Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Snohomish County, Wash., funds by Health and Human Services, Department of

Listing $10,003,172.14 in stimulus funds from Health and Human Services, Department of for Snohomish

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
THE TULALIP TRIBES OF WASHINGTON $2,774,880 ARRA - Early Head Start 'The overall purpose of the Early Head Start grant awarded to the Tulalip Tribes under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act is to provide early childhood development services to low-income infants, toddlers, pregnant women and their families, to pro Administration for Children and Families 3/18/2010
SNOHOMISH, COUNTY OF $2,483,905 ARRA - Early Head Start To provide Early Head Start services in the north and northeast areas of Snohomish County to meet the needs of 82 rural and suburban children and their families. The objective is to provide early, continuous, intensive, and comprehensive child developmen Administration for Children and Families 2/01/2010
COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY $1,355,125 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] CHC Snohomish County's mission is to provide our diverse community with access to high quality, affordable, primary health care. In order to provide high quality care, the facilities from which the Center operates must be up to the st... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 6/25/2009
SNOHOMISH, COUNTY OF $694,704 ARRA - Community Services Block Grant Benton/Franklin Community Action Committee Employment Provide classroom training on job seeking skills, resume writing and interview skills. Employment Support Provide GED, transportation, health care and food assistance. Community Engagement Increas
This spending item is part of a $11,916,784 allocation. See details
Administration for Children and Families 4/10/2009
THE TULALIP TRIBES OF WASHINGTON $663,420 ARRA - IHS Tribal Agreements The Tulalip Automatic Water Meter System project was awarded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. A total of $663,420 is available through this grant funding to achieve improvements in water systems at the Tulalip Indian Reservation. This Indian Health Service 8/27/2009
LOCKHEED MARTIN ACULIGHT CORPORATION $500,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Urologic disease represents a debilitating medical problem that adversely affects the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds. Surgical lasers form the standard of care for many treatments and endoscopic procedures in the prostate, kidney, ureter, bl National Institutes of Health 5/24/2010
COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY $454,819 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] Award Title: Increased Demand for Services The goal of CHC's IDS programming is to fund positions that would otherwise have to be terminated or significantly scaled back due to major reductions in managed care and other sources of re... Show more Health Resources and Services Administration 3/23/2009
EDMONDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE $302,560 ARRA - Head Start ARRA COLA and Quality Funds will be used to a) Provide Portland State University 18 credit ECE/Infant-Toddler Certificate program to EHS Home Visitors to improve staff qualifications; b) Provide Creative Curriculum Intensive training to EHS Home Visit Administration for Children and Families 6/01/2009
LOCKHEED MARTIN ACULIGHT CORPORATION $230,457 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support In Phase 1, we successfully developed a research cochlear infrared stimulator and identified the optimal parameter set for this highly selective stimulation technique in the gerbil cochlea. Based on these promising results, the purpose of our original Ph National Institutes of Health 7/17/2009
SNOHOMISH, COUNTY OF $102,016 Aging Congregate Nutrition Services for States The Congregate Nutrition Services program provides funding to local providers to deliver healthy meals to seniors in settings such as senior centers, adult day centers, and faith-based settings, helping seniors maintain their health and avoid hospitaliza... Show more
This spending item is part of a $1,286,686 allocation. See details
Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
Aldrich and Associates, Incorporated $81,192 ARRA Health Center Integrated Services Development Initiative[g1] The opening and operation of Connell Family Dental Clinic a practical and sustainable solution to north Franklin County's unmet dental needs will be presented to the community. The scope of this project covers the north one-third of Fr... Show more
This spending item is part of a $1,178,655 allocation. See details
Health Resources and Services Administration 6/25/2009
NORTHSHORE SCHOOL DISTRICT #417 $58,150 ARRA - Prevention and Wellness--Communities Putting Prevention to Work Three year grant to pay for one time costs associated with reducing obesity and the chronic diseases it causes through policy, systems and environmental changes.
This spending item is part of a $15,514,419 allocation. See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3/18/2010
PROVIDENCE HEALTH & SERVICES-WASHINGTON $51,284 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Project Title: A Six-Month, RCT of Probuphine Safety and Efficacy in Opioid Addiction. We are conducting a six-month, randomized, placebo and active-controlled, multicenter clinical trial of Probuphine in patients with opioid dependence for the purpose
This spending item is part of a $7,586,848 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
SNOHOMISH, COUNTY OF $50,220 Aging Home-Delivered Nutrition Services for States ARRA provided funding for Home-Delivered Nutrition Services. Established in 1978 under the Older Americans Act, the program provides meals to seniors who are homebound.
This spending item is part of a $633,445 allocation. See details
Administration on Aging 3/18/2009
SNOHOMISH HEALTH DISTRICT $40,000 ARRA - Prevention and Wellness--State Territories and Pacific Islands The overall goals of the G?Communities Putting Prevention to WorkG? initiatives are: G?? Increase levels of physical activity. G?? Improve nutrition. G?? Decrease obesity/overweight prevalence. G?? Decrease smoking prevalence and... Show more
This spending item is part of a $954,922 allocation. See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2/06/2010
SNOHOMISH HEALTH DISTRICT $34,687 ARRA - Immunization This project uses stimulus funds to give kids access to vaccine. It supports provider and community-based activities to improve Washington State?s childhood immunization rates and protect the public from vaccine-preventable diseases. The Immunization Pro
This spending item is part of a $1,998,362 allocation. See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 9/15/2009
STILLAGUAMISH TRIBE OF INDIANS $34,450 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant ARRA ChildCare Block Grant Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
STILLAGUAMISH TRIBE OF INDIANS $34,450 ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant Child Care and Development Fund Stimulus: to maintain positions in Tribal DayCare Administration for Children and Families 4/09/2009
THE TULALIP TRIBES $13,714 Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA Administration on Aging 12/27/2011
STILLAQUAMISH INDIAN TRIBE $10,140 Aging Nutrition Services for Native Americans 2009 T6_ARRA Administration on Aging 3/30/2009
EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT $10,000 Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support This application addresses broad Challenge Area (12) Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and specific Challenge Topic 12-OD-105: Identification of practices that overcome equity issues in STEM learning.Title: Native Youth Enrichment ProgramTh
This spending item is part of a $985,917 allocation. See details
National Institutes of Health 9/24/2009
SONOSITE, INC. $9,000 Medical & Surgical intr,equip and Supply National Institutes of Health 7/19/2010
SONOSITE, INC. $9,000 Recovery Act of 2009: Capital Improvement and Maintenance Purchase of a ultrasound transducer. National Institutes of Health 7/19/2010
NORTHSHORE SCHOOL DISTRICT #417 $2,500 ARRA - Prevention and Wellness--Communities Putting Prevention to Work Three year grant investment to reduce tobacco use and tobacco initiation through by creating making it easier for adult tobacco users to quit and for youth and young adults to never start using tobacco. Focus of investment is on o... Show more
This spending item is part of a $9,970,781 allocation. See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3/18/2010
NORTHSHORE SCHOOL DISTRICT #417 $2,500 ARRA - Prevention and Wellness--Communities Putting Prevention to Work Three year grant to pay for one time costs associated with reducing obesity and the chronic diseases it causes through policy, systems and environmental changes.
This spending item is part of a $15,514,419 allocation. See details
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3/18/2010