Qualifying beds in the certified provider or supplier facility.
Average residents/day
Average number of residents based on daily census.
Direct owners are the layer of ownership closest to the nursing home while indirect owners have a stake in the nursing home but are further removed, like a company that owns the direct owner of a home. All owners listed below are people or companies who have at least a 5% stake in the nursing home. Entities with “managerial control” are those who conduct the day-to-day operations of the nursing home.
Direct owners
Nhc Op Lp (100%)
Indirect owners
National Health Corporation
National Healthcare Corporation
National Healthcare Corporation
Managerial control
Robert Ussery since Jan, 2017
Managing employee(s)
Charles Holder since Aug, 2011
Inspection Reports
total deficiencies
infection-related deficiency
This home violated federal standards protecting residents from the spread of infections.
Inspection reports document deficiencies, which are nursing homes’ failures to meet care requirements. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services releases the last three standard inspection reports, as well as the last 36 months of complaint and infection-control reports.
Aug 31, 2023
2 deficiencies
Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiency — F0641
Failure to:
Ensure each resident receives an accurate assessment.
No actual harm, with a potential for more than minimal harm
Few people affected
Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiency — F0842
Failure to:
Safeguard resident-identifiable information and/or maintain medical records on each resident that are in accordance with accepted professional standards.
No actual harm, with a potential for more than minimal harm
Few people affected
Dec 22, 2021
2 deficiencies
Nursing and Physician Services Deficiency — F0726
Failure to:
Ensure that nurses and nurse aides have the appropriate competencies to care for every resident in a way that maximizes each resident's well being.
No actual harm, with a potential for more than minimal harm
Few people affected
Infection Control Deficiency — F0880
Failure to:
Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.
No actual harm, with a potential for more than minimal harm
Few people affected
This home has no record of fines or payment suspensions for the past three years.