Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Mason County, Wash., funds by Health and Human Services, Department of

Listing $736,830.00 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for Mason

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
SOUTH PUGET INTERTRIBAL PLANNING AGENCY $261,354 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant ARRA Supplemental funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care. Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
SQUAXIN ISLAND TRIBE $132,665 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support The recruitment of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) to participate in research is complicated by a long and troubled history between researchers and Native populations of the United States regarding the collection of Native American remains, cu
This spending item is part of a $371,843 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
SQUAXIN ISLAND TRIBE $103,100 ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements The Squaxin Island Tribe Health Clinic Improvement Project, funded by the Indian Health Service?s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?s Maintenance & Improvement Fund, will address unmet health care delivery and Clinic facility maintenance and improvem Indian Health Service 8/27/2009
SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE $98,494 ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements Project will remedy Maintenance & Improvement (M&I) deficiencies at the Tribe's Health Clinic. Indian Health Service 8/13/2009
SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE $43,881 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Provide child care, in a tribal center, to working families. Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
SOUTH PUGET INTERTRIBAL PLANNING AGENCY $36,910 ARRA - Community Services Block Grant Chehalis Tribe: Support youth center activities, develop outreach materials aimed at youth and parents. Nisqually Tribe: Yert kit project designed to drawing in high-risk youth with positive alternative activities to gang involvement. Shoalwater Bay Tri Administration for Children and Families 4/10/2009
SOUTH PUGET INTERTRIBAL PLANNING AGENCY $14,340 Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA Administration on Aging 3/30/2009
COUNTY OF MASON $12,946 ARRA - Immunization This project uses stimulus funds to give kids access to vaccine. It supports provider and community-based activities to improve Washington State?s childhood immunization rates and protect the public from vaccine-preventable diseases. The Immunization Pro
This spending item is part of a $1,998,362 allocation. See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 9/15/2009
SKOKOMISH INDIAN TRIBE $11,500 Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA Administration on Aging 3/30/2009
SOUTH PUGET INTERTRIBAL PLANNING AGENCY $11,500 Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA Administration on Aging 3/30/2009
SOUTH PUGET INTERTRIBAL PLANNING AGENCY $10,140 Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA Administration on Aging 3/30/2009