Humboldt County, Calif., funds by Health and Human Services, Department of
Listing $11,393,646.00 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for Humboldt
Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.
Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.
Recipient | Amount | Description | Federal Dept./Agency | Date |
ARRA - Community Services Block Grant The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding appropriated $89 million to support the activities provided by 60 California CSBG eligible entities. The CSBG eligible entities are comprised of local governme
This spending item is part of a $89,150,062 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/10/2009 |
NORTHCOAST CHILDREN'S SERVICES INC | $2,397,533 | ARRA - Early Head Start This award provides for ARRA Early HEad Start Expansion funded to serve 80 children. The Early Head Start program promotes the healthy development of children & families by providing family centered services for low income families with children ages pre | Administration for Children and Families | 11/01/2009 |
OPEN DOOR COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS | $1,633,060 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Open Door Community Health Centers (ODCHC) sought ARRA Capital Improvement Project funds to implement electronic health records in select ODCHC clinics that had not yet installed the integrated system in use in other clinics. The intenent was to have all OD... Show more | Health Resources and Services Administration | 6/25/2009 |
OPEN DOOR COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS | $565,792 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Open Door Community Health Centers (ODCHC) is the safety-net provider for California's Del Norte and Humboldt Counties. In 2008, ODCHC, served 39,516 unique users with 167,000 encounters for primary medical, dental, mental health and e enabling services. OD... Show more | Health Resources and Services Administration | 3/27/2009 |
NORTHCOAST CHILDREN'S SERVICES INC | $463,363 | ARRA - Head Start This award provides for ARRA Head Start Expansion funded to serve 24 children. The Head Start program promotes school readiness through center & home based preschool programs fro children ages 3-5 from low income families while also providing health & fa | Administration for Children and Families | 9/19/2009 |
REDWOODS RURAL HEALTH CENTER | $385,695 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] RRHC has identified several critical health issues in our community. Compliance with Childhood immunizations is low; clients diagnosed with hypertension may not receive timely care; women's health issues may go untreated; diabetes seemems to be a growing pr... Show more | Health Resources and Services Administration | 6/25/2009 |
ARRA - Community Services Block Grant The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding appropriated $89 million to support the activities provided by 60 California CSBG eligible entities. The CSBG eligible entities are comprised of local governme
This spending item is part of a $89,150,062 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/10/2009 |
NORTHCOAST CHILDREN'S SERVICES INC | $371,803 | ARRA - Head Start ARRA Cost of Living (COLA) and Quality Improvement Funding consistent with the provisions of Section 640(a)(5) of the Head Start Act. Total of 639 children served - 511 children and families in HS and 128 children and families in EHS. Head Start childre | Administration for Children and Families | 6/30/2009 |
HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY SPONSORED PROGRAMS FOUNDATION | $233,082 | ARRA Strengthening Communities Fund Project Purpose: This project aims to build capacity within local nonprofit organizations that conduct economic recovery and economic development activities. Project Components and Progress To-Date: Major components of the California SBDC Capacity Build | Administration for Children and Families | 11/01/2010 |
HOOPA VALLEY TRIBAL COUNCIL | $202,400 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements Sanitation projects for Indian homes within the reservation | Indian Health Service | 9/02/2009 |
YUROK TRIBE | $172,100 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project will contribute funds to complete the Kepel-Notchko Water System improvements which include replacing 5300 feet of pipe, adding hydrants, individual and master meters, fencing all facilities, repairing the road, improvements to storage tanks | Indian Health Service | 9/30/2009 |
REDWOODS RURAL HEALTH CENTER | $160,723 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Redwoods Rural Health Center (RRHC) has always been the primary care provider for the most at need in our rural, nearly frontier region. With the current economic downturn, we are seeing more and more people in need of affordable healtlth care due to losing... Show more | Health Resources and Services Administration | 3/27/2009 |
REDWOODS RURAL HEALTH CENTER | $160,723 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Redwoods Rural Health Center (RRHC) has always been the primary care provider for the most at need in our rural, nearly frontier region. With the current economic downturn, we are seeing more and more people in need of affordable healtlth care due to losing... Show more | Health Resources and Services Administration | 3/27/2009 |
HOOPA VALLEY BUSINESS COUNCIL | $147,992 | ARRA -+ Emergency Contingency Fund for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) State Program 2009 TANFS | Administration for Children and Families | 12/30/2009 |
MOBILE MEDICAL OFFICE | $121,744 | Increased Demand for Services | Health Resources and Services Administration | 3/27/2009 |
MOBILE MEDICAL OFFICE | $121,744 | ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Increased Demand for Services | Health Resources and Services Administration | 3/27/2009 |
K'IMA:W MEDICAL CENTER | $121,263 | The interior walls will be prepared and painted throughout the health clinic. The flooring throughout the health clinic will be replaced. The interior finishes are aged and in need of repair. | Indian Health Service | 12/08/2009 |
JB CONSTRUCTION CO | $121,263 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements The interior walls will be prepared and painted throughout the health clinic. The flooring throughout the clinic will be replaced. | Indian Health Service | 12/08/2009 |
UNITED INDIAN HEALTH SERVICES INC | $100,000 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements Non-Resource and Patient Management System computer system interface: This will provide a Next Gen-to-IHS data interface. | Indian Health Service | 8/18/2010 |
ARRA - Community Health Applied Research Network The goal of this cooperative agreement is to build research infrastructure to develop and generate Comparitive Effectiveness Research (CER). OCHIN will be collaborating with Oregon Health & Sciences University (OHSU), the state's only acedemic health c cent... Show more
This spending item is part of a $2,000,000 allocation.
See details
Health Resources and Services Administration | 8/25/2010 |
YUROK TRIBE | $70,952 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project will contribute funds to complete installation of solar panels, deep cell batteries, satellite radio transmitters, monitoring equipment (turbidimeters, chlorine sensors, pressure transducers), data loggers, and building improvements to house | Indian Health Service | 9/30/2009 |
HOOPA VALLEY TRIBAL COUNCIL | $64,058 | ARRA - Head Start Increase the compensation and benefits of staff though a cost of living adjustment to improve the overall quality of the program and to provide professional development to teaching staff to improve staff qualifications. | Administration for Children and Families | 7/23/2009 |
ARRA - Immunization ARRA-317 Immunization and Vaccines for Children Grants. This award will support efforts to plan, develop, and maintain a public health infrastructure for low income children and adults vaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases.
This spending item is part of a $10,069,863 allocation.
See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 9/15/2009 |
K'IMA:W MEDICAL CENTER | $36,976 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements Replacement piece of equipment for chemical analysis of blood for diagnostic procedures. | Indian Health Service | 3/22/2010 |
AREA 1 AGENCY ON AGING | $35,131 |
Aging Congregate Nutrition Services for States Provides additional funding to Area Agencies on Aging for Elderly Nutrition Congregate Meals Programs to feed seniors in need and to restore nutrition services and local food service positions eliminated due to cost increases and funding losses.
This spending item is part of a $6,585,441 allocation.
See details
Administration on Aging | 3/18/2009 |
HOOPA VALLEY TRIBAL COUNCIL | $32,878 | ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant ARRA supplemental funding for the child care development fund (ccdf); description: provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care. Assistance is provided so that low income f | Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
ARRA - Community Services Block Grant The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding appropriated $89 million to support the activities provided by 60 California CSBG eligible entities. The CSBG eligible entities are comprised of local governme
This spending item is part of a $89,150,062 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/10/2009 |
AREA 1 AGENCY ON AGING | $17,295 |
Aging Home-Delivered Nutrition Services for States Provides additional funding to Area Agencies on Aging for Elderly Nutrition Home Delivered Meals Programs to feed seniors in need and to restore nutrition services and local food service positions eliminated due to cost increses and funding losses.
This spending item is part of a $3,242,063 allocation.
See details
Administration on Aging | 3/18/2009 |
ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $220,273,864 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), working collaboratively with the California Primary Care Association (CPCA) and the California Area Health Education Center (AHEC) will administer California's first HRSA/NHSC Cal-SEARCH pro
This spending item is part of a $579,000 allocation.
See details
Health Resources and Services Administration | 9/30/2009 |
UNITED INDIAN HEALTH SERVICES, INC | $10,140 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |
BLUE LAKE RANCHERIA | $10,140 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |
HUPA HEALTH ASSOCIATION, INC | $8,930 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |
UNITED INDIAN HEALTH SERVICES, INC | $8,930 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |
ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $220,273,864 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $220,273,864 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $220,273,864 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $220,273,864 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $220,273,864 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $220,273,864 allocation.
See details
Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements The interior walls will be prepared and painted throughout the health clinic. The flooring throughout the clinic will be replaced.
This spending item is part of a $121,263 allocation.
See details
Indian Health Service | 12/08/2009 |