Lobbying Relationship


National Disability Rights Network

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Lobbying firm

National Disability Rights Network

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  • NDRN's main focus in on the Protection and Advocacy (P&A and Client Assistance Program (CAP) funding contained in the Labor/ HHS /Appropriations bill. We are advocating for increases in those programs to reflect the increased workload of our members in the FY 24 appropriations process. Started outreach on FY 2025 cycle. We also advocate for increases in programs that support people with disabilities in both the Labor/HHS appropriations bill, but also in other appropriations bills like THUD or CJS.
  • We continue to work to make sure that the authority and access to people, records, and places that the P&A and CAP agencies have remain strong and robust. We follow both regulations and legislation to make sure that nothing infringes on this strong authority. So far in 2023 nothing has been introduced. We also work to ensure that the Americans with Disabilities Act remains a strong civil rights law. Representative Calvert has introduced an ADA notification bill that we will track. Additionally we work on issues surrounding the ADA and website accessibility. We also are working to ensure that the Home and Community Based Services rule implemented in the Obama Administration remains strong and not undercut by changes in regulation or law. Finally ensuring that the right to vote is accessible for people with disabilities.
  • Following legislation and regulations that will either positively or negatively impact the ability of people with disabilities to use the full range of communication devices. This includes all forms of communication - television, phone, internet, and other communication paths.
  • Working to increase Protection and Advocacy Systems access to disaster reliefs efforts to help ensure the protection of individuals with disabilities. Also working to ensure that disaster relief efforts are accessible and address the specific needs of people with disabilities. Finally, working to enact a source of direct funding for the P&As in declared emergency areas to be able to address issues impacting people with disabilities.
  • Stopping the use of restraint and seclusion in schools and legislation in both House and Senate to create federal standards on the use of restraint andseclusion. Working to get the Keeping All Students Safe Act from previous Congresses introduced in the 118th Congress. Legislation reauthorize IDEA. With the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act, we are working on the implementation off ESSA. Creation of a protection and advocacy program focused on education. We are also working on testing issues to ensure accessibility and accommodations. Finally, ensuring that disability provisions are infused in other re-authorizations like the Higher Education Act.
  • Working to reignite interest in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Working to expand and against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Also arguing for expansion of the ACA through regulations and executive orders. Finally, advocating for expansion of Medicaid and Medicare along with the Home and Community Based Services rule.
  • Advocating for housing bills that help individuals with disabilities afford and obtain housing. Working to strengthen Section 8 program and the national housing trust fund. Advocating for dedicated funding to the P&As to do housing related work, Finally, fighting to increase funding for housing programs in the FY 24 appropriations process.
  • Trying to get the Protection and Advocacy agencies access to the immigration system in order to help immigrants and detainees with disabilities havean advocate to ensure they are receiving services and supports they should be getting. This is especially true for those with psychiatric disability. Finally, working to get dedicated funding so that the P&As can do this work in immigration and ORR facilities.
  • Raising the profile of the Protection and Advocacy system in the Native American population and the benefit the P&As could bring to issue for Native Americans with disabilities. Most specifically focused on the education issues faced by Native Americans with disabilities and trying to get the P&A system to be used to help address these issues and problems. Looking for dedicated funding to certain P&As to be able to permanently locate advocates where high concentrations of Native Americans are in this country,
  • Looking to get individual demonstration projects for P&As to address criminal and/or juvenile justice issues. Ensuring that criminal and police response to events includes considerations for accommodations of people with disabilities and the impacts of disabilities on the situation. NDRN is also following the ongoing attempts to implement criminal justice reforms and to make sure they include aspects beneficial to people with disabilities.
  • Working to improve and phase out the sub-minimum wage (section 14(c)) of the Fair Labor Standards Act through legislation like the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act. Also looking at other ways to end sub-minimum wage and / or segregated employment of people with disabilities through better services and supports. Finally working with the Department of Labor to use the P&A Network to increase oversight and enforcement of the 14(c) program.
  • Working to ensure that legislation and regulations regarding the Coast Guard, maritime, or boats consider the accessibility and safety of people with disabilities.
  • Working to strengthen regulations and guidance on Medicare and Medicaid that were part of the ACA. Working to ensure P&As receive death reports as it relates to the use of seclusion and restraint. Raising concerns with Medicaid funding being used to support segregated employment or non-community living situations for people with disabilities. Fighting proposals to cut funding for or block grant Medicaid. Supporting efforts to phase out work requirements on the Medicaid program. Working to extend funding for the Money Follows the Person program. Working to get P&As dedicated funding to support Medicaid work.
  • NDRN in this area focuses on retirement and financial security issues for individuals with disabilities. This includes Social Security, tax law issues,also trusts to care for individuals with a disability. Additionally we work on legislation and regulations for the ABLE accounts. NDRN now is also focused on implementation of the new program for P&As to monitor representative payees. Re-authorization of the PABSS program is also a priority. Finally, we are working to beat back attempts to cut SSDI or unemployment insurance for people that receive both benefits.
  • In this issue area NDRN works on ensuring that Amtrak and all legacy stations are fully accessible for people with disabilities. Specifically we ask for increased funding for Amtrak to address accessibility issues. We are also looking at at the Amtrak re-authorization to see how we can make this goal a reality. Also looking at legislation to provide funding to cities and states to make legacy stations accessible.
  • Working to ensure that legislation and regulations in the telecommunications area consider the implications for people with disabilities. Especially making sure that these issues are addressed up front at the beginning rather than having to go back and make something accessible later.
  • NDRN's work here is focused on helping individuals with disabilities achieve employment in competitive, integrated environments. Working to ensure that the employment needs of individuals with disabilities are considered in federal employment. Finally, working the re-authorizations of the PABSS and WIPA programs.
  • NDRN's work here focused on ensuring that veterans with disabilities have legislation passed to help them make the transition to civil life. Also,exploring funding for the work the P&As and CAPs have been doing with veterans. Finally we have been working to get legislation reintroduced to create a demonstration project and funding for P&As to monitor veteran facilities, specifically focused on veterans with mental health or substance use issues.
  • Working to make sure that the Air Carrier Access Act would allow private lawsuits and that air travel is accessible to people with a disability. Also working on allowing emotional support animals on airlines and to make the planes more accessible for people with disabilities. Looking to get disability provisions added to the FAA reauthorization.
  • NDRN is working on making sure buses, trains, airlines, and cruise ships are accessible for people with a disabilities This involves following and working on the re-authorization of the national transportation act to make sure it helps people with disabilities get effective transportation to be fully included in the community. Finally, NDRN is seeking demonstration project funding for he P&As to support the transportation work they do.

Duration: to

General Issues: Budget/Appropriations, Civil Rights/Civil Liberties, Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV, Disaster Planning/Emergencies, Education, Foreign Relations, Health Issues, Housing, Immigration, Indian/Native American Affairs, Law Enforcement/Crime/Criminal Justice, Labor Issues/Antitrust/Workplace, Marine/Maritime/Boating/Fisheries, Medicare/Medicaid, Retirement, Railroads, Telecommunications, Unemployment, Veterans, Aviation/Aircraft/Airlines, Roads/Highway, Transportation, Government Issues, Homeland Security

Spending: about $733,274 (But it's complicated. Here's why.)

Agencies lobbied since 2007: U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, Administration for Children & Families (ACF), Administration on Aging, Education - Dept of, Executive Office of the President (EOP), Health & Human Services - Dept of (HHS), Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), Housing & Urban Development - Dept of (HUD), Office of the Vice President of the United States, President of the U.S., Social Security Administration (SSA), Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), White House Office, Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Justice - Dept of (DOJ), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Homeland Security - Dept of (DHS), State - Dept of (DOS), U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Vice President of the U.S., Office of Justice Program, Office of Juvenile Justice & Deliquency Prevention, Labor - Dept of (DOL), U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), AMTRAK - Natl Railroad Passenger Corporation, Federal Railroad Administration, Veterans Affairs - Dept of (VA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Transportation - Dept of (DOT), Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), Maritime Administration (MARAD), U.S. Access Board - Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, U.S. Customs & Border Protection, Federal Maritime Commission, U.S. Access Board - Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board , Government Accountability Office (GAO), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Natl Council on Disability, White House Office,, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Election Assistance Commission (EAC), Treasury - Dept of, U.S. Senate,, Y Y DOJ, Y Y HHS, Y Y HHS HUD OMB, Y Y ED, Y Y DOL, Y Y HUD, Y Y DHS HHS

Bills mentioned

H.R.2646: Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016

Sponsor: Tim Murphy (R-Pa.)

H.R.3717: Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013

Sponsor: Tim Murphy (R-Pa.)

H.R.1255: To protect the interests of each resident of intermediate care...

Sponsor: Barney Frank (D-Mass.)

H.R.4247: Keeping All Students Safe Act

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

S.2860: Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act

Sponsor: Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.)

S.3895: Keeping All Students Safe Act

Sponsor: Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.)

H.R.1675: Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2009

Sponsor: Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.)

S.1481: Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010

Sponsor: Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)

S.678: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2009

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

S.3406: ADA Amendments Act of 2008

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

H.R.3195: ADA Amendments Act of 2008

Sponsor: Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.)

S.1881: Americans with Disabilities Act Restoration Act of 2007

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

H.R.3995: To protect the interests of each resident of intermediate care...

Sponsor: Barney Frank (D-Mass.)

H.R.5876: Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2008

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.5772: Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2008

Sponsor: Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.)

S.3155: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2008

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.6331: Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008

Sponsor: Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)

H.RES.1299: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3195) to restore the...

Sponsor: Betty Sutton (D-Ohio)

H.R.2642: Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008

Sponsor: Chet Edwards (D-Texas)

H.R.2199: Traumatic Brain Injury Health Enhancement and Long-Term Support Act of 2007

Sponsor: Michael H. Michaud (D-Maine)

S.2162: Veterans' Mental Health and Other Care Improvements Act of 2008

Sponsor: Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii)

H.R.4053: Mental Health Improvements Act of 2007

Sponsor: Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.)

S.1818: Missing Mercury in Manufacturing Monitoring and Mitigation Act

Sponsor: Barack Obama (D-Ill.)

H.R.1414: 9/11 Heroes Health Improvement Act of 2007

Sponsor: Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.)

S.793: Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2008

Sponsor: Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)

H.R.811: Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007

Sponsor: Rush Holt (D-N.J.)

H.R.1592: Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

S.1105: Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007

Sponsor: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)

H.R.1418: Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2008

Sponsor: Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.)

H.R.1367: Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007

Sponsor: Patrick J. Kennedy (D-R.I.)

S.558: Mental Health Parity Act of 2007

Sponsor: Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.)

S.937: Expanding the Promise for Individuals With Autism Act of 2007

Sponsor: Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.)

S.1332: Mental Health in Schools Act of 2007

Sponsor: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)

H.R.1684: Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008

Sponsor: Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.)

S.1314: Veterans Outreach Improvement Act of 2007

Sponsor: Russ Feingold (D-Wis.)

H.R.1944: Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Act of 2007

Sponsor: Jason Altmire (D-Pa.)

S.1233: Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury and Health Programs Improvement Act of 2007

Sponsor: Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii)

H.R.620: ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017

Sponsor: Ted Poe (R-Texas)

H.R.4547: Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sam Johnson (R-Texas)

H.R.1712: Protection and Advocacy for Veterans Act

Sponsor: Martha Roby (R-Ala.)

H.R.620: Reserve Retirement Deployment Credit Correction Act

Sponsor: José E. Serrano (D-N.Y.)

Show All Mentioned Bills


Lobbyists named here were listed on a filing related to this lobbying engagement. They may not be working on it now. Occasionally, a single lobbyist whose name is spelled two different ways on filings may be represented twice here.

Lobbyist Covered positions?
Eric Buehlmann was staff to Senate member, who retired several years ago.
Kathleen McGinley n/a
Curt Decker n/a
Tom Hlavacek n/a
Dara Baldwin n/a
Amanda Lowe n/a
Ron Hager n/a
Cindy Smith n/a
Patrick Wojahn n/a
David Hutt n/a
Parick Wojahn n/a
Patrick Wojhahn n/a
Kuna Tavalin n/a
Delores Scott-McKnight n/a
Delores Scott McKnight n/a
Kathy McGinley n/a
Catriona Johnson n/a
Elizabeth Grezcek n/a
Jacqueline Hubbard n/a
Erika Hudson n/a
Cyrus Huncharek n/a
Claire Stanley n/a
Stephanie Flynt n/a
Marlene Sallo n/a

Disclosures Filed

Once a lobbying engagement begins, the lobbyist or firm is required to file updates four times a year. Those updates sometimes change which lobbyists are involved or add new issues being discussed. When lobbyists stop working for a client, the firm is also supposed to file a report disclosing the end of the relationship.

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Source: Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and Secretary of the Senate

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