H.R.266: Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act

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Bill Summary

Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act This bill responds to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak by providing additional funding for small business loans, health care providers, and COVID-19 testing. DIVISION A--SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS (Sec. 101) This division provides additional lending authority for certain Small Business Administration (SBA) programs in response to COVID-19. Specifically, the...

(Source: Library of Congress)

What Lawmakers Are Saying About This Bill

There are 199 statements associated with H.R.266.

Bill Actions

Date Description
April 23, 2020
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
April 23, 2020
On motion that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays (2/3 required): (Roll No. 104). Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 388 - 5, 1 Present (Roll no. 104).
April 23, 2020
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the motion to suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment to H.R. 266, the Chair put the question on the motion, and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Brady demanded the yeas and nays, and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the motion until a time to be announced.
April 23, 2020
DEBATE - Pursuant to the order of the House of April 23, 2020, the House proceeded with 2 hours of debate on the motion to suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment to H.R. 266.
April 23, 2020
Mr. Neal moved that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment.
April 23, 2020
Presented to President.
April 23, 2020
On motion that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays (2/3 required): (Roll No. 104). Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 388 - 5, 1 Present (Roll no. 104). (text of Senate amendment: CR H1920-1923)
April 23, 2020
Mr. Neal moved that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment. (consideration: CR H1920-1952, H1954-1955)
April 23, 2020
On motion that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 388 - 5, 1 Present (Roll no. 104). (text of Senate amendment: CR H1920-1923)
April 22, 2020
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
April 21, 2020

Passed Senate with an amendment by Voice Vote. (text of amendment in the nature of a substitute: CR S2184-2186)

April 21, 2020
Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S2183-2186)
April 21, 2020

Passed Senate with an amendment by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S2183-2186; text of amendment in the nature of a substitute: CR S2184-2186)

April 21, 2020

Passed Senate with an amendment by Voice Vote.

April 21, 2020
Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.
Jan. 15, 2019
Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 12.
Jan. 14, 2019
Received in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
Jan. 11, 2019
Mr. Calvert moved to recommit with instructions to the Committee on Appropriations. (text: CR H497)
Jan. 11, 2019
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Jan. 11, 2019

On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 240 - 179 (Roll no. 27).

Jan. 11, 2019
On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 190 - 229 (Roll no. 26).
Jan. 11, 2019
Considered as unfinished business.
Jan. 11, 2019
POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the motion to recommit with instructions, the Chair put the question on the motion, and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Calvert demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the motion to recommit with instructions until a time to be announced.
Jan. 11, 2019
The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.
Jan. 11, 2019
Floor summary: DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Calvert motion to recommit with instructions. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the bill to be reported back to the House with an amendment to decrease the Bureau of Land Management, Management of Lands and Resources account by $6 million and increase the Wildland Fire Management account by a similar amount; and to increase the Forest Service, Forest and Rangeland Research account by $15 million, and decrease the Capital Improvement and Maintenance account by a similar amount.
Jan. 11, 2019
Mr. Calvert moved to recommit with instructions to the Committee on Appropriations.
Jan. 11, 2019
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
Jan. 11, 2019
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H.R. 266.
Jan. 11, 2019
Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 264, H.R. 265, H.R. 266 and H.R. 267. Measure will be considered read. Bill is closed to amendments. The rule provides one hour of debate, orders the previous question, and allows one motion to commit on each bill. The rule waives the requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII for a two-thirds vote to consider a report from the Committee on Rules on the same day it is presented to the House with respect to any resolution reported through the legislative day of January 15, 2019, relating to a measure making or continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019.
Jan. 11, 2019
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 28.
Jan. 11, 2019
On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 240 - 179 (Roll no. 27). (text: CR H469-487)
Jan. 11, 2019
Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H502-503)
Jan. 11, 2019
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 28. (consideration: CR H469-498)
Jan. 8, 2019
Referred to the House Committee on Appropriations.
Jan. 8, 2019
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 28 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 264, H.R. 265, H.R. 266 and H.R. 267. Measure will be considered read. Bill is closed to amendments. The rule provides one hour of debate, orders the previous question, and allows one motion to commit on each bill. The rule waives the requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII for a two-thirds vote to consider a report from the Committee on Rules on the same day it is presented to the House with respect to any resolution reported through the legislative day of January 15, 2019, relating to a measure making or continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019.
Jan. 8, 2019

Introduced in the House by Betty McCollum (D-Minn.)

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