This database was last updated in July 2020 and is no longer being updated. Data on this page may be out of date. For more recent information, visit the city's database of civilian complaints against the NYPD.
Between April 2014 and June 2020, the Civilian Complaint Review Board released over a dozen reports containing incident descriptions of a selection of its most serious police misconduct cases. We’ve matched these cases — handled by what is called the Administrative Prosecution Unit — to officer names using public records. Here is a partial list of the cases prosecuted by the CCRB and links to the board’s narrative version of what took place. The Police Department has not released its own descriptions. For more information on how this list was created as well as the frequent divergence between the police commissioner and CCRB on discipline in these cases, read our story.
This database names about 4,000 of the NYPD’s 36,000 active-duty officers. Every officer in the database has had at least one substantiated allegation. We excluded any allegations that CCRB investigators concluded did not occur and were deemed unfounded. We also removed a small number of officers (62) against whom the CCRB had substantiated allegations, but whose substantiated allegations had not gone fully through the NYPD’s administrative prosecution process. The CCRB was not able to reach conclusions in many cases, in part because the investigators must rely on the NYPD to hand over crucial evidence, such as footage from body-worn cameras. Often, the department is not forthcoming despite a legal duty to cooperate in CCRB investigations. The CCRB gets thousands of complaints per year but substantiates a tiny fraction of them. Allegations of criminal conduct by officers are typically investigated not by the CCRB but by state or federal prosecutors in conjunction with the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau or the FBI. The NYPD’s own findings in cases in this database are not included here.
Read more about what we’ve included in the database and why, and see our answers to questions we have received about this data. If you have information about any of these officers or cases, please fill out our form.
All of the records in this data are from closed cases. But if you see an error, contact the CCRB. If the agency updates its records and lets us know, we'll do so as well.
The data used in this database is downloadable from ProPublica’s Data Store.