Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

McLennan County, Texas, funds by Health and Human Services, Department of

Listing $12,836,454.68 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for McLennan

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
HEART OF TEXAS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INC. $5,296,239 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Grant Name: ARRA-Facility Investment Program Grant Purpose: To build and equip a 3-story 24,000 square foot addition to grantee's main campus, and to replace certain infrastructure equipment items of grantee (telephone, computer, and c... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 10/30/2009
HEART OF TEXAS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD, INC $2,204,332 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) provides child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $214,851,599 allocation. See details
Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
HEART OF TEXAS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INC. $1,901,790 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Grant name: ARRA-Capital Improvement Program Grant purpose and goals: To add approximately 8,000 square feet of dental and medical space to one clinic, and separately build a 9,000 square foot medical clinic. Both projects are in the... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 6/25/2009
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES ADVANCEMENT CORPORATION OF PLANNING REGION XI $803,569 ARRA - Community Services Block Grant The CSBG ARRA award is Recovery Act funding for the Community Services Block Grant. The purpose of the program is to provide supplemental funds for job preservation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed a
This spending item is part of a $48,148,071 allocation. See details
Administration for Children and Families 4/10/2009
HEART OF TEXAS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD, INC $719,253 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) provides child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $214,851,599 allocation. See details
Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
HEART OF TEXAS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INC. $669,259 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] ARRA-Increase Services to Health Centers - Funds to be used to help finance the start up of the expanded South 18th Street Community Clinic at 1800 Gurley Lane, Waco, TX 76706 Health Resources and Services Administration 3/27/2009
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES ADVANCEMENT CORPORATION OF PLANNING REGION XI $485,782 ARRA - Head Start Quality improvement for Head Start and Early Head Start and temporary (one time) cost of living allowance for HS and EHS employees. Quality improvement includes adding three key staff: Maintenance/Transportation Supervisor to reduce service cost of minor Administration for Children and Families 7/07/2009
MCLENNAN COUNTY MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION $292,980 ARRA ? Equipment to Enhance Training for Health Professionals Grant Name: ARRA - Equipment to Enhance Training for Health Professionals Grant Purpose and goals: The entirety of this grant is to acquire much-needed equipment inherent to better training family medicine resident physicians. The import... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 9/07/2010
BAYLOR UNIVERSITY $132,175 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support For this project, we seek to do a secondary data analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) data in order to understand the reason why individual differences (i.e., cognitive ability and personality) are related to healt National Institutes of Health 9/22/2009
BAYLOR UNIVERSITY $98,687 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The title of this award is Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC). Primary immune deficiencies (PIDs) are rare, life-threatening inherited defects in the immune system. Specific goals are to characterize the long term outcomes and late ef
This spending item is part of a $2,483,108 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/11/2009
HEART OF TEXAS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD, INC $74,794 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) provides child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care.
This spending item is part of a $214,851,599 allocation. See details
Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
HEART OF TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS $72,995 Aging Congregate Nutrition Services for States ARRA provided funding for Congregate Nutrition Services. Established in 1972 under the Older Americans Act, the program provides meals to older Americans in congregate facilities such as senior centers, adult day centers, and faith-based settings.
This spending item is part of a $4,012,217 allocation. See details
Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
HEART OF TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS $35,630 Aging Home-Delivered Nutrition Services for States ARRA provided funding for Home-Delivered Nutrition Services. Established in 1978 under the Older Americans Act, the program provides meals to seniors who are homebound.
This spending item is part of a $1,975,245 allocation. See details
Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
BAYLOR UNIVERSITY $34,970 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Vaccination represents one of the major successes of medicine as it has spared countless people from polio, tetanus and other acute infections. Yet, improved immunization strategies are needed to make vaccines for microbes that cause considerable morbidit
This spending item is part of a $48,970 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 7/10/2009
BAYLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE $14,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Vaccination represents one of the major successes of medicine as it has spared countless people from polio, tetanus and other acute infections. Yet, improved immunization strategies are needed to make vaccines for microbes that cause considerable morbidit
This spending item is part of a $48,970 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 7/10/2009