Nome County, Alaska, funds by Health and Human Services, Department of
Listing $139,655,714.32 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for Nome
Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.
Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.
Recipient | Amount | Description | Federal Dept./Agency | Date |
INUIT-NCI JV | $73,126,684 |
Construction of the New Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome, Alaska consisting of approximate 150,000 SF 3-level steel frame structure w 18 beds.
This spending item is part of a $95,949,598 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 8/19/2009 |
NORTON SOUND HEALTH CORPORATION | $44,594,949 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project includes modifications #4, #5, #6 & #7 to an existing Title V, subpart N Construction project Agreement between Norton Sound Health Corporation and the Indian Health Service for the Norton Sound Regional Hospital Replacement Project. The pro | Indian Health Service | 12/28/2009 |
INUIT SERVICES, INC. | $15,521,595 |
Construction of the New Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome, Alaska consisting of approximate 150,000 SF 3-level steel frame structure w 18 beds.
This spending item is part of a $95,949,598 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 8/19/2009 |
KAWERAK, INC. | $1,070,578 | ARRA - Early Head Start This award provides for ARRA Early Head Start Expansion funded to serve 36 children. The Early Head Start program proved family -centered services for low-icome families with very young children (birth to 3) to promote the healthy development of the chil | Administration for Children and Families | 12/15/2009 |
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF | $928,125 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements EPA provided IHS $937,500 of Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants Tribal Set Aside funds through Interagency Agreement DW-75-95766001-0 for this project. Project scope: New filtration equipment will be installed and the upgraded plant will meet with Surf | Indian Health Service | 7/17/2009 |
Construction of the New Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome, Alaska consisting of approximate 150,000 SF 3-level steel frame structure w 18 beds.
This spending item is part of a $95,949,598 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 8/19/2009 |
ALASKA NATIVE TRIBAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM, INC | $808,705 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project will provide washeteria improvements and will replace flooring and floor joists in the menG??s and womenG??s bathroom and the mop sink area as needed. The floor will be crowned and more floor drains will be installed to allow water to enter i | Indian Health Service | 7/17/2009 |
Rain Proof Roofing, LLC | $736,941 |
Construction of the New Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome, Alaska consisting of approximate 150,000 SF 3-level steel frame structure w 18 beds.
This spending item is part of a $95,949,598 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 8/19/2009 |
Construction of the New Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome, Alaska consisting of approximate 150,000 SF 3-level steel frame structure w 18 beds.
This spending item is part of a $95,949,598 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 8/19/2009 |
ALASKA NATIVE TRIBAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM, INC | $474,400 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements EPA provided IHS $479,200 of Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants Tribal Set Aside funds through Interagency Agreement DW-75-95766001-0 for this project. Project scope: This project will purchase and install a generator system for the new water treatment | Indian Health Service | 8/13/2009 |
NORTON SOUND HEALTH CORPORATION | $451,670 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Purpose: To resolve the problems created by frequent power outages, and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of communication by improving the transmission of voice and data between the clinics and the administrative center in n Nome, Alaska. Goal 1... Show more | Health Resources and Services Administration | 6/25/2009 |
NORTON SOUND HEALTH CORPORATION | $184,117 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] ARRA Increase Service for Health Centers | Health Resources and Services Administration | 3/27/2009 |
Construction of the New Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Nome, Alaska consisting of approximate 150,000 SF 3-level steel frame structure w 18 beds.
This spending item is part of a $95,949,598 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 8/19/2009 |
KAWERAK, INC. | $90,612 | ARRA - Head Start This award provides ARRA Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), and Quality Improvement Funding consistent with the provisions of Section 640(a)(5) of the Head Start Act for the Head Start program. The Head Start program promotes school readiness of low-incom | Administration for Children and Families | 7/28/2009 |
NOME ESKIMO COMMUNITY | $28,818 | ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) - Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care. | Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
NATIVE VILLAGE OF UNALAKLEET | $8,930 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |
NATIVE VILLAGE OF SAVOONGA | $8,930 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |
GAMBELL VILLAGE COUNCIL | $8,930 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |
ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements EPA provided IHS $937,500 of Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants Tribal Set Aside funds through Interagency Agreement DW-75-95766001-0 for this project. Project scope: New filtration equipment will be installed and the upgraded plant will meet with Surf
This spending item is part of a $928,125 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 7/17/2009 |