Current Members of the Senate in the 103rd Congress

There are 102 current members of the Senate, including 47 Republicans, 55 Democrats and 0 Independents. See departing members

Member Sponsored
Votes Against
Missed Votes
Daniel K. Akaka D - Hawaii 29 232 5.6% 0.0%
Max Baucus D - Mont. 44 123 11.8% 2.6%
Robert F. Bennett R - Utah 7 119 6.9% 3.9%
Silhouette male Joseph R. Biden Jr. D - Del. 19 112 8.1% 4.3%
Jeff Bingaman D - N.M. 53 193 13.7% 1.1%
Christopher S. Bond R - Mo. 13 176 12.5% 3.7%
Barbara Boxer D - Calif. 25 228 9.3% 1.7%
Silhouette male William Warren Bradley D - N.J. 47 208 12.4% 4.7%
Silhouette male John B. Breaux D - La. 26 150 14.2% 3.3%
Silhouette male Hank Brown R - Colo. 36 210 15.0% 0.4%
Silhouette male Richard H. Bryan D - Nev. 18 179 12.3% 1.1%
Silhouette male Dale Bumpers D - Ark. 34 146 10.1% 1.8%
Silhouette male Conrad Burns R - Mont. 15 221 9.3% 1.0%
Robert C. Byrd D - W.Va. 9 57 15.2% 0.0%
Silhouette male Ben Nighthorse Campbell D - Colo. 21 226 15.4% 4.8%
Silhouette male John H. Chafee R - R.I. 32 236 32.7% 3.7%
Daniel Coats R - Ind. 10 199 10.6% 1.2%
Thad Cochran R - Miss. 19 282 9.6% 1.2%
Silhouette male William Sebastian Cohen R - Maine 25 198 22.7% 2.8%
Kent Conrad D - N.D. 19 232 15.1% 0.8%
Silhouette male Paul Coverdell R - Ga. 10 84 7.3% 3.3%
Silhouette male Larry E. Craig R - Idaho 19 251 8.0% 1.0%
Silhouette male Alfonse M. D'Amato R - N.Y. 44 266 13.6% 3.0%
Silhouette male John Claggett Danforth R - Mo. 43 166 21.7% 2.5%
Silhouette male Thomas A. Daschle D - S.D. 45 230 8.2% 0.6%
Silhouette male Dennis Webster DeConcini D - Ariz. 83 314 15.3% 2.6%
Christopher J. Dodd D - Conn. 34 201 7.7% 3.9%
Silhouette male Robert Joseph Dole R - Kan. 51 242 5.3% 1.4%
Silhouette male Pete V. Domenici R - N.M. 27 173 12.3% 2.2%
Byron L. Dorgan D - N.D. 30 189 15.0% 4.6%
Silhouette male David Ferdinand Durenberger R - Minn. 42 287 28.1% 6.2%
Silhouette male J. James Exon D - Neb. 20 140 18.8% 0.8%
Silhouette male Lauch Faircloth R - N.C. 2 106 13.7% 2.1%
Russ Feingold D - Wis. 21 168 18.8% 0.0%
Dianne Feinstein D - Calif. 30 216 10.0% 1.9%
Silhouette male Wendell H. Ford D - Ky. 39 100 11.1% 0.4%
Silhouette male John H. Glenn Jr. D - Ohio 40 175 8.9% 1.1%
Silhouette male Slade Gorton R - Wash. 25 184 14.5% 0.4%
Silhouette male Bob Graham D - Fla. 25 151 11.3% 0.4%
Silhouette male Phil Gramm R - Texas 21 81 8.3% 8.3%
Charles E. Grassley R - Iowa 24 259 10.8% 0.6%
Judd Gregg R - N.H. 12 111 15.8% 2.6%
Tom Harkin D - Iowa 24 130 8.5% 3.0%
Orrin G. Hatch R - Utah 39 291 5.9% 1.4%
Silhouette male Mark Odom Hatfield R - Ore. 35 131 38.4% 3.9%
Silhouette male Howell Thomas Heflin D - Ala. 30 202 25.4% 4.4%
Silhouette male Jesse Helms R - N.C. 49 208 16.1% 6.4%
Silhouette male Ernest F. Hollings D - S.C. 35 160 16.3% 3.5%
Kay Bailey Hutchison R - Texas 13 128 8.9% 4.5%
James M. Inhofe R - Okla. /represent/members/I000024/bills-sponsored/103 /represent/members/I000024/bills-cosponsored/103 100.0% 0.0%
Daniel K. Inouye D - Hawaii 89 313 7.6% 9.4%
Silhouette male James M. Jeffords R - Vt. 13 256 41.9% 2.8%
Silhouette male John Bennett Johnston D - La. 66 171 14.6% 3.2%
Silhouette female Nancy Landon Kassebaum R - Kan. 24 197 19.9% 2.2%
Silhouette male Dirk Kempthorne R - Idaho 10 163 7.4% 0.4%
Edward M. Kennedy D - Mass. 60 234 5.9% 3.2%
Silhouette male J. Robert Kerrey D - Neb. 7 113 14.4% 1.2%
John Kerry D - Mass. 29 182 6.6% 0.4%
Herb Kohl D - Wis. 31 178 19.1% 0.0%
Frank R. Lautenberg D - N.J. 65 247 14.3% 0.7%
Patrick J. Leahy D - Vt. 40 132 7.4% 1.0%
Carl Levin D - Mich. 16 244 7.0% 0.1%
Joseph I. Lieberman D - Conn. 40 246 14.6% 1.4%
Silhouette male Trent Lott R - Miss. 19 214 7.6% 3.2%
Richard G. Lugar R - Ind. 6 153 12.6% 0.7%
Silhouette male Connie Mack R - Fla. 32 176 9.2% 0.4%
Silhouette male Harlan Mathews D - Tenn. 1 163 11.7% 1.4%
John McCain R - Ariz. 53 201 13.3% 4.8%
Mitch McConnell R - Ky. 13 80 7.3% 1.7%
Silhouette male Howard Morton Metzenbaum D - Ohio 46 218 12.0% 4.1%
Barbara A. Mikulski D - Md. 17 239 7.2% 2.2%
Silhouette male George John Mitchell D - Maine 129 139 4.4% 0.0%
Silhouette female Carol Moseley-Braun D - Ill. 20 256 8.4% 2.6%
Silhouette male Daniel Patrick Moynihan D - N.Y. 56 185 8.3% 0.1%
Silhouette male Frank H. Murkowski R - Alaska 33 235 9.2% 7.7%
Patty Murray D - Wash. 20 170 5.9% 5.4%
Silhouette male Don Nickles R - Okla. 14 116 11.1% 2.1%
Silhouette male Samuel Augustus Nunn D - Ga. 23 100 20.5% 4.0%
Silhouette male Robert William Packwood R - Ore. 9 128 22.6% 2.8%
Silhouette male Claiborne de Borda Pell D - R.I. 58 257 7.3% 1.4%
Silhouette female Larry Lee Pressler R - S.D. 34 220 10.8% 2.1%
Silhouette male David Hampton Pryor D - Ark. 34 144 10.1% 6.9%
Harry Reid D - Nev. 18 236 10.4% 1.9%
Silhouette male Donald Wayne Riegle D - Mich. 63 208 5.2% 3.7%
Silhouette male Charles S. Robb D - Va. 16 171 11.7% 0.7%
John D. Rockefeller IV D - W.Va. 70 171 6.2% 3.5%
Silhouette male William V. Roth Jr. R - Del. 57 125 21.2% 1.0%
Silhouette male Paul S. Sarbanes D - Md. 20 176 3.0% 0.3%
Silhouette male James Ralph Sasser D - Tenn. 18 170 13.6% 1.1%
Richard C. Shelby R - Ala. /represent/members/S000320/bills-sponsored/103 /represent/members/S000320/bills-cosponsored/103 0.0% 0.0%
Richard C. Shelby D - Ala. 21 201 38.8% 8.8%
Silhouette male Paul Martin Simon D - Ill. 84 354 10.8% 1.5%
Silhouette male Alan Kooi Simpson R - Wyo. 9 175 8.5% 3.9%
Silhouette male Bob Smith R - N.H. 10 118 14.7% 1.5%
Arlen Specter R - Pa. 33 178 28.5% 9.1%
Silhouette male Ted F. Stevens R - Alaska 23 281 15.2% 4.6%
Silhouette male Fred Thompson R - Tenn. /represent/members/T000457/bills-sponsored/103 /represent/members/T000457/bills-cosponsored/103 0.0% 0.0%
Silhouette male Strom Thurmond R - S.C. 59 237 6.8% 2.1%
Silhouette male Malcolm Wallop R - Wyo. 12 112 15.1% 8.6%
Silhouette male John W. Warner R - Va. 27 203 15.2% 2.3%
Silhouette male Paul D. Wellstone D - Minn. 23 218 12.3% 1.0%
Silhouette male Harris Wofford D - Pa. 65 284 8.4% 1.9%
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