Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?


Primary Recipient




Award Date


Administering Agency

Energy, Department of

CDFA Number


CDFA Program Title

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG)


Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant: The purpose of the EECBG Program is to assist eligible entities in creating and implementing strategies to: G?? reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and, to the max

Vendors Connected to Award

Vendor Role Amount
TMI Services, Inc. Primary vendor $15,697.16
Johnson Controls Primary vendor $90,000.00
Stantec Primary vendor $7,273.00
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $9,991.77
Crosby-Brownlie Primary vendor $8,046.22
Paradigm Environmental Primary vendor $556.00
Hazardous Removals of Rochester Primary vendor $1,655.34
Flower City Glass Primary vendor $11,683.00
Blackmon-Farrell Electric Primary vendor $12,285.80
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $27,145.21
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $898.00
Q-Tech Engineering, P.C. Primary vendor $4,750.00
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $20,522.79
Blackmon-Farrell Electric Primary vendor $1,291.51
Crosby-Brownlie Primary vendor $32,166.98
Hewitt-Young Electric Co. Primary vendor $414,591.55
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $15,544.83
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $2,039.00
TMI Services, Inc. Primary vendor $20,487.26
DEROVATIONS CORPORATION Primary vendor $4,931.00
Johnson Controls Primary vendor $9,563.00
Stantec Primary vendor $3,664.00
Hewitt-Young Electric Co. Primary vendor $135,408.45
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $9,570.64
Blackmon-Farrell Electric Primary vendor $17,237.63
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $17,277.41
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $4,346.58
Blackmon-Farrell Electric Primary vendor $8,991.33
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $2,152.11
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $748.66
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $30,199.70
American Bicycle Security Primary vendor $30,618.00
Johnson Controls Primary vendor $114,054.00
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $4,799.81
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $23,593.12
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $30,249.80
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $10,745.75
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $4,876.50
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $5,386.58
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $4,504.42
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $7,644.24
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $10,421.58
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $6,495.00
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $10,421.58
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $357.22
Blackmon-Farrell Electric Primary vendor $6,930.00
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $16,127.39
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $15,392.50
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $6,329.78
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $2,096.89
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $1,483.50
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $3,175.41
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $6,652.41
LaBella Associates Primary vendor $21,643.31
VJ Stanley, Inc. Primary vendor $13,498.79
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $428.61
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $6,434.00
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $17,313.00
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $7,775.50
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $4,718.74
O\'Brien and Gere Engineers Primary vendor $4,739.22