Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?


Primary Recipient




Award Date


Administering Agency

Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service

CDFA Number


CDFA Program Title

Broadband Initiatives Program


Montana Opticom, LLC will utilize Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) to expand highspeed broadband to rural communities and rural areas within Gallatin County, Montana. Affordable and reliable broadband will be extended to 7,746 households 4,118 businesses, and

Vendors Connected to Award

Vendor Role Amount
KLJ Engineering Primary vendor $2,256,972.50
CTA Inc Primary vendor $91,872.41
Voyager Group Primary vendor $26,737.92
Montana Ventures II, LLC Primary vendor $134,848.26
Calix Primary vendor $632,166.15
Dascom Systems Primary vendor $888,983.86
Metaswitch Networks Primary vendor $289,398.90
Pauley Construction Primary vendor $3,510,787.73
Thermobond Primary vendor $88,456.07
USFS Primary vendor $29,432.46
Lowes Primary vendor $246.01
Security Title Primary vendor $90,893.72
Fugro Primary vendor $50,412.73
KGP Logistics Primary vendor $5,564.42
Tyler Electric Primary vendor $96,375.81
Gallatin County Road and Bridge Department Primary vendor $2,058.41
Gallatin County Geographical Information Systems Primary vendor $14.97
Gallatin County Water Department Primary vendor $249.50
Northwest Energy Primary vendor $6,482.61
Bridger Heating and Cooling Primary vendor $6,727.12
Action Battery Primary vendor $158,686.00
Northstar Retail Corner Property Design Review Primary vendor $249.50
Cummins Rocky Mountain Primary vendor $42,016.43
Gallatin Electric Primary vendor $823.36
Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder Primary vendor $24.95
Walker and Associates Primary vendor $302,361.12
Knife River Primary vendor $32,485.39
Power and Tel Primary vendor $138,184.44
CenturyLink Primary vendor $7,955.91
Street Department Primary vendor $168.96
Alamon Electrical Primary vendor $31,838.18
CED Inc Primary vendor $2,951.33
Pioneer Enterprises Primary vendor $1,177.66
MLS Co Primary vendor $224.55
Staples Primary vendor $69.86
Graybar Primary vendor $739.53
Amp Co Primary vendor $22.46