Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?


Primary Recipient




Award Date


Administering Agency

Energy, Department of

CDFA Number


CDFA Program Title

Advanced Research and Projects Agency Energy Financial Assistance Program


This Technology Investment Agreement is awarded to Foro Energy, Inc., for the development of a new hybrid thermal-mechanical drilling technology to enable rapid and sustained penetration of ultra-hard rock formations to open up cost effective access to th

Vendors Connected to Award

Vendor Role Amount
Proprietary and Protected Vendor A Primary vendor $56,859.42
Proprietary and Protected Vendor B Primary vendor $68,498.04
Proprietary and Protected Vendor C Primary vendor $815,521.28
Proprietary and Protected Vendor D Primary vendor $390,971.26
Proprietary and Protected Vendor E Primary vendor $159,339.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor F Primary vendor $45,390.65
Proprietary and Protected Vendor G Primary vendor $311,000.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor H Primary vendor $26,001.51
Proprietary and Protected Vendor I Primary vendor $25,550.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor J Primary vendor $150,349.65
Proprietary and Protected Vendor K Primary vendor $87,637.36
Proprietary and Protected Vendor L Primary vendor $1,631,223.84
Proprietary and Protected Vendor M Primary vendor $25,100.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor N Primary vendor $122,671.29
Proprietary and Protected Vendor O Primary vendor $111,006.15
Proprietary and Protected Vendor P Primary vendor $28,488.58
Proprietary and Protected Vendor Q Primary vendor $69,034.90
Proprietary and Protected Vendor R Primary vendor $55,708.60
Proprietary and Protected Vendor S Primary vendor $42,483.20
Proprietary and Protected Vendor T Primary vendor $43,750.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor U Primary vendor $26,160.85
Proprietary and Protected Vendor V Primary vendor $48,339.52
Proprietary and Protected Vendor W Primary vendor $35,383.87
Proprietary and Protected Vendor X Primary vendor $76,597.76
Proprietary and Protected Vendor Y Primary vendor $78,450.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor Z Primary vendor $50,225.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor AA Primary vendor $50,000.00
Proprietary and Protected Vendor BB Primary vendor $41,343.25