Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?


Primary Recipient




Award Date


Administering Agency

Commerce, Department of / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

CDFA Number


CDFA Program Title

Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)


NebraskaLink will deploy a high speed, middle mile fiber-optic network across nearly the entire state of Nebraska. The 'Connecting Nebraska Communities' consists of a nearly 2,000 mile network, including 450 miles of newly constructed fiber in Western Ne

Vendors Connected to Award

Vendor Role Amount
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $251,128.87
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $171,343.62
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $159,354.33
Graybar Primary vendor $181,449.00
Graybar Primary vendor $61,064.28
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $61,479.39
Graybar Primary vendor $159,466.92
Hartelco Primary vendor $26,619.37
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $159,567.64
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $30,304.21
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $56,306.16
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $293,948.18
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $43,947.54
Pittsburgh Pipe Primary vendor $25,447.71
Consolidated Companies Primary vendor $235,000.00
Vantage Point Primary vendor $71,550.00
VeEx Primary vendor $25,215.00
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $270,336.00
RVW Primary vendor $28,667.20
RVW Primary vendor $35,512.00
RVW Primary vendor $80,566.20
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $312,256.39
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $81,348.20
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $343,390.42
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $797,917.62
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $105,760.80
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $137,780.62
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $377,783.66
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $39,996.64
Pittsburgh Pipe Primary vendor $180,679.45
RVW Primary vendor $35,163.50
Graybar Primary vendor $189,296.74
Pittsburgh Pipe Primary vendor $151,973.37
Great Plains Primary vendor $31,258.41
Electrical Engineering & Equipment Primary vendor $60,112.80
RVW Primary vendor $110,229.80
RVW Primary vendor $38,732.00
RVW Primary vendor $37,789.00
RVW Primary vendor $34,558.00
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $70,014.15
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $154,291.76
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $262,227.63
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $298,288.02
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $34,117.70
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $43,009.06
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $46,330.77
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $31,159.43
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $75,936.09
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $31,795.91
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $27,088.83
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $46,341.16
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $49,157.59
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $33,932.28
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $77,383.59
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $77,580.47
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $77,738.72
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $77,936.53
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $78,094.78
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $78,094.78
Cyan Optics Primary vendor $39,567.56
Bauer Underground Primary vendor $87,950.78