Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Carbon County, Utah, funds by Agriculture, Department of

Listing $6,666,722.69 in stimulus funds from Agriculture, Department of for Carbon

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $3,710,280 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Rural Housing Service 10/31/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $1,213,200 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Rural Housing Service 12/31/2009
GREGG CHAMBERS & SONS LLC $791,329 Buckeye Campground Restoration, Manit-LaSal National Forest. This project consists of constructing the Buckeye Reservoir Campground and Boat ramp located on the Manti-La Sal National Forest. The work shall include: Closing and obliterating roadways; cons
This spending item is part of a $1,200,194 allocation. See details
Forest Service 4/16/2010
GUARDIAN CONSTRUCTION INC. $408,865 Buckeye Campground Restoration, Manit-LaSal National Forest. This project consists of constructing the Buckeye Reservoir Campground and Boat ramp located on the Manti-La Sal National Forest. The work shall include: Closing and obliterating roadways; cons
This spending item is part of a $1,200,194 allocation. See details
Forest Service 4/16/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $190,656 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Rural Housing Service 9/30/2009
HOWE, AARON L $118,181 On Site Inspection Services for Manti La Sal National Forest Initial Award $80K Modified 06-08-10 $30K Additional Total Award Now $130K
This spending item is part of a $130,000 allocation. See details
Forest Service 11/16/2009
CXT INCORPORATED $103,443 TAS::12 1102::TAS2010 RECOVERY FUNDS--ARRA Project: Buckeye CXT Toilets to include: 3 dbl toilets delivered and placed, 2 single toilets delivered and placed, and 3 existing toilets moved.
This spending item is part of a $119,033 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/27/2010
HELPER CITY MUNICIPAL CORP $16,350 Community Facilities Loans and Grants Community Facilities Loans and Grants - ARRA Rural Housing Service 6/24/2009
D AND G MARIAN INC. $15,590 TAS::12 1102::TAS2010 RECOVERY FUNDS--ARRA Project: Buckeye CXT Toilets to include: 3 dbl toilets delivered and placed, 2 single toilets delivered and placed, and 3 existing toilets moved.
This spending item is part of a $119,033 allocation. See details
Forest Service 5/27/2010
CXT INCORPORATED $14,185 TAS:: 12 1102:: TAS 2010 RECOVERY FUNDS--Buckeye Mod- install gunnison CXT at site 3 parking area as per attached work order Forest Service 6/25/2010
CASE, LOWE & HART, INC. $11,819 On Site Inspection Services for Manti La Sal National Forest Initial Award $80K Modified 06-08-10 $30K Additional Total Award Now $130K
This spending item is part of a $130,000 allocation. See details
Forest Service 11/16/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $11,000 Farm Operating Loans DIRECT OPERATING LOAN SUBSIDY Farm Service Agency 3/05/2009
SOUTHEASTERN UTAH ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT $7,978 Emergency Food Assistance Program (Administrative Costs) Funds to be used for the administration and transportation of Utah's food banks in the Emergency Food Assistance Program.
This spending item is part of a $472,706 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/13/2009
SOUTHEASTERN UTAH ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT $4,056 Emergency Food Assistance Program (Administrative Costs) Funds to be used for the administration and transportation of Utah's food banks in the Emergency Food Assistance Program.
This spending item is part of a $472,706 allocation. See details
Food and Nutrition Service 3/13/2009
SACCO BROS LAND & LIVESTOCK $3,618 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 11/07/2011
SACCO BROS LAND & LIVESTOCK $3,618 Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Farm Service Agency 5/13/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $0 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Direct SECTION 502 SINGLE FAMILY HSNG DIRECT LN - 2009 ARRA Rural Housing Service 6/30/2010