Bills Cosponsored by John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.)

Rep. Conyers cosponsored 719 bills in the 110th Congress (2007-09). See other congresses: 115th | 114th | 113th | 112th | 111th | 109th | 108th | 107th | 106th | 105th | 104th | 103rd | 102nd | 101st | 100th | 99th | 98th

Cosponsor Date Title Sponsor Latest Action
July 9, 2008 H.R.1188: Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Research, Cure, and Care Act of 2007 David Wu (D-Ore.)
July 9, 2008 H.R.4990: Vaccines for Children Access Act of 2008 Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)
July 9, 2008 H.R.5979: Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act of 2008 Peter T. King (R-N.Y.)
July 8, 2008 H.RES.1254: Supporting the values and goals of the "Joint Action Plan Between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the United States of America to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Promote Equality", signed by Secreta Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.)
July 8, 2008 H.R.1738: Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Act of 2007 Kay Granger (R-Texas)
July 8, 2008 H.R.3001: Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)
July 8, 2008 H.R.3036: No Child Left Inside Act of 2008 John Sarbanes (D-Md.)
July 8, 2008 H.R.3289: PRE-K Act Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii)
July 8, 2008 H.R.4296: Medicare Electronic Medication and Safety Protection (E-MEDS) Act of 2007 Allyson Y. Schwartz (D-Pa.)
July 8, 2008 H.R.5510: Social Security Fairness for the Terminally Ill Act of 2008 Charlie Wilson (D-Ohio)
July 8, 2008 H.R.5573: To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide for a lump-sum payment for certain Federal employees who retire with a substantial amount of unused sick leave for which they would not otherwise receive any compensation or benefit, and for other purposes. James P. Moran (D-Va.)
July 8, 2008 H.R.6341: Energy Markets Anti-Manipulation and Integrity Restoration Act Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)
June 26, 2008 H.CON.RES.360: Recognizing the important social and economic contributions and accomplishments of the New Deal to our Nation on the 75th anniversary of legislation establishing the initial New Deal social and public works programs. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)
June 26, 2008 H.R.6381: Medical Device Safety Act of 2008 Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)
June 26, 2008 H.R.6388: Government Accountability Office Improvement Act of 2008 Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)
June 25, 2008 H.RES.1245: Urging the international community to provide the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur with essential tactical and utility helicopters. Michael E. Capuano (D-Mass.)
June 25, 2008 H.R.6203: La Cura Act of 2008 Linda T. Sánchez (D-Calif.)
June 25, 2008 H.R.6362: To amend title 35, United States Code, and the Trademark Act of 1946 to provide that the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, shall appoint administrative patent judges and administrati Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.)
June 24, 2008 H.CON.RES.381: Honoring and recognizing the dedication and achievements of Thurgood Marshall on the 100th anniversary of his birth. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.)
June 24, 2008 H.RES.655: Honoring the life and accomplishments of Katherine Dunham. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)
June 24, 2008 H.RES.1286: Recognizing and celebrating the 20th anniversary of the National Black Arts Festival. John Lewis (D-Ga.)
June 24, 2008 H.R.6307: Fostering Connections to Success Act Jim McDermott (D-Wash.)
June 23, 2008 H.R.6344: Responsive Government Act of 2008 Bill Delahunt (D-Mass.)
June 20, 2008 H.RES.1293: Commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner in Philadelphia, Mississippi, while working in the name of American democracy to register voters and secure civil rights during th John Lewis (D-Ga.)
June 20, 2008 H.R.5901: Eliminating Disparities in Breast Cancer Treatment Act of 2008 Kathy Castor (D-Fla.)
June 20, 2008 H.R.6330: Prevent Unfair Manipulation of Prices Act of 2008 Bart Stupak (D-Mich.)
June 20, 2008 H.R.6332: To authorize additional appropriations for summer youth employment activities under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 for fiscal years 2008 and 2009. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.)
June 19, 2008 H.R.6316: Climate Market, Auction, Trust & Trade Emissions Reduction System Act of 2008 Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)
June 18, 2008 H.RES.1270: Commending the efforts of those who sought to block an international arms transfer destined for Zimbabwe, where the government has unleashed a campaign of violence and intimidation against members of the political opposition, and for other purposes. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.)
June 12, 2008 H.CON.RES.372: Supporting the goals and ideals of Black Music Month and to honor the outstanding contributions that African American singers and musicians have made to the United States. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.)
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