Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?


Primary Recipient




Award Date


Administering Agency

Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Resources and Services Administration

CDFA Number


CDFA Program Title

ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1]


The purpose of FIP funding is to complete interior renovations and purchase equipment and furniture for PCC's new South Family Health Center. PCC plans to relocate the current facility from a very small rented space in Oak Park, IL to an 18,550 square-foo

Vendors Connected to Award

Vendor Role Amount
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $11,080.00
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $19,444.00
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $17,918.02
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $10,744.00
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $12,680.19
Deluxe For Business Primary vendor $102.63
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $11,580.72
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $8,361.61
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $9,884.80
First American Title Insurance Company Primary vendor $250.00
First American Title Insurance Company Primary vendor $310.00
Mesirow Financial Primary vendor $11,063.00
First American Title Insurance Company Primary vendor $280.00
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $9,216.00
First American Title Insurance Company Primary vendor $280.00
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $14,385.96
Project Insight Primary vendor $14,307.00
AT&T Primary vendor $1,842.55
Henry Schein Primary vendor $3,158.65
Superior Spaces Primary vendor $12,693.52
Geary Electric Primary vendor $2,561.50
CDW Government Inc. Primary vendor $6,595.67
onShore Networks LLC Primary vendor $11,739.34
ADT Security Systems Primary vendor $5,248.56
City of Berwyn Building Department; Primary vendor $1,220.00
City of Berwyn Primary vendor $8,745.00
First American Title Insurance Company Primary vendor $280.00
Manske Dieckmann Thompson Primary vendor $850.01
INDECOR Inc Primary vendor $5,905.00
Best Buy Primary vendor $3,427.96
Cardinal Health Primary vendor $3,711.85
Superior Spaces Primary vendor $3,997.85
Geary Electric Primary vendor $1,059.95