Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

27073 Lac qui Parle County, Minn.

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U.S. Minnesota Lac qui Parle
Population 308,745,538 5,303,925 7,238
Total recovery funding $522,082,377,600 $9,036,659,704 $16,395,321
Funding per Capita $1,691 $1,704 $2,265
Unemployment Rate, 7/08 – 7/12

This site was updated in September 2012. It includes recipient-reported data through the second quarter of 2012, which was released in July 2012.

Important: This interactive database is not kept up-to-date and should be treated as a historical snapshot. As records may have changed since we stopped making updates, researchers and consultants wishing to use the data should check against original sources for accuracy before using any data published here.

Those wishing to download the data can find it at the ProPublica Data Store.

Funding by Federal Agency and Department

Click total to see spending list
Agriculture, Department of $14,300,608
Education, Department of $1,007,829
Social Security Administration $489,500
Small Business Administration $385,100
Energy, Department of $151,305
Housing and Urban Development, Department of $55,262
Environmental Protection Agency $5,717


Stimulus contracts, grants and loans in Lac qui Parle County, Minn. Data last updated on September 2012.
We have CSV files available for download. Sign up here.

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY $4,826,478 Grant Broadband Initiatives Program Project consits of building a FTTP System to deploy voice, video, and dat services in the Minnesota county of Lac Qui Parle. Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 9/08/2010
FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY $4,826,478 Loan Broadband Initiatives Program Project consits of building a FTTP System to deploy voice, video, and dat services in the Minnesota county of Lac Qui Parle. Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 9/08/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,312,205 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,180,837 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $761,751 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/30/2010
LAC QUI PARLE VALLEY ISD 2853 $601,915 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Fund - for the support of public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and, as, applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $667,888,144 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/27/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $485,750 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 6/30/2009
DAWSON-BOYD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT $307,317 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Fund - for the support of public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and, as, applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $667,888,144 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/27/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $224,490 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 11/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $183,016 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 9/30/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $152,400 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 1/31/2011
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $151,360 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 7/31/2010
LAC QUI PARLE, COUNTY OF $100,000 Grant State Energy Program Recovery Act - State Energy Program Formula Grant
This spending item is part of a $54,172,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 4/20/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $96,773 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 6/30/2010
LAC QUI PARLE VALLEY ISD 2853 $68,212 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $94,711,036 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $68,002 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $57,790 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 11/30/2010
HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF MADISON $55,262 Grant Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (Formula) Recovery Act Funded Repair and paint hallway ceilings and walls. Replace apartment kitchen lights with energy efficient lights. Add Handrails in hallways. Remodel apt. kitchens. Housing and Urban Development, Department of 3/18/2009
Bergeson Technology Inc. $50,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees PATRIOT EXPRESS Small Business Administration 4/15/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $48,848 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 4/30/2011
KEMEN FARMS $41,245 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 1/21/2011
GALE L TORSTENSON REVOCABLE TRUST $32,609 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/09/2010
DAWSON-BOYD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT $30,385 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.
This spending item is part of a $94,711,036 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 4/01/2009
LAC QUI PARLE, COUNTY OF $30,000 Grant Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) Recovery Act - State of Minnesota Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
This spending item is part of a $10,644,100 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/14/2009
SCHUTTE & SONS INC MILTON $27,000 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/02/2010
HOFFMAN BROTHERS INC $25,328 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/21/2010
CHERI TUCKETT $25,100 Loan America's Recovery Capital Loans ARC GUAR LOANS Small Business Administration 8/19/2010
LAC QUI PARLE, COUNTY OF $21,305 Grant Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) Recovery Act - State of Minnesota Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
This spending item is part of a $10,644,100 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/14/2009
MIELITZ BROS PARTNERSHIP $21,284 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 6/14/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $20,383 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 12/31/2010
ULSTAD FARMS INC $19,534 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/19/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $19,172 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 4/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $14,905 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 12/31/2010
LETRUD FARMS INC $14,402 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/09/2010
DAVID DAHL FARMS INC $14,074 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $13,792 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 3/31/2010
LUND FAMILY FARMS LLP $13,515 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/15/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $13,432 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 5/31/2010
FIELDCREST FERTILIZER $13,335 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/19/2010
HERSOM FARMS INC $12,860 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/09/2010
ADELMAN DAIRY FARMS INC $12,400 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/15/2010
P K F FARMS INC $12,271 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 1/13/2011
BRIAN S FERNHOLZ REVOCABLE TRUST $10,929 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/30/2010
ULSTAD FARMS INC $9,767 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/09/2010
KUECHENMEISTER FARMS $8,020 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/17/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $7,978 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 11/30/2011
DOWN HOME FARMS INC $6,439 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 11/02/2010
Garfield Lutheran Church $5,717 Grant Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds Drinking Water State Revolving Fund-ARRA To provide low-interest loans and principal forgiveness to local gov't for drinking water infrastructure projects.
This spending item is part of a $24,577,000 allocation. See details
Environmental Protection Agency 5/27/2009
MICHAEL K NELSON ESTATE $5,409 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 2/17/2011
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $5,000 Loan Farm Operating Loans DIRECT OPERATING LOAN SUBSIDY Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 3/18/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $4,671 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 3/31/2011
BONIETA M MILLER REVOCABLE TRUST $2,659 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/15/2010
DENNIS R BORAAS REVOCABLE TRUST $2,032 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/19/2010
FORREST & ANNA MAE DESSONVILLE REVOCABLE TRUS $1,695 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/10/2010
RAYMOND SCHUELKE & CLARA SCHUELKE REVOCABLE T $1,466 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/09/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,000 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 12/31/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $750 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 9/30/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $750 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 3/31/2010
VICTOR STOLPMAN & IRENE STOLPMAN REVOCABLE TR $722 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/09/2010
LUND IMPLEMENT COMPANY $598 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/10/2010
D B F PROPERTIES $583 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 8/19/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $500 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 12/31/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $500 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 9/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $296 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 1/31/2011
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $250 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 6/30/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $249 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 2/28/2011
GERALD & BERNICE FREMO REVOCABLE TRUST $125 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 10/15/2010
DOWN HOME FARMS INC $1 Direct P Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Agriculture, Department of / Farm Service Agency 9/15/2011