Hughes County, S.D., funds by Employment and Training Administration
Listing $27,578,978.67 in stimulus funds from Employment and Training Administration for Hughes
Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.
Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.
Recipient | Amount | Description | Federal Dept./Agency | Date |
SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | $5,882,545 | Unemployment Insurance Federal Extended Unemployment Compensation Benefits & Modernization, Sec. 2003 & 2005 of Assist for Unempl. Wkrs and Struggling Families Act, Rec Act | Employment and Training Administration | 8/31/2009 |
SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | $5,106,265 | WIA Adult Program Workforce Investment Act Allotments to states. Provides training & employment services to adults, dislocated workers & youth via state's one stop sys | Employment and Training Administration | 3/14/2009 |
WIA Youth Activities WIAYouth $2,918,025.00, CFDA 17.259; WIA Adult $1,234,406.00, CFDA 17.258; WIA Dislocated Worker $953,834.00, CFDA 17.260
This spending item is part of a $5,106,265 allocation.
See details
Employment and Training Administration | 2/17/2009 |
SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | $4,040,000 | Unemployment Insurance Federal Increase in Unemployment Compensation Benefits ($25 weekly), Sec 2002 of Assist. for Unemployed Wrkrs & Struggling Families Act, Recovery Act | Employment and Training Administration | 8/31/2009 |
SOUTH DAKOTA, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | $2,758,469 | Employment Service/Wagner-Peyser Funded Activities Employment Services Operations: The overall purpose is to assist participants in our SD Department of Labor local offices to find suitable employment and to provide services which include: job search assistance, skills assessment and labor market ininforma... Show more | Employment and Training Administration | 2/17/2009 |
SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | $2,585,114 | Unemployment Insurance Federal Extension of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Benefits, Sec 2001 of Assist. for Unemployed Workers & Struggling Families Act, Recovery Act | Employment and Training Administration | 8/31/2009 |
Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors The overall purpose of the SDDOL SESP grant is to create and support training leading to green jobs in the following energy related fields: Energy Efficiency/Weatherization, Energy Generationon/Renewable Energy, Transportation, Green Building/Construction,... Show more
This spending item is part of a $2,500,000 allocation.
See details
Employment and Training Administration | 1/29/2010 |
LABOR AND REGULATION, SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF | $617,040 | WIA Dislocated Workers Funds to be used for OJT's and support services for up to 100 dislocated workers with the priority being those that have been long-term unemployed. | Employment and Training Administration | 6/30/2010 |
Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors Montana Department of Labor is the lead on the USDOL Labor Market Information (LMI) Grant. This grant will create a consortium consisting of workforce agencies in seven contiguous states: Iowowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyom... Show more
This spending item is part of a $3,877,949 allocation.
See details
Employment and Training Administration | 12/01/2009 |
SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | $312,788 | Unemployment Insurance Unemployment Insurance | Employment and Training Administration | 9/18/2010 |
SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | $119,347 | Unemployment Insurance Unemployment Insurance | Employment and Training Administration | 9/21/2009 |
UNITED SIOUX TRIBES OF SOUTH DAKOTA | $17,246 | Native American Employment and Training To provide summer youth employment, iopportunities, work readiness skills, training to Indian & Native American Youth under Sec. 166 of the Workforce Investment Act. | Employment and Training Administration | 2/17/2009 |
Senior Community Service Employment Program The overall purpose of this grant is to create job training/community service activities for eligible participants, persons 55 and older with low income, and with host agencies. The expected outcome is unsubsidized employment of these participants.
This spending item is part of a $164,588 allocation.
See details
Employment and Training Administration | 2/17/2009 |