Lobbying Relationship



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  • Support for elimination of Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital cuts Support for increased flexibility and expansion of eligible expenses eligible for reimbursement under COVID-19 FEMA Public Assistance program Support for bolstering Medicare Graduate Medical Education program including the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023 (H.R.2389) Support for Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals Act (H.R. 6430) and making permanent the Medicare Dependent Hospital and enhanced Low-Volume PaymentAdjustment Support for amending Medicaid DSH Cap policy established in Section 203 of CAA of 2021 Support for continuing key flexibilities beyond COVID-19 pandemic including telehealth policies and the hospitals at home program, and Substance Use Disorder Workforce Act (H.R. 7050) Support for Improving Seniors Timely Access to Care Act Support for bolstering healthcare workforce including the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act Opposition to proposals to cut providers including Medicare site-neutral payment reductions and policies to restrict the 340B drug pricing program Support for extenders in H.R.4366 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 Support for H.R. 2377, the Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act (SALSA) Opposition to duplicative regulatory requirements for lab developed tests in H.R. 2369, VALID Act Opposition to site-neutral cuts included in Lower Cost More Transparency Act and Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce Act Opposition to H.R. 2530, Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act

Duration: to

General Issues: Medicare/Medicaid, Health Issues

Spending: about $11,310,000 (But it's complicated. Here's why.)

Agencies lobbied since 2008: U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, Health & Human Services - Dept of (HHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), Health & Human Services - Dept of (HHS), Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), White House Office, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Agency for Health Care Policy & Research, Executive Office of the President (EOP), Labor - Dept of (DOL), Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Office of Management & Budget (OMB),

Bills mentioned

S.872: Rural Hospital Access Act of 2017

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

H.R.1955: Rural Hospital Access Act of 2017

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

S.1301: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2017

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

H.R.2267: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2017

Sponsor: Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)

H.R.34: 21st Century Cures Act

Sponsor: Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.)

H.R.2745: Standard Merger and Acquisition Reviews Through Equal Rules Act of 2015

Sponsor: Blake Farenthold (R-Texas)

H.R.1190: Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act of 2015

Sponsor: Phil Roe (R-Tenn.)

S.141: Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act of 2015

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

H.R.663: Rural Hospital Access Act of 2015

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

S.332: Rural Hospital Access Act of 2015

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

H.R.169: Critical Access Hospital Relief Act of 2015

Sponsor: Adrian Smith (R-Neb.)

S.258: Critical Access Hospital Relief Act of 2015

Sponsor: Pat Roberts (R-Kan.)

H.R.1611: Protecting Access to Rural Therapy Services (PARTS) Act

Sponsor: Kristi Noem (R-S.D.)

S.257: Protecting Access to Rural Therapy Services (PARTS) Act

Sponsor: Jerry Moran (R-Kan.)

H.R.2124: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2015

Sponsor: Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)

S.1148: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2015

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

H.R.2156: Medicare Audit Improvement Act of 2015

Sponsor: Sam Graves (R-Mo.)

S.2359: Defend Our Capital Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

H.R.5227: Library of Congress Modernization Act of 2016

Sponsor: Candice S. Miller (R-Mich.)

H.R.6: 21st Century Cures Act

Sponsor: Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

H.R.1343: Establishing Beneficiary Equity in the Hospital Readmission Program Act...

Sponsor: Jim Renacci (R-Ohio)

S.688: Establishing Beneficiary Equity in the Hospital Readmission Program Act...

Sponsor: Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.)

H.R.5273: Helping Hospitals Improve Patient Care Act of 2016

Sponsor: Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio)

H.R.3292: Medicare IME Pool Act of 2015

Sponsor: Kevin Brady (R-Texas)

H.R.3698: Military Enlistment Opportunity Act of 2015

Sponsor: Mike Coffman (R-Colo.)

S.2082: Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2015

Sponsor: Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.)

H.R.270: Flexibility in Health IT Reporting (Flex-IT) Act of 2015

Sponsor: Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.)

H.R.2: Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015

Sponsor: Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas)

H.R.1180: Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights Act of 2015

Sponsor: Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)

S.577: Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act of 2015

Sponsor: Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.)

H.R.1250: To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide that payment...

Sponsor: Gregg Harper (R-Miss.)

S.1012: Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2015

Sponsor: Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)

H.R.83: Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015

Sponsor: Donna M.C. Christensen (D-Virgin Islands)

H.R.1250: Medicare Audit Improvement Act of 2013

Sponsor: Sam Graves (R-Mo.)

S.577: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2013

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

H.R.1180: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2013

Sponsor: Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)

H.R.351: Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act of 2013

Sponsor: Phil Roe (R-Tenn.)

S.351: Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act of 2013

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

H.R.1920: DSH Reduction Relief Act of 2013

Sponsor: John Lewis (D-Ga.)

H.R.1787: Rural Hospital Access Act of 2013

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

H.R.2578: Rural Hospital Fairness Act of 2013

Sponsor: Bruce Braley (D-Iowa)

H.R.3698: Two-Midnight Rule Delay Act of 2013

Sponsor: Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.)

S.2082: Two-Midnight Rule Coordination and Improvement Act of 2014

Sponsor: Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)

H.R.4188: Establishing Beneficiary Equity in the Hospital Readmission Program Act

Sponsor: Jim Renacci (R-Ohio)

S.2501: Hospital Readmissions Program Accuracy and Accountability Act of 2014

Sponsor: Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.)

S.2359: Craig Thomas Rural Hospital and Provider Equity Act of 2014

Sponsor: Al Franken (D-Minn.)

H.R.5481: To continue the use of a 3-month quarter EHR reporting period for health...

Sponsor: Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.)

H.R.5227: MEND Act

Sponsor: Aaron Schock (R-Ill.)

S.649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

Sponsor: Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

S.689: Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act of 2013

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

H.R.8: American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

Sponsor: Dave Camp (R-Mich.)

H.R.6352: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction and Graduate Medical Education...

Sponsor: Aaron Schock (R-Ill.)

H.R.6575: Medicare Audit Improvement Act of 2012

Sponsor: Sam Graves (R-Mo.)

H.J.RES.66: Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese...

Sponsor: Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)

S.958: Children's Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2011

Sponsor: Bob Casey (D-Pa.)

S.2620: Rural Hospital Access Act of 2012

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.5943: Rural Hospital Access Act of 2012

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

S.1680: Craig Thomas Rural Hospital and Provider Equity Act of 2011

Sponsor: Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)

H.R.3859: Rural Hospital and Provider Equity Act of 2012

Sponsor: Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)

S.1627: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2011

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

H.R.6562: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2012

Sponsor: Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)

S.3187: Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

S.296: Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act

Sponsor: Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

H.R.2245: Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act of 2011

Sponsor: Diana DeGette (D-Colo.)

H.R.3839: Drug Shortage Prevention Act of 2012

Sponsor: John Carney (D-Del.)

S.319: Pharmaceutical Market Access and Drug Safety Act of 2011

Sponsor: Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine)

H.R.5651: Food and Drug Administration Reform Act of 2012

Sponsor: Fred Upton (R-Mich.)

H.R.3519: To amend to exempt the Medicare program from fallback sequestration...

Sponsor: Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.)

H.R.2500: Equal Access and Parity for Multi-Campus Hospitals Act

Sponsor: Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas)

H.R.2224: Improving Physician Access in Teaching Hospitals (PATH) Act of 2011

Sponsor: Mike Grimm (R-N.Y.)

H.R.452: Medicare Decisions Accountability Act of 2011

Sponsor: Phil Roe (R-Tenn.)

S.668: Health Care Bureaucrats Elimination Act

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

H.R.6118: Taking Essential Steps for Testing Act of 2012

Sponsor: Mike Grimm (R-N.Y.)

H.R.5652: Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012

Sponsor: Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.)

H.R.3560: Meers Point Boundary Adjustment Act

Sponsor: Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.)

H.R.6064: Temporary Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012

Sponsor: John L. Mica (R-Fla.)

S.218: Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of...

Sponsor: John Ensign (R-Nev.)

H.R.5: Protecting Access to Healthcare Act

Sponsor: Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.)

H.R.3630: Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012

Sponsor: Dave Camp (R-Mich.)

H.R.3765: Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011

Sponsor: Dave Camp (R-Mich.)

H.R.1540: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

Sponsor: Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.)

H.R.1852: Children's Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2011

Sponsor: Joe Pitts (R-Pa.)

H.CON.RES.34: Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year...

Sponsor: Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.)

H.R.1398: Rural Hospital Protection Act

Sponsor: Sam Graves (R-Mo.)

H.R.1216: To amend the Public Health Service Act to convert funding for graduate...

Sponsor: Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.)

H.R.2: Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act

Sponsor: Eric Cantor (R-Va.)

H.R.992: Building American Jobs Act of 2011

Sponsor: Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.)

H.R.1: Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013

Sponsor: Harold Rogers (R-Ky.)

H.R.6072: Electronic Health Record Incentives for Multi-Campus Hospitals Act of 2010

Sponsor: Zack Space (D-Ohio)

S.3708: Electronic Health Record Incentives for Multi-Campus Hospitals Act of 2010

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.5712: Physician Payment and Therapy Relief Act of 2010

Sponsor: Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.)

H.R.4994: Medicare and Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010

Sponsor: John Lewis (D-Ga.)

H.R.3082: Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011

Sponsor: Chet Edwards (D-Texas)

S.3653: Health Care Bureaucrats Elimination Act

Sponsor: John Cornyn (R-Texas)

H.R.6376: To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act with respect to...

Sponsor: Earl Pomeroy (D-N.D.)

H.R.4213: Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010

Sponsor: Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.3962: Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension...

Sponsor: John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

S.973: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2009

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

S.1776: Medicare Physician Fairness Act of 2009

Sponsor: Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.)

S.1796: America's Healthy Future Act of 2009

Sponsor: Max Baucus (D-Mont.)

S.1679: Affordable Health Choices Act

Sponsor: Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

H.R.2251: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2009

Sponsor: Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)

H.R.3590: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Sponsor: Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009

Sponsor: John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

H.R.3961: An Act to extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and...

Sponsor: John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

H.R.4872: Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010

Sponsor: John M. Spratt Jr. (D-S.C.)

H.R.4851: Continuing Extension Act of 2010

Sponsor: Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.)

H.CON.RES.85: Setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government...

Sponsor: John M. Spratt Jr. (D-S.C.)

S.CON.RES.13: An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget...

Sponsor: Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)

S.386: Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009

Sponsor: Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.)

H.R.1748: Fight Fraud Act of 2009

Sponsor: John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

H.R.1176: Secret Ballot Protection Act

Sponsor: John Kline (R-Minn.)

S.478: Secret Ballot Protection Act of 2009

Sponsor: Jim DeMint (R-S.C.)

H.R.1409: Employee Free Choice Act of 2009

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

S.560: Employee Free Choice Act of 2009

Sponsor: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)

H.R.668: Critical Access Hospital Flexibility Act of 2009

Sponsor: Greg Walden (R-Ore.)

S.307: Critical Access Hospital Flexibility Act of 2009

Sponsor: Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)

S.1157: Craig Thomas Rural Hospital and Provider Equity Act of 2009

Sponsor: Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)

S.1380: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) Reform Act of 2009

Sponsor: John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.)

S.1110: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) Reform Act of 2009

Sponsor: John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.)

H.R.2718: Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) Reform Act of 2009

Sponsor: Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.)

S.497: Nurse Education, Expansion, and Development Act of 2009

Sponsor: Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.)

H.R.2043: Nurse Education, Expansion, and Development Act of 2009

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

S.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Sponsor: Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

H.R.2: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

Sponsor: Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)

S.275: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

Sponsor: Max Baucus (D-Mont.)

H.R.1105: Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.1127: To extend certain immigration programs.

Sponsor: Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)

H.RES.5: Adopting rules for the One Hundred Eleventh Congress.

Sponsor: Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.)

S.458: Physician Pathology Services Continuity Act of 2007

Sponsor: Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.)

S.558: Mental Health Parity Act of 2007

Sponsor: Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.)

S.630: Rural Health Services Preservation Act of 2007

Sponsor: Norm Coleman (R-Minn.)

S.860: Early Treatment for HIV Act of 2007

Sponsor: Gordon Harold Smith (R-Ore.)

S.969: RESPECT Act

Sponsor: Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.)

S.1041: Employee Free Choice Act of 2007

Sponsor: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)

S.1604: Nursing Education and Quality of Health Care Act of 2007

Sponsor: Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.)

S.1693: Wired for Health Care Quality Act

Sponsor: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.)

S.2041: False Claims Act Correction Act of 2008

Sponsor: Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa)

S.2460: A bill to extend by one year the moratorium on implementation of a rule...

Sponsor: Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)

S.2499: Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007

Sponsor: Max Baucus (D-Mont.)

S.2620: A bill to provide for a temporary increase of the Federal medical...

Sponsor: John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.)

S.2819: Economic Recovery in Health Care Act of 2008

Sponsor: John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.)

S.3101: Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008

Sponsor: Max Baucus (D-Mont.)

S.3656: Preserving Access to Healthcare (PATH) Act of 2008

Sponsor: Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)

H.R.800: Employee Free Choice Act of 2007

Sponsor: George Miller (D-Calif.)

H.R.866: Secret Ballot Protection Act

Sponsor: Charles W. Norwood (R-Ga.)

H.R.976: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007

Sponsor: Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.1105: Physician Pathology Services Continuity Act of 2007

Sponsor: John Tanner (D-Tenn.)

H.R.1177: Sole Community Hospital Preservation Act of 2007

Sponsor: John Tanner (D-Tenn.)

H.R.1424: A bill to provide authority for the Federal Government to purchase and...

Sponsor: Patrick J. Kennedy (D-R.I.)

H.R.1644: Re-Empowerment of Skilled and Professional Employees and Construction...

Sponsor: Robert E. Andrews (D-N.J.)

H.R.1663: Medicare Mental Health Modernization Act of 2007

Sponsor: Pete Stark (D-Calif.)

H.R.2159: Rural Health Services Preservation Act of 2007

Sponsor: Ron Kind (D-Wis.)

H.R.2406: Healthcare Information Technology Enterprise Integration Act

Sponsor: Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.)

H.R.2638: Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing...

Sponsor: David E. Price (D-N.C.)

H.R.2642: Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008

Sponsor: Chet Edwards (D-Texas)

H.R.3162: Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007

Sponsor: John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

H.R.3326: Early Treatment for HIV Act of 2007

Sponsor: Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.3533: Public and Teaching Hospital Preservation Act

Sponsor: Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.4105: Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor Program Moratorium Act of 2007

Sponsor: Lois Capps (D-Calif.)

H.R.4854: False Claims Act Correction Act of 2007

Sponsor: Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.)

H.R.5268: To provide for a temporary increase of the Federal medical assistance...

Sponsor: Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)

H.R.5480: Medicare Funding Warning Response Act of 2008

Sponsor: Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.)

H.R.5613: Protecting the Medicaid Safety Net Act of 2008

Sponsor: John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

H.R.5924: Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act

Sponsor: Robert Wexler (D-Fla.)

H.R.6331: Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008

Sponsor: Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.6357: PRO(TECH)T Act of 2008

Sponsor: John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

H.R.6898: Health-e Information Technology Act of 2008

Sponsor: Pete Stark (D-Calif.)

H.R.7067: Quality FIRST (From Incentives, Reporting, Standards, and Technology)...

Sponsor: Jason Altmire (D-Pa.)

H.R.7110: Job Creation and Unemployment Relief Act of 2008

Sponsor: David R. Obey (D-Wis.)

H.R.7219: Protecting Hospital Outpatient and Community Clinic Services Act of 2008

Sponsor: John M. McHugh (R-N.Y.)

H.R.7241: Preserving Access to Healthcare (PATH) Act of 2008

Sponsor: Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.)

H.RES.1368: Relating to the House procedures contained in section 803 of the...

Sponsor: Alcee L. Hastings (D-Fla.)

H.R.1: An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the...

Sponsor: Kevin Brady (R-Texas)

H.R.4392: To provide that the provision of the Medicare Program: Hospital...

Sponsor: David McKinley (R-W.Va.)

H.R.5818: Opioid Workforce Act of 2018

Sponsor: Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.)

S.2843: Opioid Workforce Act of 2018

Sponsor: Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)

H.R.5797: Individuals in Medicaid Deserve Care that is Appropriate and Responsible...

Sponsor: Mimi Walters (R-Calif.)

H.R.6082: Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act

Sponsor: Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.)

H.R.5678: REMC Act of 2018

Sponsor: Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.)

H.R.6071: SERV Communities Act

Sponsor: Doris Matsui (D-Calif.)

H.R.6: SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act

Sponsor: Greg Walden (R-Ore.)

H.R.6517: Fairness in Liver Allocation Act of 2018

Sponsor: Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.)

H.R.4710: 340B PAUSE Act

Sponsor: Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.)

H.R.6240: Drug Discount Accountability Act

Sponsor: Chris Collins (R-N.Y.)

S.348: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2019

Sponsor: Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)

H.R.1763: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2019

Sponsor: Terri Sewell (D-Ala.)

H.R.1041: Critical Access Hospital Relief Act of 2019

Sponsor: Adrian Smith (R-Neb.)

H.R.1358: Advancing Medical Resident Training in Community Hospitals Act of 2019

Sponsor: Ron Kind (D-Wis.)

S.1895: Lower Health Care Costs Act

Sponsor: Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)

H.R.3502: Protecting People From Surprise Medical Bills Act

Sponsor: Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.)

H.R.3630: No Surprises Act

Sponsor: Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)

H.R.2552: PLACE Act of 2019

Sponsor: Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.)

S.2843: Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019

Sponsor: Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)

H.R.6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.748: CARES Act

Sponsor: Joe Courtney (D-Conn.)

H.R.5826: Consumer Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills Act of 2020

Sponsor: Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.)

H.R.5818: Truth in Buffalo Labeling Act

Sponsor: Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.)

H.R.7292: The COVID-19 Hospital and Health Provider Loan Forgiveness Act of 2020

Sponsor: Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio)

H.R.6800: The Heroes Act

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.8319: Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021

Sponsor: Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.)

H.R.8025: Protecting Rural Access to Care Act

Sponsor: Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

H.R.133: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

Sponsor: Henry Cuellar (D-Texas)

H.R.1319: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

Sponsor: John Yarmuth (D-Ky.)

H.R.489: Protecting Rural Access to Care Act

Sponsor: Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)

H.R.3203: To enable certain hospitals that were participating in or applied for...

Sponsor: Doris Matsui (D-Calif.)

S.773: A bill to enable certain hospitals that were participating in or applied...

Sponsor: John Thune (R-S.D.)

H.R.3441: Substance Use Disorder Workforce Act

Sponsor: Brad Schneider (D-Ill.)

S.1438: Opioid Workforce Act of 2021

Sponsor: Margaret Hassan (D-N.H.)

H.R.2256: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2021

Sponsor: Terri Sewell (D-Ala.)

S.834: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2021

Sponsor: Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)

H.R.1887: Rural Hospital Support Act

Sponsor: Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)

H.R.5015: Medicaid DSH Payment Adjustment Fairness Act of 2021

Sponsor: Brian Higgins (D-N.Y.)

H.R.5376: Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Sponsor: John Yarmuth (D-Ky.)

H.R.4128: VALID Act of 2021

Sponsor: Diana DeGette (D-Colo.)

H.R.5963: Provider Relief Fund Improvement Act

Sponsor: Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.)

S.3611: Provider Relief Fund Improvement Act

Sponsor: Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)

H.R.1587: Medicare Audiologist Access and Services Act of 2021

Sponsor: Tom Rice (R-S.C.)

S.3018: Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2021

Sponsor: Roger Marshall (R-Kan.)

H.R.3173: Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2021

Sponsor: Suzan K. DelBene (D-Wash.)

H.R.7053: Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act

Sponsor: Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)

H.R.8747: ARCH Act of 2022

Sponsor: Carol Miller (R-W.Va.)

H.R.4040: Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID–19 Act of 2021

Sponsor: Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)

S.3792: Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act

Sponsor: Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.)

H.R.2389: Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023

Sponsor: Terri Sewell (D-Ala.)

S.1110: Rural Hospital Support Act

Sponsor: Bob Casey (D-Pa.)

H.R.5860: Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act

Sponsor: Kay Granger (R-Texas)

H.R.2377: Saving Access to Laboratory Services Act

Sponsor: Richard Hudson (R-N.C.)

H.R.2369: Verifying Accurate Leading-edge IVCT Development Act of 2023

Sponsor: Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.)

H.R.2530: Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care...

Sponsor: Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)

H.R.6430: Assistance for Rural Community Hospitals Act

Sponsor: Carol Miller (R-W.Va.)

H.R.7050: Substance Use Disorder Workforce Act

Sponsor: Brad Schneider (D-Ill.)

H.R.4366: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

Sponsor: John Carter (R-Texas)

Show All Mentioned Bills


Lobbyists named here were listed on a filing related to this lobbying engagement. They may not be working on it now. Occasionally, a single lobbyist whose name is spelled two different ways on filings may be represented twice here.

Lobbyist Covered positions?
Elyse Oveson L.A. for Rep. Nan Hayworth, Jan. 2011-2013
Chelsi Stevens Legisl. Assist., Rep. John "Randy" Kuhl: 6/05-6/06 Legisl. Assist., Rep. Amory Houghton: 6/03:12/04
Cristina Batt CDC, 2011-2014, Program Analyst; Rep. Eliot Engel, 2010-2011, Sr. Policy Advisor; Rep. Eliot Engel, Legislative Assistant, 2003-2007.
Susan Van Meter n/a
Steven Kroll n/a
Kevin Krawiecki n/a
Kathleen Ciccone n/a
Daniel Sisto n/a
Raymond Sweeney n/a

Disclosures Filed

Once a lobbying engagement begins, the lobbyist or firm is required to file updates four times a year. Those updates sometimes change which lobbyists are involved or add new issues being discussed. When lobbyists stop working for a client, the firm is also supposed to file a report disclosing the end of the relationship.

Q1 Report
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Q1 Report

Source: Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and Secretary of the Senate

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