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Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office.

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

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892591165412749312 vty qo4g bigger

mark_osmack (D-Mo.)

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Keep calling, it's working! Call @RepAnnWagner at 202-225-1621 to demand action now. Leading Republicans Join Democrats in Pushing Trump to Halt Family Separations https://t.co/7ol1OQQXKG

1168593803181252608 deysmmns bigger

_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)

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RT @MattWiederspan: #SilenceIsViolence https://t.co/iqgHMBWm5i QT @_SemaHernandez_: Q: If our elected officials willingly approve $1.4 Trillion for war, why can't they approve $100 Billion for… https://t.co/0zWAyjrHIX)

45895089 20150209 1270 ae236i

EllisonCampaign (D-Minn.)

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Had to stop at Tobies before heading to Virginia, Minnesota to discuss the role of the Minnesota Attorney General in fighting for ALL. https://t.co/a1kfbzyTJW

1486072146078179329 cat3xxlq bigger

RT @DavidAWeinberg: Rep @janschakowsky with civil rights leaders at the Capitol: we are a country of immigrants, whether this administr… https://t.co/GyhAYLoc9J

865190903731716096 yn0rge2y bigger

KrishForMD (D-Md.)

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RT @BostonGlobe: Mass. Governor Charlie Baker won't sent National Guard to Mexican border due to “cruel and inhumane" Trump administ… https://t.co/aMMN8N43GM

897098347768676352 lbusfprz bigger

BradAshford18 (D-Neb.)

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@SenSasse @SenatorFischer @RepDonBacon if you’re also looking for what to call this.. the correct answer is INHUMANE. https://t.co/Qkx7QdAqZx

461880758613704705 l k2digx bigger

Are you as outraged by the heartless separation of children from their parents as I am? This is a choice being made by the #TrumpAdministration, not the law. Your voice matters. Call your representative today to tell them to #KeepFamilesTogether: 202-225-

1114294290375688193 p9mcjngb bigger

RT @RepWilson: Where are the girls? I worry that many of them are at vulnerable periods in their lives and being torn from their m… https://t.co/Z2rPqGg5Ls

1487207978914693120 g2gj0duq bigger

.@DHSgov denied that they were breaking the sacred bond between parents and children until the @NYT reported that more than 700 children have been separated from their moms & dads since October. http ://goo.gl/vxZNZy

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Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.