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Explore the Tweets They Didn't Want You to See

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office.

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

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HoodForGovernor (D-Miss.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

No individual should be above the law and allowed to hide behind corporate protections to shield them from personal responsibility. Mississippi applauds the efforts of Massachusetts in joining our efforts and seeking accountability wherever it lies. https://t.co/bKoY4yXm2r QT @csiemaszko: )

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GKButterfield (D-N.C.)

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This is shameful. President Trump CHOSE to separate families at the border just as he CHOSE to end DACA. https://t.co/68wfkKQ58f QT @ProPublica: Inside a detention center last week. Children separated from their parents wail and ask for help. A Border Patrol… https://t.co/Oq5j45H6oR)

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Hey @PressSec - since you just asked people to call their members of Congress, I thought you'd want to know they have been. And since this morning, calls to our office went from 96% against @realDonaldTrump to 97% against your #FamilySeparation policy. #K QT @RepCheri: Hey @realDonaldTrump - Remember how you won my Congressional District in 2016? Well, since Friday, 96% of the calls… https://t.co/R9CdmyGM5P)

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DebHaalandNM (D-N.M.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Prescription drugs are critical to the health of so many Americans. It is time that we start seeing life-saving prescription drugs as human rights, not items for profit.

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DebHaalandNM (D-N.M.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

The life of a person that has access to prescription drugs should not be valued over someone who cannot afford them. The lives and health of our citizens should not be held hostage by corporate drug companies that profit more than any other industry.

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GGGoodrich (D-Ohio)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @GCRTA: 66R buses continue to replace Red Line trains between Tower City and West Blvd in both directions. 66R buses no lon… https://t.co/FRYwGpg9SL

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Dreamers are our neighbors, classmates and friends. I’m incredibly proud to sign legislation that protects Dreamers’ ability to obtain drivers licenses in R.I., regardless of what happens at the federal level. https://t.co/2u6k5fD1E8

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Keep the faith that we will #BringBackOurGirls! https://t.co/T5VCvRwG6F QT @BBOG_Nigeria: DAY 1526 #ChibokGirls' abduction, 112 still in captivity. DAY 1116 under President Muhammadu Buhari's watch. DAY 1,… https://t.co/2vSm515ETj)

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Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.