H.R.2202: Immigration Control and Financial Responsibility Act of 1996

About This Bill

  • This bill was introduced in the 104th Congress
  • This bill is primarily about congress
  • Introduced Aug. 4, 1995
  • Latest Major Action Sept. 26, 1996

Bill Cosponsors

130 (24 Democrats, 1 Independent, 105 Republicans)

Bill Summary

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Title I: Improvements to Border Control, Facilitation of Legal Entry, and Interior Enforcement Subtitle A: Improved Enforcement at the Border Subtitle B: Facilitation of Legal Entry Subtitle C: Interior Enforcement Title II: Enhanced Enforcement and Penalties Against Alien Smuggling; Document Fraud Subtitle A: Enhanced Enforcement and Penalties Against Alien Smuggling Subtitle B: Deterrence of Document Fraud Title III:...

(Source: Library of Congress)

Bill Actions

Date Description
The Speaker appointed conferees: Hyde, Smith (TX), Gallegly, McCollum, Goodlatte, Bryant (TN), Bono, Goodling, Cunningham, McKeon, Shaw, Conyers, Frank (MA), Berman, Bryant (TX), Becerra, Martinez, Green (TX), and Jacobs.
Message on House action received in Senate.
Conference papers: Senate report and managers' statement held at the desk in Senate.
Conferees agreed to file conference report.
Conference report H. Rept. 104-828 filed.
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 528 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of the conference report to H.R. 2202. Waiving all points of order against the conference report and against its consideration.
Rule H. Res. 528 passed House.
Mr. Smith (TX) brought up conference report H. Rept. 104-828 for consideration under the provisions of H. Res. 528.
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the conference report.
The previous question was ordered without objection.
Mr. Bryant (TX) moved to recommit with instructions to the conference committee.
The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions to conference committee was ordered without objection.
On motion to recommit with instructions to conference committee Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 179 - 247 (Roll no. 431).
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by recorded vote: 305 - 123 (Roll no. 432).
Conference papers: message on House action held at the desk in Senate.
Conference report considered in Senate.
Cloture motion on the conference report presented in Senate.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Banking and Financial Services, Government Reform and Oversight, National Security, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Judiciary
Referred to House Banking and Financial Services
Referred to House Government Reform and Oversight
Referred to House National Security
Referred to House Ways and Means
For Previous Action See H.R.1915.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Human Resources.
Rereferred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Agriculture, Banking and Financial Services, Economic and Educational Opportunities, Government Reform and Oversight, National Security, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Judiciary
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Referred to House Agriculture
Referred to House Banking and Financial Services
Referred to House Economic and Educational Opportunities
Referred to House Government Reform and Oversight
Referred to House National Security
Referred to House Ways and Means
Mr. McKeon asked unanimous consent that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Agriculture, Banking and Financial Services, Economic and Educational Opportunities, Government Reform and Oversight, National Security, and Ways and Means for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 23 - 10.
Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service.
House Committee on Banking and Financial Services Granted an Extension for Further Consideration Ending not Later Than March 8, 1996.
House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight Granted an Extension for Further Consideration Ending not Later Than March 8, 1996.
House Committee on National Security Granted an Extension for Further Consideration Ending not Later Than March 8, 1996.
House Committee on Ways and Means Granted an Extension for Further Consideration Ending not Later Than March 8, 1996.
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Judiciary. H. Rept. 104-469, Part I.
House Committee on Agriculture Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than March 8, 1996.
House Committee on Economic and Educational Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than March 8, 1996.
House Committee on Government Reform Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than March 8, 1996.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 28 - 11. 1 Present.
Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee (Amended) by Voice Vote.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
Mr. Bilirakis asked unanimous consent that the Committee on Agriculture be permitted to file a Supplemental Report on the Bill to include a Congressional Budget Office cost estimate as required under clause 2(l)(3) of Rule XI. Agreed to without objection.
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Government Reform. H. Rept. 104-469, Part II.
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Agriculture. H. Rept. 104-469, Part III.
Committee on Banking and Financial Services discharged.
Committee on National Security discharged.
Committee on Ways and Means discharged.
Committee on Economic and Educational discharged.
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 229.
Mr. Goss notified the House that Members wishing to offer amendments to the bill H.R. 2202 should submit 55 copies of proposed amendments to the Committee on Rules (Room H-312, Capitol) by Noon on Wednesday, March 13. Amendments relating to immigration should be drafted to the text of the bill reported by the Committee on Judiciary (H. Rept. 104-469 pt. I); amendments relating to Agriculture should be drafted to the text of the bill reported by the Committee on Agriculture
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 384 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2202 with 2 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. It shall be in order to consider as an original bill for purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on the Judiciary now printed in the bill, modified by the amendment printed in part 1 of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order.
Rule H. Res. 384 passed House.
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 384.
Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2202 with 2 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. It shall be in order to consider as an original bill for purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on the Judiciary now printed in the bill, modified by the amendment printed in part 1 of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order.
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 384 and Rule XXIII.
The Speaker designated the Honorable Henry Bonilla to act as Chairman of the Committee.
GENERAL DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with two hours of general debate.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 20 minutes of debate on the Smith (TX) amendments.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Beilenson amendment.
FURTHER PROCEEDINGS POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate on the Beilenson amendment, the Chair put the question on the amendment and announced that by voice vote, the noes had prevailed. Subsequently, Mr. Beilenson requested a recorded vote on the amendment and pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Chair postponed further proceedings on the amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 30 minutes of debate on the McCollum amendment.
FURTHER PROCEEDINGS POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate on the McCollum amendment, the Chair put the question on the amendment and announced that by voice vote, the ayes had prevailed. Subsequently, Mr. Hunter requested a recorded vote on the amendment and pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Chair postponed further proceedings on the amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 30 minutes of debate on the Tate amendment.
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 2202 as unfinished business.
Considered as unfinished business.
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 384 and Rule XXIII.
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
The Chair announced the unfinished business to be the disposition of the Beilenson amendment, on which a Recorded vote had been requested on Tuesday, March 19, 1996.
The Chair announced the unfinished business to be the disposition of the McCollum amendment, on which a Recorded vote had been requested on Tuesday, March 19, 1996.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 40 minutes of debate on the Latham amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 20 minutes of debate on the Bryant (TN) amendment.
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Bryant amendment, the Chair put the question and announced that by voice vote, the ayes had prevailed. Subsequently, Mr. Becerra requested a recorded vote on the amendment and pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Chair postponed further proceedings on the amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 20 minutes of debate on the Velazquez (NY) amendment.
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Velazquez amendment, the Chair put the question and announced that by voice vote, the noes had prevailed. Subsequently, Ms. Velazquez requested a recorded vote on the amendment and pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Chair postponed further proceedings on the amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 30 minutes of debate on the Gallegly amendment. Subsequent to a unanimous consent agreement, debate time was extended by 20 minutes, equally divided and controlled, which resulted in total debate time of 50 minutes.
FURTHER CONSIDERATION POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate on the Gallegly amendment, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and announced that, by voice vote, the amendment was agreed to. Mr. Bryant (TX) requested a recorded vote on the amendment and pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, further proceedings on the amendment were postponed.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Chabot amendment.
FURTHER CONSIDERATION POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate on the Chabot amendment, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and announced that, by voice vote, the amendment was not agreed to. Mr. Chabot requested a recorded vote on the amendment and, pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, further proceedings on the amendment were postponed. The Chair then announced that the Committee of the Whole would proceed in order with consideration of amendments on which recorded votes had been requested and further consideration had been postponed.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Gallegly amendment.
DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with 20 minutes of debate on the Gutierrez amendment.
DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with ten minutes of debate on the Kim amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 284, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with thirty minutes of debate on the Canady amendment.
FURTHER CONSIDERATION POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate on the Canady amendment, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and announced that, by voice vote, the amendment was agreed to. Mr. Becerra requested a recorded vote on the amendment and, pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, further proceedings on the amendment were postponed.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with thirty minutes of debate on the Smith (NJ) amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with ten minutes of debate on the Dreier amendment.
FURTHER CONSIDERATION POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate on the Dreier amendment, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and announced that, by voice vote, the amendment was agreed to. Mr. Dreier requested a recorded vote on the amendment and, pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, further proceedings on the amendment were postponed. The Chair then announced that the Committee of the Whole would proceed in order with consideration of amendments on which recorded votes had been requested and further consideration had been postponed.
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 2202 as unfinished business.
Supplemental report filed by the Committee on Agriculture, H. Rept. 104-469, Part IV.
Considered as unfinished business.
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Chrysler amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Pombo amendment.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with ten minutes of debate on the Condit amendment to the Pombo amendment. The debate time will run in addition to the remaining time on the Pombo amendment.
DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole resumed remaining debate on the Pombo amendment as amended.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with thirty minutes of debate on the Goodlatte amendment.
FURTHER CONSIDERATION POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the Goodlatte amendment and announced that, by voice vote, the amendment was not agreed to. Mr. Goodlatte requested a recorded vote on the amendment and, pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, further proceedings on the amendment were postponed.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with ten minutes of debate on the Burr amendment.
FURTHER CONSIDERATION POSTPONED - At the conclusion of debate on the Burr amendment, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and announced that, by voice vote, the amendment was agreed to. Mr. Conyers requested a recorded vote on the amendment and, pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 384, further proceedings on the amendment were postponed. The Chair then announced that the Committee of the Whole would proceed in order with consideration of amendments on which recorded votes had been requested and further consideration had been postponed.
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 2202.
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
The House adopted the amendment in the nature of a substitute as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
Mr. Bryant (TX) moved to recommit with instructions to Judiciary.
DEBATE - The House proceeded with ten minutes of debate on the motion to recommit.
The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.
On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by recorded vote: 188 - 231 (Roll no. 88).
On passage Passed by recorded vote: 333 - 87 (Roll no. 89).
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
The Clerk was authorized to correct section numbers, punctuation, and cross references, and to make other necessary technical and conforming corrections in the engrossment of H.R. 2202.
Received in the Senate. Read twice. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 364.
Senate struck all after the Enacting Clause and substituted the language of S. 1664 amended.
Passed Senate in lieu of S. 1664 with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 97-3. Record Vote No: 108.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Senate insisted on its amendment, requested a conference.
Senate appointed conferees Hatch; Simpson; Grassley; Kyl; Specter; Thurmond; Kennedy; Leahy; Simon; Kohl; Feinstein by unanimous consent.
Pursuant to a previous special order the House moved to return papers to Senate.
House returned papers to Senate
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Mr. Smith (TX) asked unanimous consent that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference.
On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection.
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Mr. Conyers asked unanimous consent that the House instruct conferees.
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the motion to instruct conferees on the part of the House to recede to the provisions contained in sec. 105 (relating to increased personnel levels for the Labor Department).
The previous question was ordered without objection.
On motion that the House instruct conferees Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 181 - 236 (Roll no. 408).
Aug. 4, 1995

Introduced in the House by Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

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