Swain County, N.C., funds by Health and Human Services, Department of
Listing $2,787,781.81 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for Swain
Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.
Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.
Recipient | Amount | Description | Federal Dept./Agency | Date |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $709,480 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project will provide for the construction of approximately 7,900 feet of 8' and 10' gravity sewer main and 41 manholes to replace the existing deteriorated sewage collection lines and manholes. The result of the project will be a significant reducti | Indian Health Service | 9/14/2009 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $581,875 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project will provide for the construction of a new sewage pumping station to replace the existing inverted siphon. The existing inverted siphon lacks adequate capacity to serve the community and routinely overflows to a populated area adjacent to a | Indian Health Service | 9/14/2009 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $433,846 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project will provide for removal and re-construction of a leaking 1,000,000 gallon potable water storage tank that serves as a primary water facility for the Cherokee Community Water System. Several attempts to repair the leaking concrete slab and f | Indian Health Service | 9/14/2009 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $296,190 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements Proj. NS9E9EB001Z7 & NS9EB002H7 Admin. Roof Replacement & Alternate Water Source for CIH | Indian Health Service | 9/25/2009 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $271,558 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project will provide for the replacement of an existing 30 year old booster pump station that can no longer serve the needs of the Cherokee Community Water System. The existing station is a single pump booster without back-up power. Growth in the c | Indian Health Service | 9/21/2009 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $212,576 | ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Child Care and Development - ARRA funds currently help serve 56 eligible children in the EBCI Agelink Childcare Program.Agelink is a full time Daycare and Aftershool child Care proggram with a 3 star rating uner the north carolina rating system. Our serv | Administration for Children and Families | 4/09/2009 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $138,039 | ARRA - Head Start 1-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The totla children served at Qualla Boundary Headstart is 176. Early Headstart is 53 with a home base program serving 12. Qualla Boundary Headstart and Early Headstart is a Native American Head Start Program that | Administration for Children and Families | 7/02/2009 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $52,000 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements EQUIPMENT | Indian Health Service | 3/22/2010 |
EASTERN BAND OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS | $42,936 | ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements I-stat Analyzer and Triage Mterpro w/ supplies BiPap Vision Ventilator Support System | Indian Health Service | 6/22/2009 |
MCP COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC | $27,472 | Dell server and storage array equipment | Indian Health Service | 9/10/2010 |
EASTERN BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS | $21,810 | Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA | Administration on Aging | 3/30/2009 |