Current Members of the Senate in the 111th Congress

There are 100 current members of the Senate, including 42 Republicans, 56 Democrats and 2 Independents. See departing members

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Votes Against
Missed Votes
Daniel K. Akaka D - Hawaii 59 182 2.9% 0.1%
Lamar Alexander R - Tenn. 29 149 15.7% 1.4%
John Barrasso R - Wyo. 16 124 4.8% 0.0%
Max Baucus D - Mont. 56 116 6.6% 0.7%
Evan Bayh D - Ind. 21 204 27.1% 5.0%
Mark Begich D - Alaska 23 366 6.0% 3.0%
Michael Bennet D - Colo. 28 218 8.8% 0.0%
Robert F. Bennett R - Utah 21 157 11.6% 8.3%
Jeff Bingaman D - N.M. 82 234 5.2% 0.1%
Christopher S. Bond R - Mo. 30 158 17.9% 8.8%
Barbara Boxer D - Calif. 77 359 3.1% 1.4%
Scott Brown R - Mass. 5 41 18.5% 0.0%
Sherrod Brown D - Ohio 113 446 2.5% 1.1%
Sam Brownback R - Kan. 57 222 7.0% 6.5%
Jim Bunning R - Ky. 34 108 8.8% 7.0%
Richard M. Burr R - N.C. 84 248 6.1% 2.6%
Maria Cantwell D - Wash. 64 218 6.0% 0.6%
Benjamin L. Cardin D - Md. 50 344 2.0% 0.0%
Thomas R. Carper D - Del. 52 135 5.5% 0.9%
Bob Casey D - Pa. 112 441 3.2% 0.1%
Saxby Chambliss R - Ga. 28 217 4.6% 4.6%
Tom Coburn R - Okla. 13 158 8.8% 2.4%
Thad Cochran R - Miss. 8 229 14.6% 1.0%
Susan Collins R - Maine 47 342 32.2% 0.0%
Kent Conrad D - N.D. 18 116 7.2% 2.2%
Christopher A. Coons D - Del. 0 0 0.0% 2.0%
Bob Corker R - Tenn. 8 129 11.0% 0.7%
John Cornyn R - Texas 55 187 5.3% 2.2%
Michael D. Crapo R - Idaho 36 237 5.9% 1.4%
Jim DeMint R - S.C. 24 90 9.0% 3.2%
Christopher J. Dodd D - Conn. 76 284 2.4% 2.9%
Byron L. Dorgan D - N.D. 40 164 7.3% 1.6%
Richard J. Durbin D - Ill. 70 399 2.0% 0.7%
John Ensign R - Nev. 38 174 7.8% 2.4%
Michael B. Enzi R - Wyo. 11 152 5.5% 1.9%
Russ Feingold D - Wis. 91 261 20.0% 0.3%
Dianne Feinstein D - Calif. 138 281 3.0% 0.3%
Al Franken D - Minn. 18 233 2.9% 0.0%
Kirsten E. Gillibrand D - N.Y. 84 440 2.1% 1.2%
Lindsey Graham R - S.C. 70 151 6.4% 2.6%
Charles E. Grassley R - Iowa 43 180 8.5% 0.0%
Judd Gregg R - N.H. 11 98 16.3% 11.5%
Kay Hagan D - N.C. 63 157 8.6% 1.3%
Tom Harkin D - Iowa 51 202 4.0% 1.4%
Orrin G. Hatch R - Utah 28 185 9.4% 2.6%
Kay Bailey Hutchison R - Texas 42 169 7.1% 9.6%
James M. Inhofe R - Okla. 38 191 6.9% 3.6%
Daniel K. Inouye D - Hawaii 57 185 2.2% 1.1%
Johnny Isakson R - Ga. 31 254 5.7% 10.3%
Mike Johanns R - Neb. 15 180 7.1% 4.3%
Tim Johnson D - S.D. 24 243 3.4% 2.3%
John Kerry D - Mass. 113 403 2.2% 2.3%
Mark Steven Kirk R - Ill. 0 0 20.0% 16.7%
Amy Klobuchar D - Minn. 76 328 8.3% 0.9%
Herb Kohl D - Wis. 51 129 4.8% 0.4%
Jon Kyl R - Ariz. 11 109 7.8% 1.6%
Mary L. Landrieu D - La. 69 284 7.0% 4.5%
Frank R. Lautenberg D - N.J. 68 304 1.8% 2.6%
Patrick J. Leahy D - Vt. 67 282 2.6% 1.7%
George S. LeMieux R - Fla. 8 118 7.8% 1.9%
Carl Levin D - Mich. 64 230 2.8% 0.1%
Joseph I. Lieberman ID - Conn. 53 313 9.5% 2.9%
Blanche Lincoln D - Ark. 81 265 16.3% 4.5%
Richard G. Lugar R - Ind. 33 163 16.9% 0.9%
Joe Manchin III D - W.Va. 0 0 13.0% 9.8%
John McCain R - Ariz. 27 131 5.9% 1.6%
Claire McCaskill D - Mo. 23 164 18.6% 2.3%
Mitch McConnell R - Ky. 17 74 5.5% 0.1%
Robert Menendez D - N.J. 111 352 2.6% 1.4%
Jeff Merkley D - Ore. 23 304 4.1% 0.6%
Barbara A. Mikulski D - Md. 16 233 1.1% 7.8%
Lisa Murkowski R - Alaska 46 180 18.7% 5.6%
Patty Murray D - Wash. 61 301 3.0% 2.0%
Bill Nelson D - Fla. 62 196 6.9% 2.0%
Ben Nelson D - Neb. 37 128 31.2% 0.0%
Mark Pryor D - Ark. 25 141 9.0% 0.7%
Jack Reed D - R.I. 37 161 2.5% 0.7%
Harry Reid D - Nev. 106 110 4.6% 0.0%
Jim Risch R - Idaho 5 197 5.3% 0.7%
Pat Roberts R - Kan. 38 178 6.7% 6.3%
John D. Rockefeller IV D - W.Va. 73 139 2.9% 10.2%
Bernard Sanders ID - Vt. 37 309 5.7% 1.3%
Charles E. Schumer D - N.Y. 148 400 1.2% 0.4%
Jeff Sessions R - Ala. 16 123 6.7% 3.7%
Jeanne Shaheen D - N.H. 23 232 4.7% 1.7%
Richard C. Shelby R - Ala. 7 53 10.6% 0.7%
Olympia J. Snowe R - Maine 70 306 30.3% 0.0%
Arlen Specter D - Pa. 129 298 3.9% 5.5%
Debbie Stabenow D - Mich. 49 346 2.0% 0.9%
Jon Tester D - Mont. 29 212 7.1% 0.7%
John Thune R - S.D. 19 170 3.8% 0.7%
Mark Udall D - Colo. 42 182 7.4% 0.9%
Tom Udall D - N.M. 27 192 3.4% 0.9%
David Vitter R - La. 98 236 6.5% 5.6%
George V. Voinovich R - Ohio 59 199 30.2% 4.7%
Mark Warner D - Va. 16 123 7.9% 3.0%
Jim Webb D - Va. 22 103 12.7% 1.3%
Sheldon Whitehouse D - R.I. 48 360 2.9% 1.9%
Roger Wicker R - Miss. 17 190 8.4% 1.3%
Ron Wyden D - Ore. 73 231 3.5% 3.7%
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