Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Siskiyou County, Calif., funds by Agriculture, Department of

Listing $38,937,117.67 in stimulus funds from Agriculture, Department of for Siskiyou

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $8,237,716 The Blue Ledge Mine is an inactive underground copper mine, dating back to 1898. ERRG has been contracted to conduct a removal action to address the ongoing release of hazardous substances from the mine site that has been demonstrated to be harmful to th
This spending item is part of a $12,447,704 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/28/2010
YREKA, CITY OF $6,810,000 Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA 544 - (Combo Loan & Grant) Water Only - 09/10 Stimulus. Rural Development funds will be used to upgrade the Fall Creek pump station; build a new filter pump station/primary coagulant facility; add two new filters w/ associated flow meters... Show more Rural Utilities Service 4/21/2010
ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION RESOURCES GROUP, INC. $3,267,792 The Blue Ledge Mine is an inactive underground copper mine, dating back to 1898. ERRG has been contracted to conduct a removal action to address the ongoing release of hazardous substances from the mine site that has been demonstrated to be harmful to th
This spending item is part of a $12,447,704 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/28/2010
YREKA, CITY OF $3,249,000 Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA 544 - (Combo Loan & Grant) Water Only - 09/10 Stimulus. Rural Development funds will be used to upgrade the Fall Creek pump station; build a new filter pump station/primary coagulant facility; add two new filters w/ associated flow meters... Show more Rural Utilities Service 4/21/2010
KOMADA, LLC $2,299,905 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Forest Service 8/18/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $2,284,295 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Rural Housing Service 8/31/2009
CAL-ORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. $1,339,800 Broadband Initiatives Program To provide wireless broadband services in north central Siskiyou County, California to a predominantly unserved rural area. Entry level wireless bandwidth speed will be up to 1Mbps down and 512Kbps up, with maximum speed of 15Mbps down and 5Mbps up. Rural Utilities Service 8/23/2010
Hilbers, Inc. $1,307,551 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
JOHNSON, BOB CONSTRUCTION $1,012,121 Road construction Forest Service 7/26/2010
KOMADA, LLC $749,414 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
SISKIYOU COUNTY ROLLING HILLS MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, INC. $700,000 Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA Water pipeline and storage tank replacement project to replace failing 4 and 6 steel pipelines and water storage tank. Install water meters and fire hydrants. Replace three 10,000 gallon storage tanks with one 130,000 gallon steel storage... Show more Rural Utilities Service 9/24/2009
KEN'S WATER TENDER INC $680,807 Mill Luther Phase 1 Stormproofing, Klamath National Forest Forest Service 8/30/2010
SHASTA SERVICES, INC. $644,216 Construct new 2750 SF office building for the U.S.D.A. Forest Service in McCloud, CA
This spending item is part of a $864,429 allocation. See details
Forest Service 7/21/2010
EARTH SYSTEMS INSTITUTE $550,000 Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management Develop environmental GIS data layers for approximately 45 million acres within 25 National Forests located within six western states (WA, OR, CA, ID, MT, and AK). Forest Service 11/23/2009
CARLSON'S CONSTRUCTION $494,731 The Blue Ledge Mine is an inactive underground copper mine, dating back to 1898. ERRG has been contracted to conduct a removal action to address the ongoing release of hazardous substances from the mine site that has been demonstrated to be harmful to th
This spending item is part of a $12,447,704 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/28/2010
BIG J CONSTRUCTION, INC. $474,997 China Creek and Fish Gulch Passages. Excavate and install culverts. Forest Service 7/08/2010
MARRONE CONSTRUCTION, INC. $401,310 Orr Lake Campground Rehab Forest Service 5/03/2010
SISKIYOU COUNTY ROLLING HILLS MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, INC. $344,000 Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities - ARRA Water pipeline and storage tank replacement project to replace failing 4 and 6 steel pipelines and water storage tank. Install water meters and fire hydrants. Replace three 10,000 gallon storage tanks with one 130,000 gallon steel storage... Show more Rural Utilities Service 9/24/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $260,000 Farm Operating Loans DIRECT OPERATING LOAN Farm Service Agency 7/31/2010
CONSERVATION CORPS, CALIFORNIA $259,200 Recovery Act of 2009: Capital Improvement and Maintenance This project includes conducting trail maintenance such as removing brush, cutting logs, repairing & installing drainage systems and improving trail tread for approximately 35 miles on Marble Mountain, Siskiyou and Russian Wilderness trails. Forest Service 12/11/2009
BERRYHILL CONTRACTING, INC. $235,397 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
COUNTY OF SISKIYOU $231,000 Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management A partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to survey, map, document, treat and eradicate A and B Rated Invasive weed populations. In partnership with the already established weed management areas to maintain and protect affected areas near and around f... Show more
This spending item is part of a $331,000 allocation. See details
Forest Service 9/22/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $190,000 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Rural Housing Service 6/30/2009
KEITH WHIPPLE $183,769 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
TULLIS, INC. $181,340 Fowlers Campground Rehabilitation
This spending item is part of a $244,261 allocation. See details
Forest Service 3/03/2010
CASHS CONSTRUCTION INC $167,439 Re-construction of trail to include re-basing and re-asphalting. Repair of fishing platforms. Forest Service 4/29/2010
ALL MOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTION, LLC $165,070 The Blue Ledge Mine is an inactive underground copper mine, dating back to 1898. ERRG has been contracted to conduct a removal action to address the ongoing release of hazardous substances from the mine site that has been demonstrated to be harmful to th
This spending item is part of a $12,447,704 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/28/2010
KORNISH FOREST CONTRACTING INC $139,871 Mastication / Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project Forest Service 5/26/2010
KORNISH FOREST CONTRACTING INC $139,871 Mastication / Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project Forest Service 5/19/2010
ALPHA SERVICES, LLC $127,839 Mechanical Vegetation Treatment/Fuel Reduction Forest Service 5/19/2010
Wolff/Lang/Christopher Architects, Incorporated $124,000 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
N.W.F.F., INC. $119,000 The Blue Ledge Mine is an inactive underground copper mine, dating back to 1898. ERRG has been contracted to conduct a removal action to address the ongoing release of hazardous substances from the mine site that has been demonstrated to be harmful to th
This spending item is part of a $12,447,704 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/28/2010
JACK BROWN & SON, INC $118,440 Cutting and mulching the smaller weaker trees to give the bigger and healthier trees a boost. We also mow the brush to help reduce the fire hazard. Forest Service 7/08/2010
JACK BROWN & SON, INC $113,850 Cutting and mulching the smaller and weaker trees to give the bigger and healthier trees a boost. We also mow the brush to reduce the fire hazard. Forest Service 5/19/2010
JBR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. $100,000 The Blue Ledge Mine is an inactive underground copper mine, dating back to 1898. ERRG has been contracted to conduct a removal action to address the ongoing release of hazardous substances from the mine site that has been demonstrated to be harmful to th
This spending item is part of a $12,447,704 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/28/2010
COUNTY OF SISKIYOU $96,740 Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management A partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to survey, map, document, treat and eradicate A and B Rated Invasive weed populations. In partnership with the already established weed management areas to maintain and protect affected areas near and around f... Show more
This spending item is part of a $7,166,000 allocation. See details
Forest Service 9/22/2009
ADVANTAGE PAVING & EXCAVATING, INC. $93,584 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $90,000 Farm Operating Loans DIRECT OPERATING LOAN Farm Service Agency 7/31/2010
RAY-MAC MECHANICAL INC $87,750 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
SISKIYOU TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM, INC $80,000 Rural Business Enterprise Grants - ARRA The Siskiyou Training and Employment Program, Inc. (STEP, Inc.) intends to build upon the success of last year's Workplace Bootcamp project. The experience and employer feedback has shown that training needs will need to be taken to the next level to al Rural Business Cooperative Service 9/21/2009
David Baird $69,050 Construct new 2750 SF office building for the U.S.D.A. Forest Service in McCloud, CA
This spending item is part of a $864,429 allocation. See details
Forest Service 7/21/2010
EVERGREEN REFORESTATION INC $63,395 The Blue Ledge Mine is an inactive underground copper mine, dating back to 1898. ERRG has been contracted to conduct a removal action to address the ongoing release of hazardous substances from the mine site that has been demonstrated to be harmful to th
This spending item is part of a $12,447,704 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/28/2010
T L PETERSON INC $62,921 Fowlers Campground Rehabilitation
This spending item is part of a $244,261 allocation. See details
Forest Service 3/03/2010
GREGORY HALING $55,000 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
NORTHWEST YOUTH CORPS $53,767 Recovery Act of 2009: Capital Improvement and Maintenance NYC programs use an outdoor lifestyle and challenging projects to teach problem solving and positive living skills, promote a strong and productive work ethic, encourage learning, and build self-esteem. Youth in the program learn essential j... Show more Forest Service 12/01/2009
THE STUDENT CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION INC $53,126 Recovery Act of 2009: Capital Improvement and Maintenance The award funds services to the Klamath National Forest from the Student Conservation Association's conservation crew program, which recruits and places qualified young people for environmental and conservation service projects. SCA members wo... Show more Forest Service 12/14/2009
DUANE'S DRAIN CLEANING $37,500 Packer and stocker for trail crews Forest Service 3/26/2010
JACK BROWN & SON, INC $36,260 Cutting and mulching some of the brush and trees within 300 feet of Lakeshore Drive in Lakehead CA to create a fire break. Forest Service 6/28/2010
Basic Fencing $32,216 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $29,255 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 9/30/2010
Holdrege and Kull Consultimg Engineer $28,492 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
Foothill Fire Protection, Inc. $27,180 Design/Build Scott Valley Helibase Fire Station. This project includes the design and construction of the fire station, a garage, and a barracks.
This spending item is part of a $2,924,354 allocation. See details
Forest Service 8/17/2010
THE STUDENT CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION INC $25,700 Recovery Act of 2009: Capital Improvement and Maintenance This award has funded services to the Klamath National Forest from the Student Conservation Association's conservation crew program, which recruits and places qualified young people for job skills training and conservation service projects. Th... Show more Forest Service 2/04/2010
TRAIL BLAZERS $24,500 The purpose of this contract is to secure the services of a Packer and stock to transport food, supplies and equipment, for California Conservation Corps (CCC) and Northwest Youth Corps (NYC) trail maintenance crews on the Klamath National Forest. The co Forest Service 5/17/2010
Cash's Construction Inc $22,900 Construct new 2750 SF office building for the U.S.D.A. Forest Service in McCloud, CA
This spending item is part of a $864,429 allocation. See details
Forest Service 7/21/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $16,825 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 5/31/2010
COUNTY OF SISKIYOU $16,627 WIC Grants To States (WGS) WIC MIS Technology Project - The ARRA provides funding to establish, improve, or administer management information systems (MIS) for the Women Infants & Children (WIC) program to include changes necessary to meet new legislative or regulatory requirements
This spending item is part of a $4,405,661 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 10/30/2009
TRAIL BLAZERS $13,400 The purpose of the contract is to secure the services of a Trail Crew Technical Liason to work with California Conservation Corps (CCC) backcountry trail maintenance crews on the Klamath National Forest. The contractor shall provide technical expertise an Forest Service 6/02/2010
E C FIOCK & SONS $13,333 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 10/13/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $12,011 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 10/31/2010
Great Northern Corporation $10,816 Emergency Food Assistance Program (Administrative Costs) To improve the operation and efficiency of the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) in the California food banks.
This spending item is part of a $10,004,765 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/12/2009
TRAIL BLAZERS $10,480 Services resulting from this contract requires performance of food handling and storage, menu preparation, kitchen maintenance, meal preparation, and cooking services for an estimated 18 person Backcountry California Conservation Corps (CCC) trail mainten Forest Service 5/20/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $10,000 Farm Operating Loans DIRECT OPERATING LOAN Farm Service Agency 3/06/2009
FORT JONES VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT $9,948 Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Rural Housing Service 7/31/2009
Scott Valley Unified School District $6,930 Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability State Child Nutrition Programs, Recovery Act funds are awarded to States to implement a competitive equipment assistance grant program for school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The NSLP equipment as... Show more
This spending item is part of a $12,864,683 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/23/2009
MCCLOUD COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT $6,930 Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Rural Housing Service 7/31/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $5,524 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 11/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $5,387 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 3/31/2010
DUNSMUIR JOINT UNION HS DIST $5,000 Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability State Child Nutrition Programs, Recovery Act funds are awarded to States to implement a competitive equipment assistance grant program for school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The NSLP equipment as... Show more
This spending item is part of a $12,864,683 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/23/2009
GRENADA ELEM SCHOOL DISTRICT $5,000 Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability State Child Nutrition Programs, Recovery Act funds are awarded to States to implement a competitive equipment assistance grant program for school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The NSLP equipment as... Show more
This spending item is part of a $12,864,683 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/23/2009
HAPPY CAMP ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT $5,000 Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability State Child Nutrition Programs, Recovery Act funds are awarded to States to implement a competitive equipment assistance grant program for school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The NSLP equipment as... Show more
This spending item is part of a $12,864,683 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/23/2009
GAZELLE UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT $4,514 Child Nutrition Discretionary Grants Limited Availability State Child Nutrition Programs, Recovery Act funds are awarded to States to implement a competitive equipment assistance grant program for school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The NSLP equipment as... Show more
This spending item is part of a $12,864,683 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/23/2009
HOY HERFORD RANCH $4,066 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 4/08/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $3,110 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 7/31/2010
TOWNLEY BROS $1,311 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 10/14/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $0 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Rural Housing Service 6/30/2009
SISKIYOU COUNTY $0 Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Rural Housing Service 8/17/2010
CAL-ORE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. $0 Broadband Initiatives Program Loan portion of award rescinded 11/30/11. Rural Utilities Service 8/23/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS -$12,892 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 6/30/2010