H.R.1214: To repeal mandatory funding for school-based health center construction.

About This Bill

  • This bill was introduced in the 112th Congress
  • This bill is primarily about health
  • Introduced March 29, 2011
  • Latest Major Action May 5, 2011

Bill Summary

Amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to repeal the program requiring the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to award grants to school-based health centers or their sponsoring facilities to support the operation of such health centers. Rescinds unobligated appropriations for the program.

(Source: Library of Congress)

What Lawmakers Are Saying About This Bill

There are 2 statements associated with H.R.1214.

Congressional Budget Office Estimate

The Congressional Budget Office has produced a cost estimate for H.R.1214.

Bill Actions

Date Description
Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Energy and Commerce
Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.
Referred to House Education and the Workforce
Reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H. Rept. 112-66, Part I.
Committee on Education and Labor discharged.
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 34.
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 236 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1213 and H.R. 1214 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. All points of order against provisions in the bills are waived. In the case of H.R. 1214, the resolution makes in order only those amendments that are received for printing in the portion of the Congressional Record designated for that purpose in clause 8 of rule XVIII in a daily issue dated May 2, 2011, and pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate.
Rule H. Res. 236 passed House.
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 236.
Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1213 and H.R. 1214 with 1 hour of general debate for each bill. In both cases, the previous question shall be considered as ordered except motion to recommit with or without instructions. The measures will be considered read. In the case of H.R. 1213, specified amendments are in order. In the case of H.R. 1214, the resolution makes in order only those amendments that are received for printing in the portion of the Congressional Record designated for that purpose in clause 8 of rule XVIII in a daily issue dated May 2, 2011, and pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate.
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 236 and Rule XVIII.
The Speaker designated the Honorable Steven C. LaTourette to act as Chairman of the Committee.
GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 1214.
Mr. Burgess moved that the Committee rise.
On motion that the Committee rise Agreed to by voice vote.
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 1214 as unfinished business.
Considered as unfinished business.
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 236, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with debate on the Jackson Lee (TX) amendment No.1 under the five-minute rule.
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Jackson Lee amendment No. 1, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Ms. Jackson Lee demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 236, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with debate on the Pallone amendment numbered 2 under the five-minute rule.
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Pallone amendment No. 2, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Pallone demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.
Considered as unfinished business.
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was the question of adoption of amendments which had been debated earlier and on which further proceedings had been postponed.
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 1214.
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
Mrs. McCarthy (NY) moved to recommit with instructions to Energy and Commerce.
DEBATE - The House proceeded with ten minutes of debate on the McCarthy (NY) motion to recommit with instructions. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the bill to be reported back to the House with an amendment adding a new paragraph directing the Secretary to publish, not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the names and locations of each school based health center or sponsoring facility that will not receive a grant.
The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.
On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by recorded vote: 180 - 230 (Roll no. 289).
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
On passage Passed by recorded vote: 235 - 191 (Roll no. 290).
Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
March 29, 2011

Introduced in the House by Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas)

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