H.J.RES.119: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to limit campaign spending.

About This Bill

  • This bill was introduced in the 105th Congress
  • This bill is primarily about congress
  • Introduced May 14, 1998
  • Latest Major Action June 11, 1998

Bill Summary

Constitutional Amendment - Authorizes the Congress, with respect to Federal elections, and States, for all other elections, to adopt reasonable regulations of campaign funds expended, including contributions, to influence the outcome of elections, provided that such regulations do not impair the right of the public to a full and free discussion of all issues and do not prevent any candidate for elected office from amassing the resources...

(Source: Library of Congress)

Bill Actions

Date Description
Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 442 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 119 and H.R. 2183. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Upon the adoption of this resolution, the Speaker may, pursuant to clause 1(b) of rule XXIII, declare the House resolved into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for consideration of H.J. Res. 119. General debate shall be limited to one hour. After general debate the joint resolution shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule and shall be considered as read. Bill is open to amendments. At any time after the adoption of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to clause 1(b) of rule XXIII, declare the House resolved into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for consideration of the the bill H.R. 2183. General debate shall not exceed two hours. Befo...
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 442.
Rule provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 119 and H.R. 2183. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Upon the adoption of this resolution, the Speaker may, pursuant to clause 1(b) of rule XXIII, declare the House resolved into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for consideration of H.J. Res. 119. General debate shall be limited to one hour. After general debate the joint resolution shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule and shall be considered as read. Bill is open to amendments. At any time after the adoption of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to clause 1(b) of rule XXIII, declare the House resolved into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for consideration of the the bill H.R. 2183. General debate shall not exceed two hours. Befo...
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 442 and Rule XXIII.
The Speaker designated the Honorable James V. Hansen to act as Chairman of the Committee.
DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate.
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.J. Res. 119.
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the joint resolution, the Chair put the question, and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Hastings of Washington demanded a vote pending the absence o a quorum. Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 442, the Chair postponed further proceedings on the joint resolution.
Considered as unfinished business.
On passage Failed by the Yeas and Nays (2/3 required): 29 - 345, 51 Present (Roll No. 226).
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
May 14, 1998

Introduced in the House by Thomas Dale DeLay (R-Texas)

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