Search Thousands of Civilian Complaints Against New York City Police Officers

This database was last updated in July 2020 and is no longer being updated. Data on this page may be out of date. For more recent information, visit the city's database of civilian complaints against the NYPD.

Abuse of Authority: Search (Of Person)

This page contains all allegations assigned to this category by the CCRB. Multiple similar allegations can appear for the same officer because a complaint received from a civilian can include multiple allegations.

Officers With Complaints

What the CCRB’s Conclusions Mean

Substantiated: The alleged conduct occurred and it violated the rules. (Here is a breakdown of the types of discipline the CCRB can recommend. The NYPD can choose to ignore those recommendations. It has discretion over what, if any, discipline is imposed.)

Exonerated: The alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD’s rules, which often give officers significant discretion over use of force.

Unsubstantiated: The CCRB has fully investigated but could not affirmatively conclude both that the conduct occurred and that it broke the rules.

Officer Rank at Time of Complaint Officer Details Complainant Details CCRB Conclusion Year Received
Roberto Cordero Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 35 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Felix Graciani Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 18 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Danny Hernandez Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 17 years old Substantiated (No Recommendations) 2009
Titus Parham Sergeant Black male Black female, 29 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Johnnie Rosario Detective Hispanic male Hispanic male, 52 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Christophe Iacovides Police Officer White male Black male, 30 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
Steve Tirado Police Officer Hispanic male White male, 28 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Wilson Quiles Sergeant Hispanic male Hispanic male, 41 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
Randy Rose Police Officer White male Black male, 45 years old Exonerated 2009
Christophe White Police Officer White male Asian male, 29 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Katrina Forrester Police Officer Black female Hispanic male, 30 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Peter Russo Police Officer White male Black male, 22 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Anil Jacob Police Officer Asian male Black male Exonerated 2009
Eric Delman Sergeant White male Hispanic male, 25 years old Exonerated 2009
Mark Kistoo Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 47 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
Victoria Lafauci Detective White female White male, 21 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Railyng Frias Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 47 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Joseph Ross Police Officer White male Black male, 48 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Richard Urena Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 21 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Maria Bocachica Police Officer Hispanic female Hispanic female, 56 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Roberson Tunis Police Officer Black male Black male, 46 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Thomas Marco Sergeant White male Black male, 25 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Todd Keyes Police Officer White male White male, 43 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
John Slavinsky Police Officer White male Hispanic male, 30 years old Substantiated (Instructions) 2009
Luke Denesopolis Sergeant White male White male, 60 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Petr Janak Police Officer White male Black male, 13 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
John Hall Police Officer White male Other Race male, 25 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
Brian Clements Sergeant White male Black male, 27 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Donald Lee Police Officer Asian male Black male, 21 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
Jamie Blandeburgo Police Officer White female White female, 30 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Resembric Altamar Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 18 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Daniel Campbell Sergeant White male Hispanic male, 26 years old Exonerated 2009
Michael Moyer Police Officer White male Black male, 31 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
Theohari Koumniotes Police Officer White male Hispanic male, 27 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Steven Gansrow Detective White male Black female, 51 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Rikkie Dookie Police Officer Black male Black male, 21 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
William Sommer Sergeant White male White male, 32 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Christophe Beckett Police Officer White male Hispanic male, 35 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Robert Nugent Sergeant White male Black male, 31 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Julio Hernandez Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 21 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2009
Vincent Fontana Sergeant White male Black male, 23 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Jeremy Demarco Detective White male Black male, 31 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Ezequiel Burgos Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 40 years old Substantiated (No Recommendations) 2009
Kyle Stanley Police Officer White male Unknown male, 39 years old Unsubstantiated 2009
Miguel Pierre Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 25 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Alonzo Martinez Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 40 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Alonzo Martinez Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 27 years old Substantiated (Command Discipline) 2008
Andres Rosario Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 18 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Jacy Reese Police Officer Black male Black male, 37 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Dennis Ferrer Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 54 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Andrew Hunt Police Officer White male Black male, 41 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Simon Rashid Police Officer Asian male Refused male, 27 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Jaime Arroyo Detective Hispanic male White male, 28 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Maribel Burgos Police Officer Hispanic female Black female, 33 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Nicholas Vandyke Sergeant White male Black male, 26 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Andre Figueiredo Police Officer White male Black male, 15 years old Exonerated 2008
Luis Pena Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 16 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Luis Pena Police Officer Hispanic male White male, 18 years old Exonerated 2008
Jaime Santiago Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 26 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Shawn Gallagher Police Officer White male White male, 26 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Howard Zweben Sergeant White male Hispanic male, 42 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Diego Dotres Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 42 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Howard Zweben Sergeant White male Black male, 42 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Christophe Esposito Police Officer White male Black male, 27 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2008
Frank Galati Detective White male Black male, 51 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2008
John Rajan Sergeant Asian male Hispanic male, 23 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2008
John Rajan Sergeant Asian male Hispanic male, 25 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Anthony Lustica Police Officer White male Black male, 24 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Jose Tabora Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 50 years old Exonerated 2008
Timothy Brovakos Police Officer White male Black male, 49 years old Exonerated 2008
Eli Slavkin Police Officer White male White male, 45 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Michael White Sergeant Black male Black male, 44 years old Exonerated 2008
Thomas Napolitano Police Officer White male Black male, 43 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Nino Lama Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 30 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Jennifer Lavelle Police Officer White female Black female, 52 years old Exonerated 2008
Jennifer Lavelle Police Officer White female Black female, 22 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Wilson Verdesoto Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 22 years old Exonerated 2008
Anthony Andino Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 37 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Anthony Andino Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 36 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Malcolm Liu Police Officer Asian male Hispanic male, 36 years old Exonerated 2008
Robert Admirand Police Officer White male Unknown male, 36 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Daniel Young Police Officer White male Black male, 19 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Robert Nugent Sergeant White male Black male, 28 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2008
Jason Fritz Police Officer White male Black male, 20 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Vito Nicoletta Police Officer White male Not available Exonerated 2008
James Whitlock Police Officer Black male Hispanic male, 36 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
John Zamot Police Officer Hispanic male Black male, 33 years old Substantiated (Command Discipline) 2008
Derrick Boyd Police Officer Black male Black male, 22 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Neil Zuber Sergeant White male Hispanic male, 26 years old Exonerated 2008
Scott Martin Detective White male Black male, 45 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Andrew Erato Detective White male Black male, 51 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2008
Clifton Clarke Police Officer Black male Hispanic female, 42 years old Substantiated (Command Discipline) 2008
Anthony Kotarski Lieutenant White male Hispanic female, 35 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Joaquin Camacho Detective Hispanic male Hispanic male, 45 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Joaquin Camacho Detective Hispanic male Hispanic male, 49 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Hariton Marachilian Police Officer White male Black male, 61 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Steven Lawrence Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 25 years old Substantiated (Charges) 2008
Robert Romano Police Officer White male Hispanic male, 24 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Alfredo Skelton Police Officer Hispanic male Hispanic male, 29 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
Alfredo Skelton Police Officer Hispanic male Other Race male, 44 years old Unsubstantiated 2008
About This Data
For decades, disciplinary records of police officers in New York have been shielded from public view. After the state recently repealed the law that had kept the records secret, ProPublica requested and received a database from New York City’s Civilian Complaint Review Board, which investigates allegations of misconduct against NYPD officers. The database lists the name of each officer, the race of the complainant and the officer, a category describing the alleged misconduct, and whether the CCRB concluded the officers’ conduct violated NYPD rules. Police unions have opposed New York City’s plan to make public data about disciplinary investigations.

This database names about 4,000 of the NYPD’s 36,000 active-duty officers. Every officer in the database has had at least one substantiated allegation. We excluded any allegations that CCRB investigators concluded did not occur and were deemed unfounded. We also removed a small number of officers (62) against whom the CCRB had substantiated allegations, but whose substantiated allegations had not gone fully through the NYPD’s administrative prosecution process. The CCRB was not able to reach conclusions in many cases, in part because the investigators must rely on the NYPD to hand over crucial evidence, such as footage from body-worn cameras. Often, the department is not forthcoming despite a legal duty to cooperate in CCRB investigations. The CCRB gets thousands of complaints per year but substantiates a tiny fraction of them. Allegations of criminal conduct by officers are typically investigated not by the CCRB but by state or federal prosecutors in conjunction with the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau or the FBI. The NYPD’s own findings in cases in this database are not included here.

Read more about what we’ve included in the database and why, and see our answers to questions we have received about this data. If you have information about any of these officers or cases, please fill out our form.

All of the records in this data are from closed cases. But if you see an error, contact the CCRB. If the agency updates its records and lets us know, we'll do so as well.

The data used in this database is downloadable from ProPublica’s Data Store.

This data was obtained through a records request made to the CCRB. It includes fully investigated allegations only for officers who were members of the department as of late June 2020 and against whom the CCRB has substantiated at least one allegation.
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