Harrison County, Miss., funds by Department of the Air Force
Listing $2,217,280.03 in stimulus funds from Department of the Air Force for Harrison
Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.
Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.
Recipient | Amount | Description | Federal Dept./Agency | Date |
HVAC/VAV Controls Repair, Wolfe Hall, Keesler AFB, MS
This spending item is part of a $803,064 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 9/23/2010 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the roof at Bryan Hall in the amount of $400,076. CSC received 3 bids on the project and PO KES 101252, was awarded to Liberty Construction, LLC of
This spending item is part of a $400,076 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |
HVAC/VAV Controls Repair, Wolfe Hall, Keesler AFB, MS
This spending item is part of a $803,064 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 9/23/2010 |
CHILLCO, INC. | $269,611 |
Received Modification A00008 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 12 May 09 with ARRA funding to repair an Air Handling Unit at Building 0901in the amount of $271,903.95. Subsequently Modification A00012 was issued on 3 Sept 09 adding funding in the amo
This spending item is part of a $294,101 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 5/15/2009 |
CHILLCO, INC. | $254,211 |
Received Modification A00008 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 12 May 09 with ARRA funding to repair the chiller at Locker House in the amount of $277,342.55. Mod A00047 revised amount to $276,311. CSC solicited 3 vendors to bid on the project and a
This spending item is part of a $276,311 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 5/12/2009 |
H & H BUILDERS & CONTRACTING, L.L.C. | $182,388 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the Chiller at Base Ops in the amount of $197,259. CSC received 4 bids on the project and PO KES 101253, was awarded to H&H Builders and Contracting
This spending item is part of a $197,259 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |
ET ENTERPRISES | $127,777 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the HVAC at McClelland Hall in the amount of $138,195. CSC received 9 bids on the project and PO KES 101260, was awarded to ET Enterprises on 22 Jun
This spending item is part of a $138,195 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |
Received Modification A00015 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 25 September 09 with ARRA funding to repair the boiler at the PMEL Building 4435 in the amount of $45,072.72. Mod A00047 revised award to $44,909. CSC solicited 3 vendors to bid on the pr
This spending item is part of a $44,909 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 9/25/2009 |
BIRMINGHAM INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION | $41,392 | Facilities project to repair boiler at PMEL, Keesler AFB, MS | Department of the Air Force | 9/30/2009 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the roof at Bryan Hall in the amount of $400,076. CSC received 3 bids on the project and PO KES 101252, was awarded to Liberty Construction, LLC of
This spending item is part of a $400,076 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |
Received Modification A00008 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 12 May 09 with ARRA funding to repair an Air Handling Unit at Building 0901in the amount of $271,903.95. Subsequently Modification A00012 was issued on 3 Sept 09 adding funding in the amo
This spending item is part of a $294,101 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 5/15/2009 |
Received Modification A00008 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 12 May 09 with ARRA funding to repair the chiller at Locker House in the amount of $277,342.55. Mod A00047 revised amount to $276,311. CSC solicited 3 vendors to bid on the project and a
This spending item is part of a $276,311 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 5/12/2009 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the Roof Eaves at Cody Hall in the amount of $21,973. CSC received 2 bids on the project and PO KES 101257, was awarded to Birmingham Industrial Con
This spending item is part of a $21,973 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the Chiller at Base Ops in the amount of $197,259. CSC received 4 bids on the project and PO KES 101253, was awarded to H&H Builders and Contracting
This spending item is part of a $197,259 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the HVAC at McClelland Hall in the amount of $138,195. CSC received 9 bids on the project and PO KES 101260, was awarded to ET Enterprises on 22 Jun
This spending item is part of a $138,195 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |
Received Modification A00015 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 25 September 09 with ARRA funding to repair the boiler at the PMEL Building 4435 in the amount of $45,072.72. Mod A00047 revised award to $44,909. CSC solicited 3 vendors to bid on the pr
This spending item is part of a $44,909 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 9/25/2009 |
Received Modification A00036 to Prime Contract FA3002-08-C-0001 on 22 June 10 with ARRA funding to repair the Roof Eaves at Cody Hall in the amount of $21,973. CSC received 2 bids on the project and PO KES 101257, was awarded to Birmingham Industrial Con
This spending item is part of a $21,973 allocation.
See details
Department of the Air Force | 6/22/2010 |