Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

St. Clair County, Mich., funds by Education, Department of

Listing $39,559,092.00 in stimulus funds from Education, Department of for St. Clair

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
PORT HURON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT $8,134,962 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
ST. CLAIR COUNTY REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AGENCY $6,204,655 Special Education Grants to States, Recovery Act Assist States in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities in accordance with Part B of the IDEA.
This spending item is part of a $400,607,836 allocation. See details
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 4/01/2009
ANCHOR BAY SCHOOL DISTRICT $5,077,279 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
EAST CHINA SCHOOL DISTRICT $3,979,764 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
ST. CLAIR COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE $2,100,124 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 11/06/2009
MARYSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS $2,035,300 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
PORT HURON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT $1,908,537 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
YALE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT $1,731,358 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
ALGONAC COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 74030 $1,610,177 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
CAPAC COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $1,268,435 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
ST. CLAIR COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE $1,096,509 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
MEMPHIS COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $806,541 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
LANDMARK ACADEMY $617,920 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
EAST CHINA SCHOOL DISTRICT $303,812 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
ST. CLAIR COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE $266,878 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 4/14/2009
ANCHOR BAY SCHOOL DISTRICT $217,733 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
ST. CLAIR COUNTY REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AGENCY $207,692 Special Education - Preschool Grants, Recovery Act Assist States to make available special education and related services for children with disabilities age 2 1/2 through 5 years. Michigan offers Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) programs and related services in early childhood environments.... Show more
This spending item is part of a $13,396,405 allocation. See details
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 4/01/2009
ALGONAC COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 74030 $187,913 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
ST. CLAIR COUNTY REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AGENCY $183,569 Special Education - Grants for Infants and Families, Recovery Act Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities purpose is to provide an early intervention system for infants and toddlers and their families. Early intervention has a goal to provide assistance as soon as possible to decrease a childG??... Show more
This spending item is part of a $13,312,456 allocation. See details
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 4/01/2009
BMB ENTERPRISES INC $159,663 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 6/15/2010
YALE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT $138,404 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
SAINT CLAIR COUNTY INTERVENTION ACADEMY $114,924 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
MARYSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS $109,710 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
PORT HURON COSMETOLOGY COLLEGE $108,787 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 6/07/2010
CAPAC COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $95,645 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
MEMPHIS COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $87,206 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
BLUE WATER COLLEGE OF COSMETOLOGY INC $77,326 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of 5/26/2010
ST. CLAIR COUNTY REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AGENCY $68,305 Education for Homeless Children and Youth, Recovery Act Ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth.
This spending item is part of a $2,360,691 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/10/2009
PORT HURON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT $65,982 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
SAINT CLAIR COUNTY INTERVENTION ACADEMY $64,462 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
LANDMARK ACADEMY $61,888 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
VIRTUAL LEARNING ACADEMY OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY $56,168 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
BMB ENTERPRISES INC $56,066 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
BLUE WATER CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC $47,824 Centers for Independent Living, Recovery Act. CENTER FOR INDEPENDENCE LIVING RECOVERY ACT Education, Department of 1/13/2010
BMB ENTERPRISES INC $47,543 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 8/13/2009
BLUE WATER COLLEGE OF COSMETOLOGY INC $31,159 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 7/08/2010
ST. CLAIR COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE $28,083 Federal Work-Study Program CAMPUS-BASED /FWS DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 4/01/2009
ST CLAIR CO LEARNING ACADEMY $25,981 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
BLUE WATER LEARNING ACADEMY $22,186 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
BLUE WATER COLLEGE OF COSMETOLOGY INC $21,382 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
ST CLAIR CO LEARNING ACADEMY $19,471 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $389,902,873 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
PORT HURON COSMETOLOGY COLLEGE $17,588 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 6/24/2009
LAKEWOOD SCHL THRPUTIC MASSAGE $14,570 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/14/2009
VIRTUAL LEARNING ACADEMY OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY $13,066 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Stabilization funds support public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $1,302,368,992 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 5/29/2009
LAKEWOOD SCHOOL OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE $12,368 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
EAST CHINA SCHOOL DISTRICT $11,175 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
LAKEWOOD SCHL THRPUTIC MASSAGE $8,208 Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 6/05/2009
ANCHOR BAY SCHOOL DISTRICT $8,009 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
ALGONAC COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 74030 $6,907 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
YALE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT $5,091 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
MARYSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS $4,035 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
CAPAC COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $3,518 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
MEMPHIS COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $3,208 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
LANDMARK ACADEMY $2,276 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
VIRTUAL LEARNING ACADEMY OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY $1,750 Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act Educational Technology State Grants to States were used to provide every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction to improve student achievement utilizing state and local student data sets.
This spending item is part of a $24,409,625 allocation. See details
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
BLUE WATER CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC $0 Centers for Independent Living, Recovery Act. CENTER FOR INDEPENDENCE LIVING RECOVERY ACT Education, Department of 1/13/2010