Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Delaware County, Okla., funds by Health and Human Services, Department of

Listing $2,430,071.03 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for Delaware

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
NE OKLAHOMA COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY $833,000 ARRA - Early Head Start This award provides for ARRA EHS funds to serve 20 children age 6 weeks to 36 months and 4 pregnant women.The program has maintained full enrollment since opening in July of 2010 and currently has a waiting list of 35 children.We have eight children from Administration for Children and Families 11/20/2009
NE OKLAHOMA COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY $363,040 ARRA - Head Start This award provides for ARRA HS Expansion funding to serve 17 age and income eligible 3 year old children.We have 17 new children enrolled for the 2011-2012 school year which began on August 15th.Eight out of the 17 new children transitioned from our EHS Administration for Children and Families 9/18/2009
SENECACAYUGA TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA $325,246 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Child Care and Development Fund Stimulus Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
TRIBAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $313,715 Otoe Tribe Sewer Main Rehab. Remove and Repalce 5,600 If of clay pipe with PVC pipe to stop leakage of raw sweage. Rehabilitate package lift station equipment to reduce down time and sewage backup.
This spending item is part of a $472,629 allocation. See details
Indian Health Service 9/15/2010
OAKS PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY $189,804 ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project provides for the construction of water supply and wastewater disposal facilities for an estimated 85 Indian owned homes located within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation in Delaware County, Oklahoma, as identified under Sanitation Deficien Indian Health Service 9/09/2009
NE OKLAHOMA COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY $189,076 ARRA - Head Start ARRA Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), and Quality Improvement Funding consistent with the provisions of Section 640(a)(5) of the Head Start Act. This action awards a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase of 1.84% in the amount of $46,597 for Head St Administration for Children and Families 6/29/2009
Delaware County Rural Water District Inc $128,000 ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project provides for the construction of water supply and wastewater disposal facilities for an estimated 9 Indian owned homes located within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation in Cherokee County, Oklahoma, as identified under Sanitation Deficienc Indian Health Service 9/23/2009
TRIBAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $88,190 Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Water System Improvements-Installation of a new emergency 40 kw backup generator, new fence and 60 new water meters throughout the community. Addition of a new PVC water line and service connections to homes and business
This spending item is part of a $275,675 allocation. See details
Indian Health Service 9/16/2010
THE CHEROKEE NATION $0 ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project provides for the construction of water supply and wastewater disposal facilities for an estimated 9 Indian owned homes located within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation in Cherokee County, Oklahoma, as identified under Sanitation Deficienc
This spending item is part of a $128,000 allocation. See details
Indian Health Service 9/23/2009
THE CHEROKEE NATION $0 ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements This project provides for the construction of water supply and wastewater disposal facilities for an estimated 85 Indian owned homes located within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation in Delaware County, Oklahoma, as identified under Sanitation Deficien
This spending item is part of a $189,804 allocation. See details
Indian Health Service 9/09/2009